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Organizational Behaviour Online


Discussion 2 Assignment

Module 2 Unit 6
Discussion Postings for Organizational Behaviour

Participating in the online discussion board is one way of being engaged in the process
of learning. These discussions are good links and resources for your group project and
provide a venue for discussing the many topics of this course. These postings will be
shared with the full class. I encourage you to read other people’s postings before you
make yours so that you can build on what others have been saying.

Posting Guidelines:

1. Postings should answer each question asked and be a minimum of one

paragraph per question
2. You should make your posting by the end of the week in which it is assigned
in the course outline (i.e., For Module 1 Unit 4, you should post by Monday of
week 4)
3. Reflect on the provided article(s) posted in the Module and on other students’
postings. Tie in the article(s) provided and cite where you have tied in the
article. Try to avoid repeating the same thoughts as have been already
posted by other students. Ensure you comment on one other student’s
4. Include your own opinions and interpretations of the topics and of the
questions for each posting
5. Include interpretations of any related material of interest from your text.
6. Each of your postings should include reference to at least one other site or
article that you have found in one of the Sheridan Databases.
7. Use your own examples carefully. You should not include any reference to a
specific person or organization (mask these by using a generic name such as
“Person A at company Y”).
8. Postings are done in the Discussion forum (not the Assignment submissions
folder). Go to Communications, then discussions and then scroll down to see
the correct discussion forum to post in and discuss the questions.

Posting Schedule:

There are 2 Discussion Postings:

Module 1

Unit 4 Emotions, Values and Attitudes/Motivation ( completed)

Module 2

Unit 6 Communicating with Others/Motivation Theories

Databases for Articles:

Use a web search tool, preferably Explorer. Go to the Sheridan Home page where you
will find the Library Databases as follows

- Click on the drop down menu and choose Library

- On the Library page, left side choose Resource, then On-line, then
Databases, then either by topic or by Database
- Do a search by setting parameters (key words and time frame)

Good Databases include:

- Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA) (ProQuest)

Globe & Mail is included here.

- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)

- ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest)

Discussion Posting Questions:

Module 2

Unit 6 Communicating with Others/Motivation Theories

Discussion 2 Posting Questions:

1. How does communication flow within your organization (formal and informal?
Provide some examples of good and bad communication.
2. What barriers to communication do you find at work or school?
3. What can you do to motivate yourself despite what the organization does?

Provided Articles posted in the Module that you should reference and cite:

i) “Sense and Sensitivity” discusses how our reaction and understanding

can cause miscommunication.
ii) Listening Skills article conveys what can go wrong when listening skills
are not strong.

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