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The beauty and the beast

- Father – Felipe Casteblanco
- Beast – Julián Quijano
- Belle – Laura Prada
- chip – JuanJose Carranza
- Ding dong – Diego Lancheros
- lumiere – Juan Pablo Acosta
- Gastón – Alirio Quiroga
- Storyteller – Sofia
- Lefou – Santiago cruz
- Sra Potts – Maria Jose Romero
storyteller: Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a young prince who lived in a
beautiful castle. Although he had everything he could want, the prince was spoiled,
selfish, unkind. But one winter night an old beggar came to the castle and offered her a
single rose, in exchange for shelter from the cruel cold. Feeling repulsed by her ragged
appearance, the prince mocked the gift, and threw the old woman out into the street.
warned not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty lies within. When he rejected her
again, the old woman's ugliness vanished, revealing... a beautiful sorceress. The prince
tried to apologize, but no longer It was late, because she had seen that in her heart there
was no love. As punishment, he transformed it... into a hideous beast, And cast a mighty
spell over the castle, And over all its inhabitants.

Embarrassed by his monstrous appearance, the beast hid inside the castle, using a magic
mirror as his only window to the outside world. The rose she had offered him was actually
an enchanted rose, which would bloom for many years. to love, And to win the heart of a
maiden before the last petal fell, The spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed
to be a beast forever. As the years passed, He fell into despair, and lost all hope, For who
could ever... love a beast?
Segunda Escena - La conversación con Gastón

GASTON- Hello…belle

BELLA- Bonjour, Gaston.(ella sigue caminando pero el le bloquea el paso.)

GASTON: (el le quita el libro y lo mira con disgusto.)

BELLA- Gaston . Can you give me back my book, please?

GASTÓN- How can you read this? No pictures…

BELLA- Well, some people use their imagination!

GASTON-(el voltea los ojos ) you should put attention in another things…

BELLA- Things like you?

GASTON: Exactly…just look at me (el se señala a el mismo con expression arrogante)

BELLA- Gaston, don't be primitive!

GASTON- (se rie exageradamente)

BELLA- (voltea los ojos y se dirije a su casa)

GASTON –(la sigue)

BELLA- you don’t have other things to do? (el la agarra de las manos y ella las quita.)

BELLE -Gaston, please! I have to help my father. (ella se dirije a la pequeña casa.)

LEFOU- That crazy old man…he always need help! (Gaston y Lefouse rien a carcajadas.)

BELLA- Don't talk about my father like that! (gaston se pone serio inmediatamente y le pega en la cabeza a Lefou.)

GASTÓN-(le hace una seña para que se calle)

BELLE- My father's not crazy! He's a genius! (An explosion is heard)

BELLA (alarmada) Dad!, are you okay?

Father- Yes, I'm okay…

(el golpea el invento y el invento funciona)

BELLA- It works!

FATHER-yes! Yes!

BELLA- Dad, you did it! You really did it!

BELLA- Oh, I almost forgot! (ella le pone un brazalete) I made you a scarf for good luck.

FATHER- Now I know I'm going to win.!

BELLA- Goodbye Dad.

FATHER- Goodbye Bella.

BELLA- Take care!

Scene 3:
The Forest (Maurice, Wolves)MAURICE: At last I'm going to make it With this great invention,(He looks around, worried)

FATHER -Wolves! (Suddenly, the wolves appear. They advance, snarling and snarling.)
FATHER- Out... out! Leave me! Get out... leave me! Please someone help me! Out! No, my scarf! (Maurice drops his scarf and runs
away. The castle door is revealed. Maurice bangs on the door sharply.)
FATHER- Let me in! Let me in! (Door opens)
Scene 3: Inside the Castle
(Maurice, Din Don, Lumiere, Mr. Potts, Chip, Beast)

The interior of the castle is revealed. Maurice enters the castle, intimidated by the size and scale of the place. It appears hollow,
lifeless, and empty, like a deserted cathedral.

Maurice walks cautiously, looking around. The lights are dimmed to reveal an ornate Chandelier and pendulum clock. The
Chandelier, MONSIEUR LUMIERE, is a charming, very French head chef who is a ladies' fantasy. DIN DONG, the pendulum clock, is
an English maniac major dome. Someone hurts him in a firm way and he never gets hurt.

DIN DONG- Good, now you did it! I told you not to let him in!

LUMIERE- We couldn't leave him with the wolves!

FATHER- Is anyone home?

DIN DONG- If we keep quiet, maybe he'll go away.

FATHER- Is anyone here?

DIN DONG- Not a word, Lumiere Not a word!

FATHER- I'm not going to mess around, but I've lost my way in the woods and I need a place to stay for the night.

Ding dong gets tired and comes out of hiding to face his father who as soon as he sees him walk faints.
A few minutes later the father wakes up and sees ding dong and lumiere in front of him, but this time he doesn't faint but starts
touching them to make sure he isn't dreaming.

DIN DONG- We have to get him out of here before the Master finds out!

MAURICE This is incredible! How is this accomplished? (He pokes and prods Din Don curiously.)

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