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Hallelujah – Mike Moyers

First Congregational Church of

United Church of Christ
An Open and Affirming Church
Founded 1869
Sunday, August 13th 2023 | 10 o’clock in the morning
Spaces of the Spirit Beachside Worship
Responses in italics may be spoken out loud.
Please stand, if you wish, at places marked by an asterisk (*).

Prelude The Sleeping Prophet and Crystal Palace, Sea of Glass

arr. John A. Behnke

Words of Welcome Julie Captain

*Call to Worship
O God, you summon the day to dawn, you teach the morning to awaken the earth.
For you the valleys shall sing for joy, the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
For you the kings of the earth shall bow, the poor and the persecuted shall shout for joy.
Your love and mercy shall last forever, fresh as the morning, sure as the
O Holy One, Sovereign, Creator, great is your name.
O God, great is your love. Amen.

*Opening Hymn Shall We Gather at the River

Shall we gather at the river? Ere we reach the shining river,

Where bright angel feet have trod Lay we every burden down;
With its crystal tide forever Grace our spirits will deliver,
Flowing by the throne of God And provide a robe and crown.
Yes, we'll gather at the river
The beautiful, the beautiful river Soon we'll reach the shining river
Gather with the saints at the river Soon our pilgrimage will cease
That flows by the throne of God Soon our happy hearts will quiver
With the melody of peace [Refrain]

A Prayer from the Corrymeela Community

We pray in the name of the Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit,

We begin our day alone,

Honouring this life, with all its potentials and possibilities.
We begin our day with trust,
Knowing we are created for loving encounter.
We begin our day with hope,
Knowing the day can hold Love, kindness, Forgiveness and justice.
Psalm 46
We recall our day yesterday,
May we learn, may we love, May we live on.
We make room for the unexpected,
May we find wisdom and life In the unexpected.
Help us to embrace possibility,
Respond graciously to disappointment
And hold tenderly those we encounter.
Help us be fully present to the day.

We pray for all those whose day will be difficult,
May we support, may we listen, May we change.
We resolve to live life in its fullness:
We will welcome the people who’ll be part of this day.
We will greet God in ordinary and hidden moments.
We will live the life we are living.

Prayer for Courage

Today, May we find the wisdom we need,
God be with us.
May we hear the needs of those we meet,
God be with us.
May we love the life that we are given,
God be with us. Amen.

Reading One Psalm 104 Rev. Liz Jones

Reading Two Words from the Poets Rev. Jason W. Coulter

Special Music Angel from Montgomery Lucy Coulter

*Greeting of Peace

Spaces of the Spirit

Surrender of Sins
Confession is a crucial element of the Christian life. In worship we confess our
sins, communally, and aloud, every week as we seek God’s forgiveness. Yet
some of our sins are known only to ourselves and to our God. Today you are
invited to write those sins on paper and burn them to symbolize the ways that
God takes away the sins of the world.

I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

In the 139th Psalm, the psalmist declares, “I praise you God for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made!” Look in the mirror, say a prayer of praise to God, and write
an affirmation for yourself. May it be a reminder of the wonderful things God
does through you.

Healing Hands of Prayer

We pray for others. Take a paper hand and write the name of a person for whom
you are praying. Feel free to write your wish for that person, be it “healing” or
“peace” or “a new job” whatever you wish. Add it to the board for a collage of
praying hands.

My Cup Overflows
Psalm 23:5 reminds of the ways that God is with us and blesses us in so many
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Consider all the ways that God has blessed you. Write down your blessings on a
slip of paper and crumple it up into a ball and add it to the cup. Our cup will
indeed be overflowing – thanks to God’s goodness and mercy.

Prayer Partner
Most often we bring prayers for other people, but today we pray for ourselves.
Sit with Pastor Jason and ask him to pray for you. Share what you are
comfortable sharing and let the words settle in your heart as the prayer ascends
to heaven.
Hymn Amazing Grace
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come;
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
that saved a wretch like me! and grace will lead me home.
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see. When we've been there ten thous’d years
bright shining as the sun,
'Twas grace that taught my heart to We've no less days to sing God's praise
fear, than when we'd first begun.
and grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
the hour I first believed! that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
was blind, but now I see.

Offering Johnny Appleseed Song

Prayers of the People – Pastoral Prayer – Silent Prayer

Prayer of Our Savior

Our Creator, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And Forgive us our debts as
we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Closing Hymn Will the Circle Be Unbroken

Pointed to the dying Savior,
There are loved ones in the glory Now they dwell with Him above. [Refrain]
Whose dear forms you often miss,
When you close your earthly story
Will you join them in their bliss? You can picture happy gath’rings
Round the fireside long ago,
Will the circle be unbroken And you think of tearful partings,
by and by, Lord, by and by? When they left you here below. [Refrain]
In a better home awaiting
in the sky, Lord, in the sky? One by one their seats were empty,
One by one they went away,
In the joyous days of childhood, Now the fam'ly is parted,
Oft they told of wondrous love, Will it be complete one day? [Refrain]
*Benediction and Blessing

Postlude Lovely Day by Bill Withers

Worship Credits and Sources:

Morning Prayer and Prayer for Courage from the book, Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela
Community by Padraig O’Tuama

Sunday Morning Service Roles

Deacons: Lay Reader
- Dona Nunn - Mary Kay Devine
- Chris Krei
- Eda Uca
Beachside Worship Support Summer Spirit
- Lucy Coulter - Kelly Tran
- Lucy Coulter
Want to volunteer and get more involved in Sunday services? See the sign-up sheet in
the back of the sanctuary or contact Mahdia at

Sanctuary Clean-Up on August 27th

Every now and then the church needs a good house cleaning
and reorganization. That time is nigh! To get ready for Rally
Sunday on September 10, we are going to do some church
cleaning on Sunday, August 27 right after coffee hour. We
will clean out space in the basement and get the church
ready for a new fellowship area in the back of the sanctuary.
We want to have a bright, clean and well organized church to
greet friends and visitors in September. So come in comfy
clothes, ready to lend a hand.

Rally Day is September 10th!

September is just around the corner, meaning Rally Day is
coming up soon! Gather in the sanctuary and on the streets
for our annual Rally Day & Block Party. Celebrate the return
of our choir, meet new friends on the first day of Sunday
School, and stay for lunch plus activities on the street after
WELCOME to First Congregational Church of
Mission Statement
We express God’s love in action, compassion, and justice.

Open and Affirming Statement

As an inclusive congregation, we welcome all faith experiences and family types; we
are an open and affirming community of faith who welcome and celebrate differences
of age, ability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and national

Immigrant Welcoming Statement

We commit to take actions consistent with the values and resources of our community
to oppose xenophobia and to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation and
the hardships such deportation will cause them and their families.

First Congregational Church of Evanston, UCC

Sanctuary: 1445 Hinman Avenue (at Grove Street)
Mailing address: 1417 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: 847-864-8332 | Email:

Church Staff
Rev. Jason W. Coulter, Senior Minister | ext.21
Matthew Hogan, Music Director | ext. 23
Mahdia Lynn, Church Administrator | ext. 22
Rev. Liz Jones, Minister of Communications and Community Life
Kelly Tran, Nursery Supervisor
Chris Krei, Member at Large
Julie Captain and Sarah Pressly, Co-Moderators

To make a donation to First Congregational Church you may do so during

the offering, or you may make an electronic donation through the church
website by using this QR Code. Thank you for your generosity!

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