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Human Behavior

Question 1

Many movies talk about the attraction that people have and how they are attracted to other

people. One of the TV shows that shows this is The Affair as seen with how Noah deals with his

wife and the mistress he later turns to become his wife. It shows that people tend to express less

negative emotions when they are around others. It is not something that just starts on its own.

Childhood has been found to be responsible for this. Some people are taught to repress their

emotions. In this case, it is parents to blame because they play a huge role in this. One question

that one would ask s why the parents would do this (Coch, Fischer and Dawson 123). Clearly, it

is a generational thing. Their parents taught them to do that and they have carried it to their

children who have proceeded to do so.

In this situation, it becomes evident that mothers and fathers are the wrong people to raise

their children. Assume that a child is raised by wealthy working parents. The job of raising

children is often left to the house helps and other relatives that might feel comfortable doing so.

It also narrows down to the age of the parents. Studies show that young parents are ill-equipped

at raising children than the older ones. With such a damning statistic, it is evident that raising

children have contributed to the emotions that younger people have towards others. Many young

people do not even know themselves, thus, the burden of raising children often proves too much
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(Coch, Fischer and Dawson 133). Young people cannot define others and this makes them less

knowledgeable when it comes to dealing with people they do not know.

Question 2

Another research into the male domination shows that they are often proud and angry people.

However, many people fail to understand why this is so. Since many men are proud, it is the

reason they are angry. Studies on men have shown that these people tend to exalt themselves and

because of this, they are very vengeful people. Men will even treat vices as great when they

know that these things will influence their lives. Pride as already stated is one of the things that

make men become so unreasonable and rash, thus, express their anger. They often do this

repeatedly to the extent that it becomes a behavioral feature (Coch, Fischer and Dawson 142). It

shows that in a way, men have their own selfish interests and this has affected how they deal

with other people.

It is clear that if men sought other issues and those that do not satisfy their desires then

they would become better people than most people think. In many situations, what they do does

not represent the greater good. If men do not seek their own selfish interests, then they would be

open to helping other people and this would be good for everyone. Men are known to have a

rash, immoderate, and inconsiderate decisions. If men could change their thinking and care about

others, then maybe relationships would be better than they are now. The fact that men cannot

handle promiscuity from their women shows that they are the bad batch (Coch, Fischer and

Dawson 154). A large proportion of men cheat on their spouses but if the same would happen

and they know about it, then they would gladly ask for a divorce.

Effect of Music
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Many people tend to listen to music but not everyone likes the impact these kinds of music have

on people. As Plato pointed out, the kind of music that people listen have a huge effect on the

balance of their souls. Aristotle also added to this stating that if people listen to the wrong kind

of music, then they are bound to become a wrong bunch of people. While talking about the

wrong kind of music, the issue here is the genre. Many parents today do not like their children

listening to certain kinds of music (Coch, Fischer and Dawson 167). According to studies, heavy

metal and hip-hop music have been found to have the most negative effect on children.

Research shows that people who listen to heavy metal music have a high risk of

developing depression. Many young people in schools today listen to this kind of music and

according to researchers, it is vital that they do not do this because this just shows that they are

depressed. With the revolution of the mp3, it means that many people are currently listening to

music than they did in the years before. The bad thing with this kind of music is that children can

listen to it even up to eight hours a day. They listen to such kind of music not to motivate them

but to block out people such as their parents (Coch, Fischer and Dawson 178). The more they do

this, the more they become detached from reality and therefore lack the courage to deal with

real-life situations. One could also argue that hip-hop music does the same to people. The fact

that it is connected to violence does not help.

Works Cited
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Coch, Donna, Kurt W. Fischer and Geraldine Dawson. Human Behavior, Learning, and the

Developing Brain: Typical Development. New York: Guilford Press, 2010.

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