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Junior Category

Title NO.4 : Why does your voice matter?

Why does your voice matter? When was the time you actually sat down and
thought about something. Was it a few months ago or a few days ago? Your body is divided
into two parts: the devil and the angel. The devil is bad, it relies on bad things such as not
going to school and not doing homework. For example, I thought a thought. But the thought
I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought had been the
thought I thought. I wouldn’t have thought so much. On the other side, the angel follows a
good life. It will make you go to school and complete your homework. This will relate to the
quote: “Good or bad are the denizens of one’s heart.

Where the angel is the devil cannot be. It is life game of a musical chair; only one
person can occupy one chair.” Your mind can sometimes be clouded by temptation. If you
do not stop it, it will take over your entire body. Temptation is very powerful so do not
mess with it. This follows the quote: “It is the voice that tempts and tempts to temptation
without attempting to tempt. So as a result, you should always trust the angel.

Your devil likes to convince you in many ways. For example, it will make you think
good or bad. This relates to the quote: When you think good you will never feel bad, when
you think bad you will never feel good. Instead you should go for your angel’s options. For
example, it will make you go to school and finish up your homework. Your angel is very
trustworthy and will never let you down. The devil will not forget about the bad things you
did in the past. It relates to the quote: Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today
is a gift and that is why it is called a present. So do not remember about the past.

Now let me tell you about the devil. The devil will try to tempt you to do bad things
in many ways. You should not go for your devil’s choice as it may lead to catastrophe. For
example, if it is a rainy day, your devil will tempt you to not attend school. This will lead to
poor education and the possibility of dropping out from school is high. Eventually, school
dropouts usually get involved in criminal activities such as robbery which could impact
their whole life. If you follow the devil’s path you will get the third degree. So you should
not follow the devil. You have already got it in a nutshell. So now would you trust the devil
Have you ever done a presentation in front of your class? That is your outer voice.
Your outer voice will voice out to whoever is complimenting or annoying you. For example,
if your teacher asks you to stand up for no reason, you would question to see if she had lost
her marbles today. I personally like to voice out to my friends. Our voice matters as much
as our actions matter. They have the power to hurt and even kill people. For example, if my
mother asks me to do my homework I would say “to be or not to be” it is by William
Shakespeare. Play: Hamlet. Next let us move on to another reason on why does your voice

For example if your friend has a luxury car but you only have a bicycle. This will
create jealousy as he has a better transportation compared to you. This will cause friction
between you and your friend and may cause you to lose your friendship. So now you know
about the outer voice. This relates to the quote: Some are born great, some achieve
greatness and some have greatness trust upon them. It is by William Shakespeare, play:
Twelfth Night. With all this facts now, do you still trust your devil or your angel? To end it
off, it will be two quotes on the voice.

1st Quote: “The voice is sometimes a introvert and an extrovert”

2nd Quote: “I am the Voice who is invisible and invincible as my voice is to help
humanity in the truth of life”

Total words : 719 words

By : Tarun Kumar Sivakumar

9 years old
Birth date : 18 December 2014

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