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Beauty And The Beast

Belle, Beast, Gaston, LeFou, Mrs Potts, Cogsworth

Scene 1 - In Belle's hometown

OPEN ON A SONG - Belle/ Little Town

Gaston: Hello Belle!

Belle: Bonjour Gaston

Gaston: (snatching her book off her) How can you read this? There are no

Belle: Some people use their imaginations!

Gaston: Belle, it’s about time you got your head out of these books and
started paying attention to more important things.

LeFou: (pointing at Gaston) Hint, hint!

Belle: (sarcastically) Like you, for instance?

Gaston: Exactly! The whole town’s talking about it. It’s not right for a woman
to read - soon, she starts getting ideas and......thinking!!

Belle: Gaston, you are positively primevil !

Gaston: (not getting the sarcasm) Why, thank you Belle! What do you say we
take a walk to the tavern and have a look at my hunting trophies?

Belle: What do you say, we don’t! Besides, I have to get home and help my
Father. He’s setting off to the fair today with his new invention.

LeFou: Haha! That crazy old fool, he needs all the help he can get!
Belle: Don’t you talk about my Father that way!

Gaston: Yeah - don’t you talk about her Father that way! (he hits LeFou on
the head)

Belle: (noticing LeFou’s scarf) Say Le Fou, where did you get that scarf? That
belongs to my Father!

Le Fou: Your Father? Er, I .....Erm, I... I found it in the woods earlier. Pretty
nice, huh?

Belle: The woods, oh no! Father must have left early. He never can find his
way in those woods. But why would he be without his scarf? Oh, he must be
lost, or in trouble. I have to go and help him!

Gaston: But you can’t go into the woods alone. I'll go with you, in case you
get into trouble. There are wolves in the woods, you know.

LeFou: (getting scared himself) Yeah, it’s dark and creepy in there. And there
are wolves....

Gaston: I just said that LeFou. (hits him again)

LeFou: And bugs....

Gaston: Yes, yes

LeFou: And spiders...

Gaston: Shut up LeFou! (turning his attention to Belle and showing her his
muscles) As I was saying Belle, you may want some sort of protection in

Belle: Don’t you worry about me Gaston, I’ll go by myself. I'll be just fine,
thank you.

Gaston: (dejected) Have it your way.

(they exit in opposite directions)


Belle: Hello, is anyone there? Please, I’m looking for my Father.

Cogsworth: (standing silent & still next to Mrs Potts) Now you’ve done it. I
told you not to let anybody in.

Mrs Potts: Aaahh, we couldn’t leave her out for the wolves!

Belle: Helloooo. Hello?

Cogsworth: If we keep quiet, maybe she’ll go away.

Belle: Is somebody there?

Cogsworth: Not a word Mrs Potts, not one word.

Belle: I don’t wish to be rude - it’s just I was looking for my Father, he lost his
way in the woods and.....

Mrs Potts: Oh Cogsworth, have a heart. (under her breath) Miss, you are
welcome here.

Belle: I know there’s someone here, I heard that!

Cogsworth: Now you’ve done it.

Belle: Please, won’t you just step out so I can see you?

Mrs Potts: (moving downstage) Hello dearie, how about a nice cup of tea?

Belle: (startled) Oh my goodness, I.... I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude!

Cogsworth: Yes, yes, well, thank you for coming. Would you show her the
door please Mrs Potts?

Mrs Potts: Now now Cogsworth, we can’t send our visitor out in the cold.
Where are your manners?
Belle: Excuse me, I was just looking for my Father. I’m afraid he may have
lost his way in the woods.

Cogsworth: Yes, well there’s nobody here, hasn’t been for the past twenty
years! This way please (he ushers her towards the door)

Mrs Potts: Cogsworth, I’m surprised at you!

Cogsworth: But what if the Master were to find out?

Mrs Potts: Come along dearie, why don't you have a warm by the fire and a
nice sit down.

Cogsworth: Oh no! Not the Master’s chair! I’m not seeing this, I’m not seeing

(enter the Beast, angrily)

Beast: There’s a stranger here!

Mrs Potts: Yes sir, allow me to explain, the young lady was just looking for
her Father in the woods when....

Beast: (interrupting) She’s not welcome here!

Cogsworth: Er, Master, may I take this opportunity to say that I was against it
from the very start.

Mrs Potts: (under her breath) Oh dear.

Beast: (angrily, to Belle) Who are you?

Belle: My name is Belle, I’m from the town outside the woods. I was trying to
find my Father.

Beast: You shouldn’t have trespassed. This is MY castle!

Mrs Potts: Well, seeing as she’s here sir.....

Beast: Seeing as she’s here, she can stay here ..... for good! You will join me
for dinner.
Belle: I will not!

Mrs Potts: Oh dear.

Cogsworth: See what you’ve done. I told you this was a bad idea!

Mrs Potts: Pish, tosh! Have you ever stopped to think that this girl might be
the one to break the spell?

Cogsworth: Break the spell?

Mrs Potts: That's right. There's a girl in the castle at last. So, if it's to be - she
falls in love with him.....he falls in love with her. And the spell is broken!

Cogsworth: You mean we could be human again?

Mrs Potts: Ah, human again. Now wouldn't that be lovely?



Gaston: Have you heard LeFou, rumour has it there’s a monstrous beast in
the castle in the woods.

LeFou: In the castle? In the spooky woods?

Gaston: That’s right!

LeFou: I don’t like beasts Gaston, especially monstrous ones. What shall we

Gaston: Do? Why, we’ll rid the town of this hideous creature of course!

LeFou: We will?

Gaston: We can’t have a beast threatening our townsfolk. I've hunted wild
beasts and I’ve seen what they can do. It will make off with your children in
the night, it will sacrifice our people to it’s monstrous appetite - do you know
what I say LeFou?

LeFou: What’s that Gaston?

Gaston: We KILL the beast!

LeFou: Yeah, We’ll kill the beast and the whole town will be in our debt!

Gaston: Well, one person in particular.

LeFou: Who’s that?

Gaston: Belle, of course! I will save the townsfolk from this hideous creature
and she will be eternally in my debt!

LeFou: She’s bound to want to marry you after that Gaston!

Gaston: I know - who wouldn’t?


Beast: Where is she? I told her to join me for dinner!

Cogsworth: Erm, well Master, with things being what they are, she, er

Beast: Yes?

Cogsworth: She, well, she....erm...

Beast: Where IS she Cogsworth?!

Cogsworth: (squeaky high pitched voice) She’s not coming

Beast: She’s what??!

Cogsworth: (even higher) She’s not coming....sir. (the Beast glares at him)
Erm, I’ll go and see if Mrs Potts can persuade her, Master. (he crosses the
stage to Belle and Mrs Potts, calling) Mrs Potts....
Mrs Potts: Oh Cogsworth, what is it?

Cogsworth: It’s the girl, the Master is expecting her for dinner.

Belle: Well, I suppose I am a little hungry.

Cogsworth: Excellent, excellent! And he’s not so bad, once you get to know
him really.

Mrs Potts: Right then dearie. Let’s see what I can rustle up in the kitchen. It
will be so lovely to have a guest for dinner again.



(enter Gaston & LeFou)

Gaston: Where is he LeFou? That beast? I can smell him - he must be

around here somewhere.

LeFou: I’m not sure Gaston, erm.... I’ll go look down this way.

(Gaston & Le Fou stalk the Beast. Suddenly LeFou comes across Mrs Potts
& Cogsworth who spring to life, making him jump out of his skin. They all run
into the wings.Gaston eventually finds the Beast - they fight)

Gaston: Ha! You’re just as hideous as I thought. I have come to rid the town
of this terrible beast and then Belle will be mine forever!

(enter Belle & LeFou. He stays cowering in the corner)

Belle: Gaston, no! What are you doing?

Gaston: I have come to save you Belle, from this terrible beast!

Belle: But I don’t need saving. And he’s not a beast, he’s really very kind and
Gaston: Ha! She doesn’t know what she’s saying, the Beast has poisoned
her mind....

(as he grows in confidence the Beast tips him back over the railings)

Beast: I did not invite you in! You are NOT welcome here!

Gaston: (desperate) Pull me up, I’m sorry. Pull me up, I’m begging you.

(the Beast throws Gaston to the floor, Belle rushes to the Beast)

Belle: Are you hurt?

Beast: Oh no, I’m fine.(He winces at the pain)

Belle: Here, let me help you. (the Beast collapses to the floor)

Belle: Oh no, don’t leave me. Please. (pause) I love you.

(enter Cogsworth & Mrs Potts as Belle helps the Beast to a chair)

Mrs Potts: There you are. I knew it was just a matter of time.

Cogsworth: Yes, yes, alright.

Mrs Potts: See, they’re falling in love. The spell will be broken in no time.


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