You are on page 1of 25

Id Name Mobile

1 John Smith 1234567890

2 Emily Johnson 9876543210

3 Michael Davis 4567890123

4 Sarah Wilson 8901234567

5 David Lee 2345678901

6 Jennifer Brown 6789012345

7 Robert Johnson 9012345678

8 Jessica Smith 3456789012

9 William Davis 7890123456

10 Olivia Wilson 123456789

11 Ethan Lee 6789054321

12 Sophia Brown 9012890345

13 Noah Johnson 2345189023

14 Ava Anderson 6543289120

15 Liam Wilson 7894561230

16 Emma Thompson 1239874560

17 Ethan Clark 6540321789

18 Olivia Turner 2198675309

19 Noah White 5670123987

20 Sophia Walker 9081726354

21 Mason Johnson 3457890126

22 Ava Harris 6789012345

23 Oliver Adams 9012345678

24 Isabella Hall 4321098765

25 James Miller 7654321098

26 Mia Turner 8901234567

27 Benjamin Cox 6578901234

28 Harper Adams 9870123456

29 Amelia Clark 3210987654

30 Sebastian Hill 4567890123

31 Evelyn Walker 7890123456

32 Alexander Lee 2345678901

33 Charlotte Cox 5678901234

34 Jack Turner 9012345678

35 Jessica Thompson 9320987654

36 Andrew Miller 2109876543

37 Olivia Clark 1098765432

38 Daniel Baker 9876543210

39 Sophia Turner 8765432109

40 Benjamin Harris 7654321098

41 John Smith 9876543210

42 Sarah Johnson 8765432109

43 Michael Brown 7654321098

44 Emily Davis 6543210987

45 David Wilson 5432109876

46 Emma Anderson 4321098765

47 David Warny 3210087654

48 Emma Anderw 2099076543

49 David Wilium 9818065432

50 A Sharma 9820651432

51 B Tiwari 9830615432

52 C chaube 9840265431

53 D Mishra 9850265432

54 Aman Sharma 9860865432

55 Binoy Tiwari 9878065432

56 Chandan chaube 9898065432

57 Damodar Mishra 9785923690

58 Arbind dwivedi 9996781948

59 Binoj Rana 2457440206

60 Pankaj chaube 2946898464

61 Abhi Triwedi 3436356722

62 Aman Srivastava 3925814980

63 Subra samy 4415273238

64 Chandra 4904731496

65 Priyamani 5394189754

66 A K Srivastav 5883648012

67 Bankim Chanrda 6373106270

68 Harman Jadhav 6862564528

69 Shailesh Kumar 7352022786

70 Amit Kumar 7841481044

71 Indra Singh 8330939302

72 Narender chaube 8820397560

73 Dharmendra Singh 9309855818

74 Arnav Kapoor 9799314076

75 Surender Tiwari 1028772334

76 Chanchal chaube 1078230592

77 Dipak Kumar 1126688850

78 Anil Sharma 1177147108

79 Jitender Tiwari 1224605366

80 C Singh 1236063624
81 Dhiraj Singh 1325521882

82 Mohan Singh 1371490140

83 Balchander 1420438398

84 Rishi Pandey 1469896656

85 Akhil Partap 1237677673

86 Aarav Singh 9888886555

87 Adarsh Kumar 1128688850

88 Pankaj Sharma 1175547108

89 Parshant Dubey 1226105366

90 Ram Singh 1273063624

91 Sachin Kumar 1321521882

92 Sanjay Singh 1314920140

93 Anmol Mishra 1204434398

94 Vikas Dubey 1463856656

95 Amit Singh 1237677673

96 Abhinav Tiwari 7658492342

97 Rohan Singla 7634098213

98 Mohit Shrivastav 3476892345

99 Sohan Sharma 5689098767

100 Rohit Rathi 9120870067

The implementation of UCC is a necessary step towards ensuring equality and justice for all
I have concerns about the UCC as it might infringe upon the cultural and religious practices of
certain communities.
The government should prioritize public consultation and address the concerns of all stakeholders
before implementing UCC.

The lack of clear guidelines and safeguards in UCC might lead to misuse and exploitation.

UCC should respect the diversity of our country and allow communities to maintain their distinct
personal laws.

The implementation of UCC will streamline legal processes and promote gender equality.

UCC should strike a balance between the need for uniformity and the preservation of cultural and
religious rights.

The government needs to ensure proper awareness and education about UCC to avoid
misunderstandings and conflicts.
UCC should be enacted without compromising the fundamental rights and freedoms of

UCC has the potential to simplify legal complexities and promote a more harmonious society.

The implementation of UCC should be accompanied by effective measures to protect the rights of
vulnerable groups.
UCC should strive to strike a balance between personal beliefs and the broader goals of social
justice and gender equality.
The implementation of UCC should be accompanied by comprehensive legal reforms to ensure
fairness and justice for all.

UCC has the potential to simplify legal processes and reduce confusion in matters of personal law.

The government should consider the concerns of minority communities and provide adequate
safeguards in the UCC.
UCC should be implemented with a focus on upholding individual rights and maintaining cultural

The UCC should address the existing gender biases in personal laws and promote gender equality.

UCC should be based on principles of justice, equality, and non-discrimination, without infringing
upon personal beliefs.
The government needs to conduct extensive consultations with legal experts and community
representatives before implementing UCC.
UCC should strive to strike a balance between uniformity and respecting the diversity of our
UCC should aim to protect the rights of all individuals while promoting a common legal framework
for civil matters.
The implementation of UCC should be accompanied by robust mechanisms to address any
potential misuse or exploitation.
UCC should be implemented gradually, considering the practical challenges and implications for
different communities.
The government should ensure adequate awareness campaigns to educate people about the
benefits and implications of UCC.
UCC should prioritize protecting the rights of women, children, and marginalized sections of
The UCC should be designed to eliminate discrimination and promote equality, irrespective of
religion or personal beliefs.
UCC should provide a uniform legal framework while respecting the cultural and religious practices
of different communities.
The government needs to ensure transparency and accountability in the drafting and
implementation of UCC.

UCC should be based on the principles of human rights, gender equality, and social justice.

The government should address the concerns of religious and cultural minorities before
implementing UCC.
UCC should aim to simplify legal processes and ensure equal treatment for all individuals,
irrespective of their personal beliefs.
The government should involve legal experts and scholars from diverse backgrounds in the
I strongly believe in the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code. It will eliminate discrimination
and promote unity among all citizens. I suggest that special attention be given to the rights of
women and children in matters of marriage and inheritance.

I have concerns about the Uniform Civil Code as it may overlook the diversity and cultural practices
of different communities. It should be flexible enough to accommodate varying beliefs and
traditions, especially regarding marriage and heritage.

The Uniform Civil Code should prioritize individual rights and equality, especially in cases of
divorce and property division. It should also encourage alternative dispute resolution mechanisms
to ensure a fair and timely resolution of conflicts.

I believe the Uniform Civil Code should focus on creating a harmonious society by eliminating
discriminatory practices. It should safeguard the rights of individuals, irrespective of their gender,
religion, or sexual orientation. Adoption laws should also be made more inclusive.

The Uniform Civil Code should strike a balance between maintaining cultural diversity and ensuring
equal rights. It should provide a framework that respects different customs and traditions, while
also promoting gender equality and protecting vulnerable individuals.

I am in favor of a Uniform Civil Code, but it should be implemented gradually to avoid any sudden
disruptions. Proper awareness programs and legal aid should be provided to help citizens
understand the changes and navigate through the new system effectively.

I support the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code. It will bring equality and fairness in
matters of marriage, divorce, property rights, and adoption. I believe it is a necessary step towards
a more progressive society.
I have mixed feelings about the Uniform Civil Code. While it aims to standardize laws and provide
equal rights, there might be challenges in preserving cultural diversity. It should be implemented
carefully, taking into account different traditions and beliefs.

I'm in favor of the Uniform Civil Code, especially in matters of inheritance and maintenance. It will
help ensure fair distribution of property and financial support. However, there should be provisions
to protect the rights of individuals from marginalized communities.
I think the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code is a step in the right direction. It will simplify
legal processes related to marriage and divorce, making them more accessible and efficient. There
should also be measures to promote gender equality and women's empowerment.

While I support the idea of a Uniform Civil Code, we must ensure that it respects the diversity of
our nation. Different communities have unique traditions and customs, and it's crucial to strike a
balance between uniformity and cultural sensitivity. Implementation should be gradual and
The Uniform Civil Code should address issues related to marriage, divorce, and adoption
comprehensively. It should protect the rights of all individuals, irrespective of gender, religion, or
caste. It should also emphasize the importance of consent and empower individuals to make their
own choices.
I am totally against implementation of UCC. It is unnessary exercise and will only create doubt in
citizens mind. It may also distroy religeous harmony among Indian people.
I am not in favour of implementation of UCC. It is unnessary activity and will only create doubt in
everyones mind. It may also distroy religeous harmony among country people. Proprty should be
allotted based on what legacy your family follows.

I am not in favor of implementation of UCC. It is unnecessary activity and will only create doubt in
everyone's mind. It may also destroy religious harmony among country people. Property should be
allotted based on what legacy your family follows. sometimes we should also respect religious
marriage acts that are made by our ancestors above marriage law.

Enforcing a Uniform Civil Code may lead to the erosion of cultural diversity and individual
freedoms. It is important to respect and preserve the unique traditions and customs of different
A Uniform Civil Code might infringe upon the fundamental rights of individuals to practice their
religion and follow their personal laws. It should be approached with caution to safeguard religious
Implementing a Uniform Civil Code without considering the diverse cultural and religious practices
of the country could create unrest and dissent among communities.
Uniform Civil Code may face resistance from conservative sections of society who view it as an
imposition of majority culture on minority communities.
Enforcing a Uniform Civil Code might take away the autonomy of religious institutions and their
ability to govern personal matters based on their religious beliefs.
Implementing a Uniform Civil Code would streamline legal procedures and reduce legal
complexities, making it easier for citizens to understand and access justice.
A Uniform Civil Code will strengthen the nation's integrity and promote a sense of unity among
diverse communities, fostering national integration.
Uniform Civil Code will prevent the exploitation of personal laws for vested interests and ensure
justice is delivered uniformly to all citizens.
A Uniform Civil Code will promote social justice by ensuring equal rights and opportunities for
marginalized communities and disadvantaged sections of society.

Implementing a Uniform Civil Code would eliminate the need for separate courts and legal
systems for different communities, leading to efficient governance and resource utilization.

A Uniform Civil Code might not adequately address the specific needs and concerns of different
communities, leading to dissatisfaction and resentment.
Implementing a Uniform Civil Code might require a lengthy and complicated process of
harmonizing various personal laws, causing delays and administrative challenges.
Uniform Civil Code may not necessarily lead to gender equality in practice, as social attitudes and
cultural norms also play a significant role in shaping societal dynamics.
A Uniform Civil Code could result in unintended consequences, affecting the rights and privileges
of minority communities and undermining their cultural identity.
Implementing a Uniform Civil Code might require extensive education and awareness programs to
ensure that citizens fully understand and comply with the new laws.

Implementing a Uniform Civil Code would ensure equal rights and opportunities for all citizens,
irrespective of their religious or cultural backgrounds. It promotes unity and fairness.

A Uniform Civil Code will simplify legal complexities and eliminate confusion by providing a
common set of laws for all citizens. It promotes a sense of national identity and cohesion.

Uniform Civil Code will lead to gender equality by eliminating discriminatory practices prevalent in
personal laws. It is a step towards empowering women and ensuring their rights.

A Uniform Civil Code would promote social harmony and reduce inter-community tensions by
treating every citizen equally under the law. It upholds the principles of secularism and equality.

Uniform Civil Code can help modernize and update outdated personal laws, ensuring they are in
line with the changing times and evolving societal norms.

The debate surrounding the implementation of a Uniform Civil Code involves complex legal,
cultural, and religious considerations that require careful analysis and deliberation.

The idea of a Uniform Civil Code raises important questions about balancing individual rights and
collective social concerns. It necessitates a thoughtful and inclusive approach.

Discussions on a Uniform Civil Code should involve a wide range of stakeholders, including legal
experts, religious leaders, and representatives from various communities, to ensure a
comprehensive perspective.

The feasibility and practicality of implementing a Uniform Civil Code in a diverse country like ours
need to be thoroughly examined, taking into account the unique complexities of our society.

The potential benefits and drawbacks of a Uniform Civil Code should be carefully weighed against
each other, considering the impact it may have on different communities and individuals.

It is crucial to strike a balance between uniformity and diversity, acknowledging the need for a
common framework while respecting the autonomy and cultural practices of different
The implementation of a Uniform Civil Code requires extensive public discourse and consensus-
building to address concerns and ensure the participation of all stakeholders in the decision-
making process.
A well-crafted Uniform Civil Code could provide a harmonious legal framework that respects
individual rights while promoting social cohesion and justice.
The development of a Uniform Civil Code should be an inclusive and participatory process that
takes into account the diverse perspectives and needs of all citizens.

The implementation of a Uniform Civil Code should consider the experiences of countries that
have already adopted similar legal frameworks, learning from their successes and challenges.

The concept of a Uniform Civil Code has both supporters and critics, highlighting the importance
of engaging in constructive dialogue to address concerns and find common ground.
A Uniform Civil Code, if implemented, would require effective mechanisms for monitoring and
ensuring compliance to prevent any potential misuse or discriminatory practices.

The decision to adopt a Uniform Civil Code should be based on a careful evaluation of its potential
impact on personal freedoms, cultural practices, and the overall social fabric of the nation.

Public awareness campaigns and education initiatives would be crucial in helping citizens
understand the implications and benefits of a Uniform Civil Code.
A Uniform Civil Code should be based on principles of justice, equality, and human rights, ensuring
that it upholds the fundamental values enshrined in the Constitution.
I admire how the UCC fosters collaboration between diverse educational systems, enhancing cross-
cultural understanding and appreciation.
Thanks to the UCC, students can now easily transfer credits and pursue higher education
seamlessly, breaking down barriers and encouraging academic mobility.
The UCC's emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills prepares students for real-world
challenges, making them well-rounded individuals.
One of the best things about the UCC is its focus on continuous improvement, allowing
educational systems to evolve and adapt to the changing world.
The UCC is a remarkable initiative towards global educational standards, promoting knowledge
equity and accessible learning opportunities for all.
I'm concerned that the UCC might lead to a homogenized education system, erasing cultural
diversity and uniqueness from various regions.
While the UCC aims for a standardized curriculum, it may not consider local contexts and needs,
potentially neglecting essential aspects of regional learning.
The UCC's implementation might face resistance from conservative educational systems, hindering
its potential benefits.
I worry that the UCC could lead to increased competition and pressure among students,
undermining the joy of learning in pursuit of uniformity.
The UCC's ambitious goals might require significant financial investments, burdening already
resource-strapped educational institutions.
The UCC presents an interesting approach towards harmonizing global education, with both
advantages and challenges that need careful consideration.
The success of the UCC will depend on the willingness of governments and stakeholders to
collaborate and overcome potential obstacles.
It remains to be seen how the UCC will address the variations in educational infrastructures and
capacities across different countries.
The UCC's impact will be a subject of ongoing research and evaluation, determining its
effectiveness and relevance in the long run.
The UCC could pave the way for a more interconnected world, fostering better international
understanding through a common educational framework.
I am in favour of ucc as it protect our basics rights.
Pdf File Source Organization

Individual Empowerment Network


Political Action Alliance


United Group for Social Change

uccphase122 online

Global Peace Initiative


Citizens for Equality and Justice


Faith-Based Community Services


uccphase222 online

Freedom Fighters Association


Democratic Activists League


The Enlightened Mind Society


Conservative Values Coalition


Humanitarian Aid Organization


abc company

Center for Progressive Thought


Multicultural Unity Council



Council of Religious Leaders


Community Development Network


Environmental Conservation Society

Postal Letter

Bhartiya Janta Party

Postal Letter

Community Action Committee

Postal Letter


Interfaith Harmony Network

Coalition for Human Rights


Youth Party of india



Women's Empowerment Collective


Advocates for Education Reform


United Front for Social Welfare


Bajarang Dal

Spiritual Growth Center



Youth Empowerment League


Progressive Policy Research Institute




AIMIM party


Interfaith Peace Council


The Unity Project


Association for Economic Justice


Mahila Maha sabha, BSP



RTI activist


Janta Dal United


Akhil Bhartiya Janta party


Not Applicaple

Samaj Sevika


not applied


Not from any party


All India Youth Party


Instittute of Commerce

National India Party


Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam


Telangana Rashtra Samithi



Communist Party of India


National Conference

value entertainment

Entertainment India Pvt Ltd

Satluj Party

Micro soft

XYZ Company

Stategic Ltd


All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam


Janata Dal (Secular)


Any party

Biju Janata Dal



United Democratic Party


Rashtriya Loktantrik Party


YSR Congress Party




Thought process India



Union labor committee


not applied









Not Applied







online INC
Marriage/vivah/ Right to Heritage and
Sentiments Suggestion Type shaadi Divorce/Talak Property Maintenance
Godnama Others Remarks Status

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