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The accompanying material appears to examine how Martin's Appraisal Theory (2005) and
other connected ideas are applied to analyse the language and communication methods utilised
in a national image video named "China Enters a New Era". The research focuses on the ways
in which the film makes use of different linguistic and multimodal resources to present a
favourable view of China. An explanation of how conversation discourse analysis has been
applied in this situation is provided below:

● Attitude System Analysis (Affect, Judgment, Appreciation): The text examines how
attitude, as defined by Martin's Appraisal Theory, is manifested in the discourse. Attitude
refers to the speaker's evaluation and appreciation of various aspects of human
behavior, processes, and phenomena. In the analyzed examples, attitudes are
expressed through affective language, judgmental evaluations, and appreciative
expressions. For instance, in the phrases "Our Chinese dream is that the high-speed rail
we produce is faster, more stable, and safer," positive attributes like "faster," "more
stable," and "safer" express an attitude of optimism and aspiration for high-quality rail

● Behavioral and Psychological Process Analysis: The text delves into how the
discourse employs language to convey behavioral and psychological processes. These
processes are used to evoke positive emotional responses from the audience. For
example, the phrase "I feel extremely honored and proud of being an honor guard"
reflects the emotional state of pride, while the sentence "I will go to Beijing to see
Tiananmen Square when I grow up" portrays a future behavioral action with positive
emotional implications.

● Verb Usage to Express Wishes and Hopes: The analysis highlights how verbs
expressing wishes and hopes are utilized to convey positive emotions and expectations.
These verbs help to emphasize the emotional content of the discourse. For example, the
phrase "My Chinese dream is to hope that China can maintain a relatively good
development" employs the verb "hope" to express a positive expectation for China's

● Judgment System Analysis: The text explores how positive and negative evaluations
are made based on social norms and ethics. This involves evaluating China's
development strategy, as well as positive judgments regarding economic progress, such
as China's role in the "One Belt One Road" initiative.

● Engagement System Analysis (Heterogloss): The text discusses how the video uses
different speech patterns to engage the audience. Instead of relying on monologues, the
video features multiple representative people and General Secretary Xi, creating a
heteroglossic discourse. This diverse engagement helps to reinforce the concepts being
promoted and resonate with the audience.
● Language Graduation System Analysis: The text investigates how linguistic resources
are employed to emphasize degrees of reinforcement and focus. For example, phrases
like "Our Chinese dream is to make our high-speed rail faster, more stable and safer"
use comparative structures to intensify the emphasis on positive attributes.

● Multimodal Resources as Signs: The analysis expands beyond linguistic resources to

encompass sound, image, and language as semiotic resources that contribute to
meaning construction. The positive national image is built by integrating these
multimodal resources, with each resource contributing to the overall message through
distinct roles.

● Application of Expansions (Elaboration, Extension, Enhancement): The text

suggests that Halliday's concept of expansions can be applied to the multimodal
discourse analysis. The concepts of elaboration, extension, and enhancement are seen
as ways in which different modalities complement and reinforce each other in conveying

In summary, the text discusses how Martin's Appraisal Theory and related concepts are applied
to analyze a national image video's discourse, focusing on how linguistic and multimodal
resources are employed to construct a positive image of China. The analysis considers various
aspects of attitude, engagement, judgment, and linguistic structures to explain the discourse's
impact on the audience.


The life history technique is a qualitative research strategy that entails gathering and studying
in-depth accounts of a person's experiences over the course of their life. The life history method
has been used in this situation to better comprehend Maria's experiences, particularly her early
recollections, her battle with mental illness, and the effects of her mental health on other facets
of her life. The life history technique is clearly demonstrated in the sentence as follows:

● Focus on Childhood Memories: The passage mentions that Maria focused on her
childhood memories, including both painful and joyous ones. The life history method
involves exploring an individual's life from childhood to the present to understand how
past experiences shape their current perspectives and behaviors.

● Narrative Construction: The passage indicates that Maria constructed her own
narrative, likely through interviews or conversations with researchers or mental health
professionals. The life history method involves allowing the individual to tell their story in
their own words, providing insights into their unique experiences and perspectives.

● Evolution of Consciousness about Mental Illness: Maria's narrative reflects her

evolving understanding of her mental illness over time. This aligns with the life history
method's goal of capturing changes and developments in an individual's life story,
allowing researchers to understand how people come to terms with their experiences.

● Influence of Family, Community, and Professionals: Maria's narrative highlights the

roles played by her family, community, and mental health professionals in her journey.
The life history method aims to uncover the various influences and interactions that have
shaped an individual's life trajectory.

● Integration of Painful and Positive Experiences: The passage mentions Maria's

memories of both painful and joyous experiences. The life history method often involves
capturing a range of experiences, emotions, and events to provide a comprehensive
understanding of an individual's life story.

● Reflection on Personal Growth and Lessons Learned: The passage mentions that
Maria related lessons she had learned about herself, her family, her community, and the
institutions she relies on for help. This reflective aspect is characteristic of the life history
method, where individuals may analyze their past experiences to gain insights into their
own growth and development.

● Complexity and Contextualization: The passage emphasizes the complex interplay of

Maria's experiences, mental illness, family dynamics, community involvement, and
spiritual beliefs. The life history method aims to capture the context and complexity of an
individual's life, recognizing that various factors contribute to their experiences.

In summary, the life history method has been employed in Maria's case to capture the depth,
evolution, and context of her life experiences, particularly her journey with mental illness and its
impact on different aspects of her life.

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