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Timeline of Intellectual Revolutions in Modern Science and Technology:

1. Scientific Revolution (16th-17th centuries):

- Key Figures: Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton
- Key Ideas: Shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric model of the universe, laws of motion and gravity,
scientific method

2. Industrial Revolution (18th-19th centuries):

- Key Figures: James Watt, Eli Whitney, Thomas Edison
- Key Ideas: Mechanization, steam power, mass production, electricity

3. Information Age Revolution (20th century):

- Key Figures: Alan Turing, Claude Shannon, Tim Berners-Lee
- Key Ideas: Development of digital computers, information theory, internet, World Wide Web

4. Quantum Revolution (early 20th century):

- Key Figures: Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr
- Key Ideas: Quantum theory, wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle

5. Genetic Revolution (late 20th century):

- Key Figures: James Watson, Francis Crick, Jennifer Doudna
- Key Ideas: Discovery of DNA structure, genetic engineering, genome sequencing, CRISPR-Cas9 gene

6. Space Exploration Revolution (mid-20th century onwards):

- Key Figures: Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong, Elon Musk
- Key Ideas: Human spaceflight, satellite technology, lunar landing, Mars colonization

7. Digital Revolution (late 20th century onwards):

- Key Figures: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg
- Key Ideas: Personal computers, software development, internet revolution, social media

8. Biotechnology Revolution (late 20th century onwards):

- Key Figures: Craig Venter, Jennifer Doudna, George Church
- Key Ideas: Advances in genetic engineering, gene therapy, synthetic biology, precision medicine

9. Artificial Intelligence Revolution (late 20th century onwards):

- Key Figures: John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Andrew Ng
- Key Ideas: Machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, robotics, automation

10. Sustainability Revolution (21st century onwards):

- Key Figures: Elon Musk, Greta Thunberg, Vandana Shiva
- Key Ideas: Renewable energy, climate change mitigation, sustainable development, circular economy

It's crucial to remember that these intellectual revolutions are connected and have affected one
another, which has contributed to the contemporary era's rapid growth of science and technology. The
chronology gives a general picture, but the development and effects of these revolutions are still being
felt today.

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