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Task 4 - Life through the metaphors

Presented by:
Harold Alexander Bonilla Pérez
Natalia Angel
Maria Angelica Ocobos Salgado
Angie Julieth Espinosa Sarmiento

Virginia Morales Pulido


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

CEAD – Facatativá
Licenciatura en inglés como lengua extranjera
1. The answers, the explanation of the metaphor, and the life story of each

Harold Alexander Bonilla Perez

- What is metaphor?
A metaphor is an association of words to describe a reality.

- How are metaphor crated?

They are created through easy and simple communication to understand what you want to
express, using words that imply emotions.

- What is the influence of metaphors on culture and societies metaphors on culture

and societies?
Metaphor are the reality of cultures, they have implicit customs of people where
particularities are what make metaphors attractive.

a. Explain the meaning of the metaphor in your own words.

The metaphor selected was “A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running.
Groucho Marx. if think about it, this quote could mean something else too. While sitting in
a taxi without it moving, you pay money for it and the amount you pay is literally the same
as the amount it would take if the taxi actually took you somewhere. Many find this unfair
and if seen in that point of view, we could relate this quote to how many people have made
the healthcare industry a business where the profits, sadly, matter more than the health of
the patient itself. You might think that what I am saying is absurd, but horrifyingly, it is
what our generation is dealing with.

b. Narrate an experience of your life related to the selected metaphor. The text must
be minimum of 300 words.

More than six or seven years ago I don't remember the exact date very well, I had an
experience, and we were in the city with my brother, my father and my mother from Bogotá
and we needed to go to a hospital to visit. an uncle who had had open heart surgery, the
hospital was called Cardio Infantil, that's why we decided to call a taxi to go to said
hospital, so the taxi driver did us the favor of taking us.

When we arrived at Children's Cardio Hospital, almost my entire family was there,
and we asked how my uncle had been after the surgery. They told us that thanks to God and
the Virgin Mary he has been very well after the surgery, I remember very well that they had
him in the room where they left people coming out of surgery and that, to go in to visit him,
they let in more of two people to be able to see him and they also had to make an
appointment and protect themselves very well to avoid any contagion to the patients who
were there.

Sometime later they let us in, as soon as I entered the room where they had him I
felt great sadness because seeing these people who had just come out of surgery and were
lying on a bed, filled me with a lot of nostalgia to see all these people, in especially my
uncle who had him in a bed, all this surprised me a lot, I got goosebumps, I was there about
fifteen minutes later I went out where the other relatives were, I told them, when he entered
the room where they had him, I really wanted to see him lying there and everything went
out of place, but the most important thing and what filled me with great joy, was that the
operation came out very well and that he was improving much more every day.

In closing, this was my experience that I had related to the metaphor that I selected,
and what I learned from this experience was that lying in a hospital bed lying down is
where no one wants to be, and what we should do is enjoy the life that God, It gives us
every day we wake up.

Natalia Angel
- What is a metaphor?
Metaphor are human inventions to describe beliefs, attitudes and actions in an abstract
expressions, making people feel those expression as familiar way to understand something

- How are metaphors created?

Based on the statement x=y supposes to take a situation and describe it since the mundane
being it familiar for everyone. Making common the possibility to express something
abstract in common words.

- What is the influence of metaphors on culture and societies?

The influence of metaphors is based on the words chosen to express an idea. That’s why
those could influence the way we perceive and deal with facts and common issues. Also,
the way of society builds a common understanding of something. Thus, studies have
demonstrated that speech which involves metaphors are perceive as something true For
example, crimes language is full of metaphors: “crimes committed in cold blood”.

a. Explain the meaning of the metaphor in your own words.

The metaphor selected was “A good conscience is a continual Christmas” by

Benjamin Franklin. To understand the meaning of this allegory we could start by
highlighting the Christmas time. Usually, this one is associated as happy, cheerful and
amazing period of the year. Actually, people wait for that one to enjoy with their families,
to cook, to buy presents and to have marvelous moments. Thus, we could say that will be
gratefull if we could be all the year how we are in Christmas. According to the metaphor
the way to be close to feel or to be at this time is having a good conscience. Be pretty calm,
without debts with somebody else and even with ourselves. Feel free and full of peace with
the life.

b. Narrate an experience of your life related to the selected metaphor. The text must
be minimum of 300 words.

Well, it happened four years ago, in 2018, I got divorced and I felt unhappy. At that
time, I used to work for a bank. I had there a friend very spiritual. He always had a correct
word in the accurate moment and he was very helpful. I used to attend to the church and
pray. Even so, the words of my friend gave me a chance to explore more my relation with
God, looking for a peace after the breakup. One day he gave me a text written by Dorothy
Rieke, called “Cosas maravillosas estan sucediendo” it is about the joy based on the God
governance and how we could feel part of his creation being sure her love is always
incessant. She wrote various experiences and give some tools to have better comprehension
of God does for us. For me was an opportunity to release a weight. So, I liked to read it and
analyze it. One day after doing my business I took the bus and I was reading during the trip.
I got off to the bus and I was waiting in a Bus station in the North of Bogotá for friends
who offer to take me to Cajicá. Suddenly, a couple gets next to me. They ask me for my
belongings. That day I kept with me my salary even so I gave everything without a dude or
feeling afraid. I did that in a natural and peaceful way. After that, I advise them to go out
before my friends pick me up. Spite of that, they were there I could not explain why, but
when my friends arrive they just said it's true and they return to me my belongings. I could
affirm I didn't feel in dangerous I saw them as son of God, unable to hurt. This experience
for me was to have a good conscience to enjoy the Christmas.


- What is a metaphor?
The metaphor is a literary figure that is based on exchanging a word, criterion or real
expression for another imaginary with which there is any type of similarity or similarity.
Once we refer to something taking a similar characteristic or quality that starts with
something different, with the metaphor we can mention the same thing in a more beautiful
and poetic way.
Example: I hear the ticking of your heart = I hear the beat of your heart.

- How are metaphors created?

Select the goals that are involved - Associate a visual factor to each objective - Choose the
verbs associated with the occupations they have the possibility of performing - Build a
visual component for each sentence.

- What is the influence of metaphors on culture and societies?

The metaphor helps us to interpret the nature and sense of the organization or environment,
we have hinted at how we have the possibility of understanding the concepts, norms and
methods as interpretative schemes through which we structure the sense of organizational

a. Explain the meaning of the metaphor in your own words.

The metaphor I decided to choose was "Art washes the dust of everyday life from
the soul" Pablo Picasso. I think this phrase refers to the fact that everyday life can be very
difficult so many people seek to get away from those problems in which they find
themselves through an art or something they like to do such as dancing, singing, traveling,
among other things.

b. Narrate an experience of your life related to the selected metaphor. The text must
be minimum of 300 words.

One of the experiences I lived with respect to this chosen metaphor, happened more
or less six years ago when I left studying and I did not know what to do with my future or
my life projects, well really if I knew what it does, but at that time I did not have the
economic resources that would allow me to fulfill that longed for that I wanted, I tried to do
the impossible to be able to study and there was when I started working to be able to pay
for my studies, but the schedules or the money I earned at that time allowed me, they posed
for about three years and each year that passed I was limiting myself more and more and
believing that my dreams were very far from being able to fulfill them, I met people who
also took me for bad habits and I reached a point where I thought life was about parties and
work, until the pandemic arrived and since there were not all these things that prevented me
from getting ahead, I had to take new habits and it was at that moment that Sali left that
comfort zone in which I was I began to intrigue myself by issues of the degree and the way
to acquire a new language or a new language which entertained me, becoming an art in my
view, I began to inquire about universities in Colombia that gave this career and also was
affordable for my budget, until one day I received information about the generation E
program, I approached the UNAD and informed me about the subject and with the help of
them I managed to apply to this scholarship that so far has allowed me to fulfill my dreams.

- What is a metaphor?

Metaphor is a figure of speech, it shapes our beliefs, actions and attitudes.

- How are metaphors created?

Starting from elements such as real terms, an imaginary term similar to the real one and
finally the similarity between the real term and the imaginary term.

- What is the influence of metaphors on culture and societies?

Metaphors have influence, as the words we choose affect the way we perceive and
deal with social problems and help turn everything into socially accepted common sense.

a. Explain the meaning of the metaphor in your own words.

Conscience is a man’s compass. Vincent Van Gogh From my perspective I believe

that the metaphor means that our future depends on what we do now, this metaphor invites
us to reflect on how our conscience is, since it will be the compass that will lead us to a
certain path.

b. Narrate an experience of your life related to the selected metaphor. The text must
be minimum of 300 words.

I was 14 years old and I was in school, I was a person who thought totally different
from what I am now. My personality being short-tempered, rebellious and a little rough, I
feel that at that moment of my life I never thought about the future, for which I did not
value the present, the things that I could do at that moment, what my parents so much effort
they gave me, the education to which I had access with all the necessary resources, and
mainly in this last aspect is what I want to talk about in reference to the metaphor
"Conscience is the compass of man" (Vincent Van Gogh). At that time I was a very
rebellious child, and my rebelliousness led to many things including the loss of school
years, which at the time was not important to me because in reality I did not even know
what I wanted to do with my life, no It affected me at all and my parents have always been
very understanding in all aspects, so there was never a punishment or anything like that for
that loss. Approximately 6 or 7 years passed before I realized the great loss of time, money
and emotional exhaustion that I had; Well, honestly today I regret a lot of the time I didn't
take advantage of as I really should, in things as important as my education, and I never
stop thinking what would have happened to me if I had listened to the advice of my parents
and people close to me who really They loved me, and above all it always crosses my mind
now that I'm studying at UNAD, because surely I would already be a professional at this
time, perhaps if I had done things differently and had thought about my future. These types
of experiences are what make the metaphor I chose for this activity make sense, since when
things are done wrong what is done with our lives is to delay the possibilities and then over
time show that time was wasted and that thanks to what we do is what the future we will
have tomorrow depends on. In my experience, the consequence was that, postponing my
plans due to bad decisions that only worked mediocrely on the compass. On the other hand,
the people most involved in this were my parents, and without a doubt the most affected,
due to my rudeness and rebelliousness, I know that emotionally I also caused them a lot of
damage and that if I could turn back time I would not have done it. Of course I learned
many things from that, and more now that I am a mother and that I know how much it costs
to be one, and I would not know what to do if my daughter had that type of actions,
however, as we all know, not so good experiences also serve as learning, and now I see it as
that, a chance to get ahead and achieve emotional and economic stability that allows me to
provide a good future for my daughter but always focusing on her that every action sooner
or later has a consequence and that it depends only on ourselves what will be our destiny
2. The links to the video with the review of each student

Harold Alexander Bonilla Perez:

Natalia Angel:




BBC ideas (2021, 08 de agosto) How metaphors shape the way you see the world [video]

Hall, Diane, Foley, Mark. (2003). Modal verbs. Irún, Spain: Stanley Editorial.

Singleton, K. (2003). Reported speech. Stanley Editorial.

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