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Gunter’s a Woman

 The article suggests that any female scholars have shown their concern
when it comes to the representation of women in media.
 The common complaint is that the media tend to be oppressive on how
they characterize women.
 The article uses Adventure Time, an American TV series to explain this.
 According to research, there are quantitative and qualitative inequalities
on how the two genders are depicted in the media.
 The problem is that women are less represented as per the words of these
 Whenever they are represented, they are depicted as hyper-attractive and
 The plea is that films should tend to be more diverse by including more
female characters to show children that they live in a gender-equal world.

 Experts in the field argue that women should have more leading roles, secondary
roles, and even used in the crowds more.
 Women characters also need to become complicated who can initiate and control
their destinies.
 The goal is to have characters who are gender progressive and gender positive.
 The fact that Adventure Time has not obtained much publicity despite its unusual
portrayal of characters show that women are being undermined.
 The sophistication on how it portrays gender is vital and it is a lesson to other
people on how children shows should be.
 The fact that it yet to be publicized is a wake up call to producers of TV shows.
 They need to stop focusing on making their shows popular and instead devise
means through which they can make them educative in a sensible way.
 Having humor with some sort of emotional intelligence seems like the way to go.
Becoming Tween Bodies

 Many preadolescent girls in the United States are consuming commercial

media that narrowly conceptualizes what ideal beauty is.
 Media houses know this and have used it to market their brands at the
expense of the girls.
 The only problem is that these young girls have been immersed in what
inner beauty is to the extent that they have forgotten that beauty companies
could be using them.
 It has lead to a situation whereby girls are categorized based on their looks.
 Only girls with a good physique and attractive are the ones that belong to
the popular group.
 With such kind of categorizations, the other girls who do not belong to this
group are left feeling bad about themselves.
 It has grown into a universalized standard that has cut across race and class.

 In today’s world, many young teenage girls believe that an ideal woman is
one who is curvaceously thin.
 This has even been reflected on how women are portrayed in media.
 Playboy models are often thin models with attractive bodies.
 Disney princesses are also portrayed as having curves and very thin waists.
 With girls falling into this, the beauty companies have taken advantage of
this and are self-objectifying women as seen in their advertisements.
 One wonders how girls with not-so-perfect bodies feel about all these.
 With marketing companies aware of this, advertisers have managed to create
a lucrative market segment.
 It has also led to theorizing of body-image relations.
 The situation has even become worse with social media with women
comparing their bodies.
 It has affected the self-esteem of girls who lack those perfect bodies.

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