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Expanding on contents related to the properties of water.

Properties of water

Drinking water for human consumption is water that can be used with no restriction because,
thanks to a purification process, it does not cause risk or health problems.

1. Color the properties that DO NOT correspond to water.

Water does
not drain
Water has Water has no
no smell flavor


Water has Water is

definite shape. transparent

Water is a good

2. Look at the image and write down two properties of water that you can see in it.
3. The image shows a glass of water and oil. Which property of water is not shown in this
case? Color your answer.

Water is transparent

Water is a good solvent

The properties of water that we have seen up to now correspond to liquid water. Although water
is a good solvent, there are substances that cannot be dissolved easily. 

4. Color in the circles according to the following key.

Water is transparent Water drains away Water has no definite shape

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