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PrO. 04 Undertake self-assessment test to discover your entrepreneurial traits.

Name: Aditi Dilip Marathe

Enrollment No.: 2001160363
Roll No. : 4
Branch: IF-5I

Aim: Undertake self-assessment test to discover your entrepreneurial traits.

1. I am willing to work 45 hours per week regularly.


2. My family will support my going to business.


3. I am willing to accept both financial and corner risk when necessary.


4. I would like to take responsibility for the success and failure of my business.

5. I would more financial success by operating my own business.


6. I fell a great deal of pride when I complete a project.


7. I have a high energy level that can be maintain over a long time.

8. I enjoy controlling my own work assignment and making all decision affecting my
9. I believe that I am primarily responsible for my own success and failure.

10. I have a strong desire to achieve positive result even when it require a great deal of
additional efforts.

11. I have a good understanding of how to manage a business.


12. I can function it ambiguous situations.


13. One or both of my parents were entrepreneur.


14. I believe that my abilities and skills are greater than those of most of my co-

15. People trust me and consider me honest and reliable.


16. People can easily understand my business idea and facts.


17. I always try to complete every project I start regardless of obstacles and

18. I am willing to do something even when other people laugh at me or doing it.
19. I can make decision quickly.
➢ 4.

20. I have good network of friends and professionals.


✓ Total = 90.
✓ Remark = you have an outstanding ability to be an entrepreneur.

Conclusion: Hence, we have found out our entrepreneur skills or ability by

attempting this test.

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