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English Sketches Wait a minute!

Sketches from the English teaching theatre What?

book 1 by Doug Case and Ken Wilson,
You don’t know what we want yet.
published by Heineman English language
teaching, a division of Heineman publishes Oh, yes. Sorry! What do you all want?
Oxford limited. Copyright Heineman
publishes Oxford limited 1995. Sarah?

Tea break I like a cup of tea with no milk and no

All right, that’s enough. It’s time for a cup
of tea. One tea, no milk, no sugar.

Oh, good! A cup of tea. I can’t wait. Jane?

Ok, Tom. Make the tea. I like a cup of tea with lots of milk and no
Lots of milk, no tea. Right.
Yes, make the tea.
No sugar. Right.
Make the tea. Me?
Why not?
I like a lemon tea and a big cream cake.
All right, what I have to do? I mean, how do
you make tea? A lemon cake and a cream tea.

Haha... He doesn’t know how to make tea! Careful

Ok, Jerry. How do you make tea? What do you want, Martin?

Ahh ahh.... I don’t know. A whisky soda.

Ohhhhh. Haha... With milk and sugar?

Listen, Tom. It’s easy. Put some water in Of course.

the kettle. Ok, let me get this right. Sarah, you want a
Put the kettle on the stove. Light a match. cup of tea with no milk and no sugar.

Turn on the gas. Yes. Oh, no! On second thoughts, I think I

prefer coffee.
And light the gas. Then put some tea in the
teapot... Coffee.

It sounds a bit complicated! Yes, a cup of coffee with milk and sugar.

Oh, Came on! It’s easy. Right, so it’s one coffee with milk and sugar
and one tea with milk and sugar.
Listen, Tom. You don’t have to make the
tea. No sugar.

Oh good. No sugar. Right. Jerry, you want a lemon

tea and a big cream cake.
You can get some from the Cafe.
That’s right.
Ohh... okay. See you later.
And Martin, you want a whisky soda.

With milk and sugar.

With milk and sugar. Right, okay. See you

in a minute.

Right, here you are. One coffee and soda,

one whisky and cream, one lemon and
milk, and one big sugar cake. Alright?



Go make some tea.

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