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Clay Burgh

End of Semester Reflection


I learned a lot during this course, and I really did enjoy taking it. I love to travel so having an
inside look at some of the things that goes into the tourism industry in other places was interesting to
me. One of the things I learned was the difference between staying locally and staying commercially
when you travel. Staying locally benefits the place you are staying more than when you stay
commercially. Another thing I have learned is that locals are not always happy about tourists being there
even if they are providing them with money. Another thig I learned about was the hierarchy of
attractions and that was interesting to me. I never really knew about the ranking system and it’s
something I will investigate when traveling to places. One of the last things I learned was how certain
events or lack of exposure can leave you feeling unfulfilled and could result in not making a connection
with the place you travel to.

I felt that this class was presented in a good manor and with COVID still going on I still believe I
retained a lot of information. The only thing I struggled with partly was with understanding test
questions, but I still feel like I have been able to excel. I would engage my friends to take this course,
because I think it is important that everyone who travels has this perspective as well.

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