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Word Power Made Easy (Session - 2)

1. The Ego – I, self

- Egoist and the egotist are built on the same Latin root – the pronoun
ego, meaning “I”. ‘I’ is the greatest concern in the egoist’s mind and the
most overused word in the egotist’s vocabulary.
- If are an egocentric, you consider yourself to be the center of the
universe – you are an extreme form of the egoist. And if you are an
egomaniac, you carry egoism to such an extreme that your needs,
desires and interests have become a morbid obsession, a mania.The
egoist or egotist is obnoxious, the egocentric is intolerable and the
egomaniac is dangerous and slightly mad.
- Egocentric – Noun – “What an egocentric her new roommate is!”
Adjective – “He is the most egocentric person I have ever
- Adjective of egomaniac – egomaniacal
2. Others
- In Latin, the word for other is alter.


1. Ego – one’s concept of oneself

2. Egocentric – most extreme form of egoist
3. Egomaniac – most extreme form of egoist
4. Egomaniacal – adjective form of egomaniac
5. Altruism The philosophy practiced by altruists
6. Altruistic – adjective form of altruist
7. Alternate – one who substitutes for another
8. Alternative – a choice
9. Alteration – a change
10. To alter – to change
11. Altercation – a heated dispute
12. Alter ego – one’s other self

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