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Advertisement activity

Lucía Villar Revuelta

The advert I chose

● What is the ad advertising?

It is advertising toys and the proper way to use them, not giving them a gender.

● Who is it aimed at?

It is aimed at people who are going to buy toys for kids so they won’t choose them based on
the gender of the kid they’re going to give the toy to.

● What benefits is it trying to get across?

It is trying to concern people about sexism in toys and make them change it. For example,
instead of giving a doll to a girl because she’s a girl, ask her what she wants, and so the same
with a boy.

● How does it persuade people to buy the product?

It uses a clear message written on toy blocks and it repeats the message down the image,
clarifying it.

● Why do you like it?

I like it because this ad is trying to change society for the better, making people realize sexism
is taught since we are kids with toys. So changing this behavior is really important to grow a
better world.

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