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Earthquakes, Fires, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes)
◼ Learn how to shut off gas, water, and electric
◼ Secure shelves and heavy objects that could
cause injury
◼ Keep an emergency kit stocked with supplies to
last for at least three days. Replace supplies
regularly. Your supplies should at least include
the following.
- Two to four parts of water per person per
- First-aid kit
- Packaged/canned non-perishable food and
can opener
- Blankets/ sleeping bags
- Plastic bags to store waste
- Small radio with batteries/ cell phones
◼ Renew prescription for essential medications so
that you always have a 7-10 day supply on hand
◼ Plan with family on what to do if you cannot go
In Case of FIRE: In case of EARTHQUAKE: (Before)
➢ Do not panic. Be calm but act quickly ◼ The key to effective disaster prevention is
➢ Use the Fire Alarm System in warning the house planning. Know the earthquake hazards in your
or building occupants. Call or shout for help. area. Prepare your homes, workplace, or
➢ Use the telephone immediately by giving the schools.
correct information and exact address (Guard - Strap or bolt heavy furniture/cabinets to the
House, local no 2103, Security Office, local walls
1079, Jaro Fire Station 329-5700, Iloilo City Fire - Check the stability of hanging objects like
Station, 337-4989, Jaro Police Station 329-7958) ceiling fans and chandeliers
➢ In case you are in the kitchen or when your frying - Breakable items, harmful chemicals and
pan bursts, cover the flame with any metal cover flammable materials should be stored
at hand to shut off oxygen from the air. Do not properly in the lowermost secured shelves
pour water because it may spread the fire or - Familiarize yourselves with the exit routes
even injure you. - Know where fire extinguishers, first aid kits,
➢ A small fire may be extinguished using of the alarms and communication facilities are
following located. Learn how to use them beforehand.
- A rug - Prepare a handy emergency supply kit with
- A heavy garment first aid kit, canned food and can opener,
- A pail of water water, clothing, blanket, battery-operated
- An extinguisher radio, flashlights and extra batteries.
➢ The best is an “ABC Type” fire extinguishers that - Conduct and participate in regular
are available near your area. earthquake drills
➢ If the fire starts in any electrical wire or device In case of EARTHQUAKE: (During)
inside the building/house, cut off the current - Stay calm, DUCK, COVER and HOLD
first whenever possible, at the switch or at the - If you are inside a structurally sound building
plug. or home, stay there. Protect yourself by
➢ If the fire is beyond control, warn the building getting under a sturdy table or desk and hold
occupants and go to the nearest and safest exit. on to it while shaking occurs; or you can also
Do not attempt anymore to salvage your protect your head with your arms.
belongings. You might get trapped inside the - Stay away from the glass windows, shelves,
burning building/house. cabinets and other heavy objects.
➢ Your life is more precious than your things no - Beware of falling objects. Be alert and keep
matter how valuable they are. your eyes open.
➢ If you managed to save some of your belongings, - Stay calm and do not panic. Once the shaking
do not place them where it may block the stops, take the fastest and safest way out of
fireman’s passageway. the building in an orderly and calmly
➢ Do not jump from the upper-storey windows, manner. Do not use the elevators. Use the
except as a last resort. Many people have stairs.
jumped to their death even while the firemen - If you are inside a moving vehicle, STOP and
were bringing ladders to rescue them. get out! Do not attempt to cross the bridges,
➢ Take no chances of entering building to save overpasses or flyovers, which may have been
properly. Only the saving of lives justifies taking damaged.
a personal risk. Leave the job of fire fighting to - If you are outside, move to an open area
firemen. - Stay away from the power lines, posts and
➢ When injured or burned, immediately ask for concrete structures that may fall or collapse.
medical assistance. In case of EARTHQUAKE: (After)
- Check yourself and others for injuries.
Administer first aid if trained to do so.
Otherwise, seek immediate assistance from
nearby authorities if necessary.
- Check for spills of chemicals, toxic and
flammable materials to avoid potentially
disastrous situations.
- Check for fires, if there are, have them TYPHOON SIGNALS
- Check water and electrical lines for damage;
if any damage is suspected, switch off water
and electricity.
- Do not enter partially damaged buildings
after an earthquake – strong aftershocks
may cause these structures to collapse.
- Should you decide to evacuate, leave a note
stating where you will go.
- Bring along items essential for your survival,
do not over burden yourself.
- Follow official advisories and warnings.
- Avoid needless telephone and road use to
allow authorities unhampered use of those
for relief and rescue operations.
- Do not heat wax, paints and other polishing
substances over open flames
- Check your kitchen before going to sleep.
In case of TYPHOONS:
◼ Stay indoors and keep calm
◼ Monitor TV and Radio reports
◼ Secure your home
◼ Trim trees near dwellings
◼ Keep road clear for emergency vehicles
◼ If your house is in a flood prone area, go to the
nearest designated evacuation center
◼ Have a flashlight and radio handy with fresh
◼ Stock up on food, potable water, kerosene,
batteries and first aid supplies
◼ In case of flooding, turn off the main sources of
electricity, gas and water in your home
◼ Avoid low lying areas, riverbanks, creeks and
coastal areas, slopes, cliffs and foothills. Rain can
trigger landslides and mudslides.
◼ Avoid wading through flooded areas. Do not
attempt to cross flowing streams
◼ Do not operate any electrical equipment during
◼ Do not use gas or electrical appliances that have
been flooded
◼ Stack furniture above the expected flood level,
keep appliances, valuables, chemicals, toxic
substances and garbage beyond reach of flood

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