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1) Text Generation:

Text generation is a natural language processing (NLP) task that

involves creating coherent and contextually relevant text passages using
algorithms or models. These models can be trained on large datasets to
understand patterns in language and generate new content, ranging from
simple sentences to more complex paragraphs.
Text generation is used to create human-like content for various
purposes, such as writing articles, generating creative pieces, or even
composing poetry. It is applied in developing chatbots or virtual
assistants capable of responding to user queries with contextually
appropriate and meaningful responses. In machine learning, text
generation is employed to augment datasets for training models in tasks
like sentiment analysis or machine translation.
2) Rule-based models rely on predefined sets of linguistic rules and
patterns to process and generate text. These rules are often crafted by
experts in the field and guide the system's behavior.
Statistical models use statistical algorithms and probabilistic methods to
learn patterns from data. These models don't rely on predefined rules but
instead learn from the distribution of data.
3) BERT, or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers,
is a pre-trained natural language processing model developed by Google.
It utilizes transformer architecture and is trained on a massive amount of
unlabeled text data. BERT captures contextual information by
considering the entire context of a word within a sentence, enabling it to
understand the meaning of words based on their surrounding context.

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