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How to talk about personality types

1. Egoist – (me first)
- Every decision that you make is based on the answer to this
question: “what’s in it for me?”
2. Egotist – Always talking about your own achievements, success, money
E.g., Have you heard about all the money I am making?
- Did I tell you my opinion – I know because I am an expert at
3. Altruist – Concerning yourself with the welfare of others.
- Always thinking about others or helping others.
4. Introvert – Probing futile questions like
- “What do other people think of me?”
- “How do I look?”
- “Maybe I shouldn’t have said?”
5. Extrovert – (Let’s do it together)
- You can always become interested – sincerely, vitally
interested in other people’s problems.
- You have to be with people – lots of people
6. Ambivert – Neither introvert nor extrovert.
- Have both introverted and extroverted tendencies – at
different times and on different occasions.
7. Misanthrope – (People are no damn good)
- You hate everyone.
- You hate mankind.
8. A misogynist – (Women are no damn good)
- Sometimes in your past you were deeply wounded by a
woman and that’s why you hate all women.
9. A misogamist – (Marriage is an institution – and who wants to live in an
- You don’t support marriage or you don’t think getting is a
good thing.
10. Ascetic – The simplest food and the least amount of it that will keep
body and soul together combined with abstinence from fleshly, earthly
pleasures, will eventually lead to spiritual perfection – that is your

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