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N:- Once upon a time in the hidden heart of France, a handsome young Prince lived in a
beautiful castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the Prince was selfish and

(His face is full of arrogance)

N:- He would throw lavish parties and banquets but his true nature was revealed in his
treatment of others. He belittled his servants and showed no compassion to those less
fortunate than him.

(The Prince's servant, COGSWORTH, enters the room timidly, holding a tray with a cup of

COGSWORTH:-Your Highness, your evening tea.

(The Prince snatches the tea from Cogsworth's hand, spilling some on the fine linens)

PRINCE:- Is this how a tea should be served? Incompetent imbecile!

(Cogswoth lowers his head, clearly hurt by the Prince's words)


(The storm intensifies, lightning illuminates the castle. The Prince, still holding the rose,
walks through the grand gardens, his face filled with disdain)

N:- One stormy night, an old beggar woman came to the castle seeking shelter from the rain.

BEGGAR WOMAN:- Please, kind sir, may I find refuge from the storm? I have nothing but
this rose to offer in return.

PRINCE:- Begone, old crone! I have no time for beggars. Find shelter elsewhere.

N:- The beggar woman's eyes fill with sadness, and in a flash of lightning, she transforms
into a beautiful ENCHANTRESS

ENCHANTRESS:- You have shown me your true nature, Prince. For your cold heart and
cruel actions, I curse you and your castle.

N:- The Enchantress waves her hand, and a glowing mist surrounds the Prince and the

PRINCE:- What have you done? Release me at once!

N:- The Prince was left to live as a Beast and his servants transformed into household
objects. They would remain so until he learned to love and be loved in return. The rose, a
reminder of his selfish nature, would bloom until his twenty-first year.

BEAST:- What have I become? How can anyone ever love a

monster like me?


GASTON:- Good morning, ladies. I hope you've all

been thinking of me

VILLAGE LASS 1:- Oh, Gaston, you know we always do!

VILLAGE LASS 2:- You're the handsomest man in town!

GASTON:- Why, thank you, ladies. But as much as I appreciate your adoration, my heart
belongs to someone else.

VILLAGE LASS 1:- Oh, Gaston! Who could possibly have captured your heart?

GASTON:- It's the lovely Belle. She's different. She's not like the rest of you, throwing
yourselves at me. She's dignified and independent. And that's what makes her so
attractive to me.

VILLAGE LASS 2:- Belle? But she's just a bookworm!

GASTON:- Ah, but there's so much more to her than meets the eye. She's beautiful, smart,
and has a fiery spirit. I'm determined to win her over, no matter what it takes.

GASTON:- Good morning, Belle! Wonderful book you have there.

BELLE:- You've read it?

GASTON:- Well, not that one. But, you know. Books. (hands her the flowers). For your
dinner table. Shall I join you this evening?

BELLE:- Sorry, not tonight.

GASTON:- Busy?



MAURICE:- Hello? Anyone home? Forgive me, I don't mean to intrude. I need shelter from
the storm. Hello?
(Maurice puts his hat and coat on a COAT RACK at the entrance. Maurice turns, not seeing
the coat rack shake the snow off)


LUMIRE:- Look, Cogsworth. A beautiful girl.

COGSWORT:- I can see it's a girl. I lost my hands, not my eyes.

LUMIRE:- But what if she is the one? The one who will break the spell?

BELLE:- Who said that? Who's there? Papa!? Is that you?

MAURICE:- Belle? How did you find me!?

BELLE:- Oh, your hands are ice. We need to get you home.

MAURICE:- Belle, you must leave here at once.This castle is alive! Now go, before he finds

BELLE:- Who?!

(The beast roars. Belle searches the shadows)

BELLE:- Who's there? Who are you?

THE BEAST:- Who are you?

BELLE:- I've come for my father.

THE BEAST:- Your father is a thief.

BELLE:- Liar!

THE BEAST:- He stole a rose

(In Belle's wide eyes, we see her guilt)

BELLE:- I asked for the rose. Punish me, not him!

MAURICE:- No, he means forever. Apparently that's what happens around here when you
pick a flower.

BELLE:- A life sentence for a rose?

THE BEAST:- I received eternal damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now... do
you still wish to take your father's place?
BELLE:- Come into the light.


BELLE:- You've taken me prisoner and now you want to have dinner with me? Are you

(The beast's temper rises -- his eyebrows twitch, his tail thrashes -- recognizing the signs,
Plumette inches away)

THE BEAST:- I told you to come down to dinner.

BELLE:- And I told you no! I'd starve before I ever ate with you!

THE BEAST:- Well be my guest! Go ahead and starve! If she doesn't eat with me, then she
doesn't eat at all! Idiots!

N- In the jar, the ENCHANTED ROSE hangs in mid-air. The rose is wilting. Most of its petals
have fallen. Rage evaporating replaced by shame, the beast lowers his head as ONE MORE


BELLE:- What are you reading?

THE BEAST:- Nothing.

(He hides the book but Belle catches the title)

BELLE:- Guinevere and Lancelot.

THE BEAST:- Well actually, King Arthur and the Round Table. Knights, and men, and
swords and things...

BELLE:- But still... it's a romance.

(The beast nods, a bit shyly)

THE BEAST:- All right. I felt like a change.

BELLE:- I never thanked you for saving my life.

THE BEAST:- Well I never thanked you... for not leaving me to be eaten by wolves.

(Belle laugh)

(Beast and Belle spend more time together and develop a friendship)

BEAST: Belle, you have shown me a kindness I have never known. I can see now that true
beauty comes from within.

BELLE: I'm glad you understand, but I fear I can never be truly happy as your prisoner.

BEAST: Belle, the curse that transformed me can only be broken by true love. If you can
look past my appearance and find it in your heart to love me, I will be human again.

BELLE: (pauses) I care for you, Beast. But love cannot be forced. It must be felt genuinely.


(Gaston storms into the castle, ready to fight the Beast)

GASTON: Belle, come with me! I have come to rescue you!

BELLE: Gaston, it's over. I've come to see the true beauty that lies within the Beast. I cannot
be with someone who doesn't understand the importance of kindness and love.

(Beast defends himself against Gaston, but chooses not to harm him. Beast and Belle are
surrounded by the Enchantress)

ENCHANTRESS: Well done, Beast. You have learned the most important lesson - to look
beyond appearances and find love within.

(Beast transforms into a handsome prince)

PRINCE: Belle, will you marry me and join me in ruling this kingdom with kindness and

BELLE:- (smiling) Yes, my Prince. I choose to spend my life with you, because I believe in
the power of love and the beauty that lies within.

N:- And so, Belle and the Prince exemplify the moral value of looking beyond appearances
and recognizing the beauty within. It is a lesson we can all carry in our hearts, and a
reminder to never judge a book by its cover.


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