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How to give good speeches using memory palaces:

1- Be prepare:
- Be confident on your material
- Be an expert on that field, reading other material.
- Using memory palace to memory the subject
- You can try to know your audience. An effective way is giving the name of your
audience or main guests. Tailoring the presentation to your audience.
2- Be prepare under pressure:
- Be able to keep moving even when mistakes arise, and under any cirscunstances.
- Relax and relax, using breathing techniques as 5 seg breathing counting and the
same exhaling the aire.
- Meditate.
3- Don’t make it a great deal:
- Keeping it simple but effective.
- Make it interesting to the audience, trying more to keep the interest that giving to
much information.
4- Know your body:
- Be careful of your non verbal communication.
- Eat light food.
- Study your body.

Review your transcription or use an app. Share the transcription to qualified people who can
give you other point of view.


- You can memory the points of your speech connected to your memory palace
- Practice in every way since you feel confortable enough:
o In front of your friends.
o Camera.
o Alone…etc
- Take notes and create asociations.
- Michael Port book on how to generate TED talks-
- Review real speeches.
- It will take more or less 100 words speech….1 day. It depends on how many details
are you going to include.

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