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Brand Loyalty

Submitted by:

Vy Huynh

Submitted to:

Mr. Alwyn Duplessis

“Falling loyalty levels simply reflect the failure to meet rising emotional demands.”

(“Loyalty Beyond Reason”, 2015, p. 6)

“Falling loyalty levels simply reflect the failure to meet rising emotional demands.”

There are a variety of brands in the universe with different categories that fit the human’s needs,

customers and consumers will play a pick-and-choose game on these brands. The world is

changing day by day, and of course, the customer will become pickier and more selective. To

make a consumer become a “member” of one brand, the brand has to be understanding, caring.

Make them touched like you are their loved one who always is there for them. If the brand

doesn’t meet the customer’s standard, they will leave you, and go to find your other competitors.

How can someone stay for you if they don’t love you?

I’m personally a picky consumer and do not belong to the Lovemark section. For

example, I love skincare products from many brands in Sephora like Clinique, Drunk Elephant,

Kiehl’s, etc. But I always prefer Cetaphil’s product because it is costable for a student like me.

“It’s not really what I want but it’s cheap.” That’s the reason why I always change a new product

whenever I have a chance. I use Cetaphil all the time but I’m not the one that can’t live without

it. One of the minus points of this brand is the packaging. Perhaps they make it more beautiful

and I maybe fall in love with them a little bit more.

In hospitality marketing, to have a lot of customers to know your brand shows that your

company is successful in marketing. But to build a family of loyal members, then your company

has won the competition. Why? Because your company has met the rising emotional demands of

the customers. And it does not stop there, the company has to keep that fire for a long time too.

People sometimes get bored quickly and find a new subject which is attractive and interesting

than the one they stay with. Even your product is still the same, nothing change, but the

unchanged thing leads to a boring relationship. So that is why it is so important to keep the
relationship between your brand and the customer fresh and fascinating all the time. It’s quite a

tricky equation to build brand loyalty.

Through this article, I learn that brand loyalty is a key to a successful business. They, the

fan, they are the one who drives earned media and they build brands for free. Once the

companies have unlocked the loyalty brand level, they will have everything. When my company

sells a product to a customer, we put ourselves in their shoes to see their perspectives on our

products first. To understand the customer, we have to stand under them to understand their

emotions. It’s true that emotion will lead to the action meanwhile, reason will lead to the

conclusion. If the customer has sympathetic to the product in the very first place, the customer

can not find a reason to not accept the product.

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