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Kids addicted to

mobile while


1 How does it start?

Cartoons during meal time.

Child is not eating. Let’s put on cartoon.

Starts as a distraction but becomes a

2 What is happening?

Psychology calls it Classical Conditioning.

Noble prize winning theory by Ivan Pavlov

Famous Pavlov’s Dog experiment

3 Pavlov’s Experiment

Pavlov paired the sound of a bell with

the presentation of food to a dog.

Resulting in the change in behaviour.

4 Pavlov’s Experiment

#1 #2

Salivation No Salivation

#3 #4

Salivation Salivation

(in absence of food)

5 Classical Conditioning

Child also learns to associate meal time

with cartoon. Otherwise, doesn’t eat.

Resulting in the change of behaviour.

Exactly what Pavlov concluded.

Can we change this?


Try this 7 days’ test

“No Mobile/TV anymore during meals.”

Talk and tell them this with love.

They might cry or not eat.

That’s OK! Don’t give in.

But keep healthy food available for them

at eye level.
In <7 days, they should
normally start to

eat without screens.

And it is ok for a child to eat while

roaming around the house.

Thank you

for being curious

Share ahead with other curious parents :)


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