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RIP most hashtag#machinelearning models in production!

Current pandemic absolutely messed up all kinds of predictive models: customer

segmentation, sales & demand forecasts, churn analysis, logistics optimization... pretty
much anything that attempts to model human behavior in the slightest, directly or
indirectly. Business KPIs are completely different now. hashtag#AutoML became a joke.

Historical hashtag#data became obsolete. Actually worse! Chances are historical data will
stay irrelevant even when things calm down because things will be in a completely different
state-space. Time to throw away your nice and pretty cross-validation results & p-values.
Probably a good time to stop worrying about hashtag#Azure vs. hashtag#AWS,
hashtag#Python vs. hashtag#R, hashtag#TensorFlow vs. hashtag#PyTorch as well. One
of the finest reminders of how bad ML is when it comes to "out-of-distribution
generalization". I hope this will humble us data folks down.

Makes me kind of glad to be working heavily on hashtag#ComputerVision and

hashtag#IndustrialIoT with tasks that are less affected by such global distribution shifts.
Product defects on a factory belt and hydrogen peroxide levels in a tank are still the same.
For now. Better wash our hands, simplify the ML pipelines and start collecting new data!

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