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Using NLP and BERT for Sentiment Analysis on Uniform Civil Code


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that helps

computers understand, interpret, and manipulate human language. In our case, we
use NLP for sentiment analysis, which is the process of computationally identifying
and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, especially in order to
determine whether the writer's attitude towards a particular topic or product is
positive, negative, or neutral.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a recent model

introduced by Google that has set the latest state-of-the-art performance in a wide
variety of NLP tasks, including sentiment analysis. BERT's key technical innovation
is applying the bidirectional training of transformers, a popular attention model, to
language modelling. This allows the model to understand the context and meaning
of a word based on all of its surroundings (left and right of the word).

For sentiment analysis on Uniform Civil Code comments, BERT can be a great choice
of model for several reasons:

1. Contextual Understanding: BERT understands the context of each word by

looking at the words that come before and after it. This is especially useful in
sentiment analysis where the same word can have different meanings based on the

2. Handling of Complex Text: BERT is designed to handle various forms of text - long,
short, sentences, or even a single word. This makes it well-suited to handle a variety
of comments.

3. State-of-the-Art Performance: BERT has demonstrated top results in various

NLP(Natural Language Processing) tasks, providing a high level of assurance in its
ability to handle sentiment analysis.
NOTE: However, to fine-tune BERT to our particular use case of performing
sentiment analysis on Uniform Civil Code comments, we require a substantial
amount of labeled data. Specifically, we need 100,000 labeled comments for training
the model. This will help the model understand the specific language, context, and
sentiment nuances associated with Uniform Civil Code comments.

Flow Of BERT Sentiment Analysis Model

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