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“Cheer up, child,” said Mrs. Potts, “It’ll turn out all right in the end.

You’ll see,” then she said, “Oops!

Look at me, jabbering on, when there’s a supper to get on the table. Chip!”

“Bye!” said Chip to Belle.

Belle stood up. Wardrobe approached her.

“Well now, what shall we dress you in for dinner?” said the Wardrobe, “Let’s see what I’ve got in my
drawers.” The doors opened and moths flew out. Wardrobe slammed it, “Oh! How embarrassing.”

Then she opened the door again and pulled out a pink dress. “Ah! There, you’ll look ravishing in this one!

“That’s very kind of you,” said Belle, “but I’m not going to dinner.”

“Oh, but you must!” said Wardrobe.

Then Cogsworth came in and said, “Ahem, ahem, ahem... Dinner is served.”


In the meantime, as Beast was waiting for Belle, he was getting impatient.

“What’s taking so long? I told her to come down,” he said, “Why isn’t she here yet?!”

“Oh, try to be patient, sir,” said Mrs. Potts, “The girl has lost her father and her freedom all in one day.”

“Uh, master,” said Lumiere, “Have you thought that, perhaps, this girl could be the one to break the

“Of course I have,” said Beast angrily, “I’m not a fool.”

“Good,” said Lumiere, “You fall in love with her, she falls in love with you, and --Poof!-- the spell is
broken! We’ll be human again by midnight!”

“Oh, it’s not that easy, Lumière,” said Mrs. Potts, “These things take time.”

“But the rose has already begun to wilt,” said Lumiere.

“It’s no use,” said Beast, “She’s so beautiful, and I’m so... well, look at me!”

“Oh, you must help her to see past all that,” said Mrs. Potts.

“I don’t know how,” said Beast.

“Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable,” said Mrs. Potts, “Straighten up, try to act like
a gentleman.”

Beast sat up and straightened his face.

Then Lumiere added, “Ah yes, when she comes in, give her a dashing, debonair smile. Come, come.
Show me the smile.”


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