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The cultural heritage of Chile

Name: _______________________________ Date: ________

1. Look at the images and answer the questions.

Material cultural Material cultural Non-material Non-material

heritage heritage cultural heritage cultural heritage

claro, sur

La Moneda Palace Moai from Easter Traditional dance Popular saying


What differences are there between material cultural heritage and non-
material cultural heritage?
2. Draw or write
an example of
cultural heritage
(intangible) of your
3. Tick the elements that correspond to material cultural heritage

Popular dances Constructions

Crafts Religious
Sculptures Musical instruments

4. Are these examples of cultural heritage material or non-material?

Fill in the boxes according to the key.
Material cultural heritage Non-material cultural
M N heritage

b. c.

d. f.
5. What type of cultural heritage do these examples represent?

MCH Material Cultural Heritage NMCH Non-material Cultural Heritage

- Más malo que el natre.

Una vieja con un diente
- ¡Sóplame este ojo!
que llama a toda su gente.
(La campana) - Más machucado que
a. b. membrillo de colegial. c.

Sculpture “Mano en el desierto”, Popular riddle. Popular sayings.

Mario Irarrázabal, Antofagasta.

Si vas para Chile, te ruego que pases

por donde vive mi amada;
es una casita muy linda y chiquita,
que está en las faldas de un cerro
La adornan las parras y cruza un estero,
al frente hay un sauce que llora
d. que llora porque yo la quiero. e. f.
Church of San Pedro de Fragment of “Si vas para Chile”, by La Tirana celebration.
Atacama. Chito Faró.
6.. Popular expressions are part of the non-material or intangible
cultural heritage of Chile. Read the sentences and write the meaning of
the highlighted words between the parentheses.

a. The movie was very fome, we almost fell asleep while we were
watching it. (______________________)

b. My mom pays the electricity bill altiro so that they do not cut off the
service. (___________________)

c. We traveled to the south in a bus and it was piñufla, it was very old.

d. You’re all soaking wet and I’m not, because I took my umbrella, so…
huichipirichi! (_________________________)

7. There are creations that have an extraordinary cultural value worldwide

and because of that, they are considered World Cultural Heritage. What
Chilean World Heritage property is Ismael talking about?

These constructions can be found in Chiloé.

They are completely made of native wood and
they are unique in Latin America because they
are the result of a merge between German
religious architecture and the Chilote’s
woodworking skills.

8. Why is it important __________________________________________________

to protect the __________________________________________________
Chilean and world
cultural heritage? __________________________________________________



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