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Legal Consideration of Maternal and Child Practice “Wrongful Birth”

Informed Consent - is the birth of a disabled child whose

- The process by which a patient learns pregnancy the parents would have chosen
about and understands the purpose, to end if they have been informed about
benefits, and potential risks of the disability during pregnancy.
a medical or surgical intervention, “Wrongful Life”
including clinical trials, and then agrees to - is a claim that negligent prenatal testing
receive the treatment or participate in the on the part of a healthcare provider
trial. resulted in the birth of a disabled child.
Legal Concerns “Wrongful Conception”
New Technologies - denotes that a contraceptive measure
- (e.g., assisted reproduction, surrogate failed, allowing an unwanted child to be
motherhood, umbilical cord sampling, and conceived and born.
end-of-life decisions). Confidentiality
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) - means that personal and medical
- is used to treat infertility. It information given to a health
includes fertility treatments that handle care provider will not be disclosed to
both a woman's egg and a man's sperm. It others unless the individual has given
works by removing eggs from a woman's specific permission for such release.
body. The eggs are then mixed with Republic Act No. 10173,
sperm to make embryos. The embryos - otherwise known as the Data Privacy
are then put back in the woman's body. Act is a law that seeks to protect all forms
Surrogate motherhood of information, be it private, personal, or
- practice in which a woman sensitive.The patient has the right to
(the surrogate mother) bears a child for demand that all information,
a couple unable to produce children in the communication and records pertaining to
usual way, usually because the wife is his care be treated as confidential.
infertile or otherwise unable to undergo Information
pregnancy. - In the course of
Percutaneous umbilical cord blood his/her treatment and hospital care, the
sampling (PUBS) patient or his/her legal guardian has a
- also called cordocentesis, fetal blood right to be informed of the result of the
sampling, or umbilical vein sampling is evaluation of the nature and extent of
a diagnostic genetic test that examines his/her disease, any other additional or
blood from the fetal umbilical cord to further contemplated medical treatment
detect ; on surgical procedure or procedures,
 Chromosomal abnormalities. including any other additional medicines
 Blood disorders such as anemia. to be administered.
 Some metabolic disorders. Medical Records
 Infections such as toxoplasmosis and rubella. - serves as the central repository for
 Some causes of structural problems or planning patient care and documenting
intrauterine growth restriction. communication among patient and health
care provider and professionals
End-of-life decision making contributing to the patient's care.
- is the process that healthcare providers, - Includes a variety of types of "notes"
patients, and patients’ families go through entered over time by health care
when considering what treatments will or professionals, recording observations and
will not be used to treat a life-threatening administration of drugs and therapies,
orders for the administration of drugs and - Respects personal, cultural, and spiritual
therapies, test results, x-rays, reports, etc. attitudes and beliefs.
Documentation - Encourages family bonding through
- Essential for justifying actions. rooming in and family visiting in maternal
- Good documentation promotes patient and child health care settings.
safety and quality of care. Complete and STANDARDS OF CARE
accurate medical recordkeeping can help 1. Every woman and new born receives
ensure that your patients get the right care routine, evidence based care and
at the right time. management of complications during
- Good documentation is important to labor, childbirth and the early postnatal
protect you the provider. Good period
documentation can help you avoid liability 2. The health of information system enables
and keep out of fraud and abuse trouble. use of data to ensure early, appropriate
action to improve the care of every
CHILD PRACTICES 3. Every woman and newborn with condition
MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH. that cannot be dealt with effectively with
- The Maternal and child health (MCH) the available resources is appropriately
refers to the health of mothers, infants, referred.
children, and adolescents. 4. Communication with women and their
- It is a profession within the public health families is effective and responds to their
committed to promoting the health status needs and preferences.
and future challenges of this vulnerable 5. Women and newborns receive care with
population. respect and preservation of their dignity.
- it involves the care of the woman and 6. Every woman and her family are provided
with emotional support that is sensitive to
family throughout pregnancy and
their needs and strengthens the woman's
childbirth and the health promotion and
illness care for the children and families. 7. For every woman and newborn,
Two main national health goals are: component, motivated staff are
• To increase quality and years of healthy life consistently available to provide routine
• To eliminate health disparities care and management complications.
Components of maternal and child health 8. The health facility has an appropriate
1. Family planning and reproductive health physical environment, with adequate
services water, sanitation and energy supplies and
2. Maternal, newborn, and child health services equipment for routine maternal and
3. Health communications newborn care.
4. Health commodities and supplies Health Promotion and Diseases Prevention in
5. Health system strengthen different Stage of growth and development
Examples of Scope of practice include: Nurse role in health promotion
- Serves an advocate to protect the rights of – Model healthy life style behaviors and
all family members, including the fetus attitude
- Demonstrates a high degree of – Facilitate client involvement in assessment,
independent nursing functions because implementation, evaluation of health goal
teaching and counseling are major – Teach the client health care strategies to
interventions enhance fitness, improve nutrition, manage
- Promotes health and disease prevention stress and enhance relationship
because these protect the health of the – Assist individual, families and communities
next generation. to increase their level of health
– Educate the client to be effective health care
– Assist the client, families and communities
to develop and choose health promoting

Nursing Care of a Family With an The Nursing role in health promotion of an

Infant infant and family
 Growth and development of infant  Promoting infant safety
- nfants grow rapidly both in size and in - Unintentional injury is leading cause of
their ability to perform task during their death in children from 1 month Through 24
first year. years
- A standard schedule for healthcare visit is - Of age. These second only to acute
for 2 weeks, 2months, 4month, 6months, infection as a cause of acute morbidity and
9 month, and 12month visit. These visits primary care Provider visit.
are important for the infant because they - Aspiration prevention
provided time for immunization and health - Fall Prevention
assessment; They are also important for - Car safety
parents because they provided an - Safety with siblings
opportunity for parents to ask questions - Bathing and swimming Safety
about their child growth pattern and - Childproofing
developmental progress, they provide  Promoting nutritional health of an infant
opportunities for healthcare provider to - The best Food for infant during 12 months
assess for potential problems as they first of life is breast feeding.
appear. - A breasfeed or partially Breastfeed for
 Physical growth infant should receive 400 IU of vitamin D
– The psysiologic change that occure in the supplement starting with 2 weeks of age.
infant year reflect both increasing maturity - Recommended Dietary allowance for
and growth of the body organs. Infant
– Height averag of bith lenght of 20 in to - Introduction of solid food
about 30in ( 50.8 to 76.2 cm ) - Introducing solid foods to your infant is an
– Weight 4 to 6 months and triple it by exciting milestone.
1year. 6 months avarge 21lb per months - there's no need to rush this milestone.
• Boy - weight 10 (22lb) Most babies are ready to start solids
• Girls - 9.5 (21lb) between 5 and 6 months. Don't start solids
– Head circumference measures about 13 before 4 months
3⁄4 inches (35 cm), growing to about 15 - 4 to 8 months: Pureed veggies, fruits, and
inches (38 cm) by one month. meats
– Body portion - You may have heard that eating fruits
– Body System cardiovascular system before vegetables can cause a lifelong
heart rate slow from 110 to 160 beats/ preference for sweet foods, but there's no
mins to 100 to 120 beats/ mins by the end research to back that up. So it's up to you
of the first years. whether you begin with bananas or carrots,
 Development milestones or pureed chicken for that matter.
- 6 to 8 months: Single-ingredient finger
- Whether you've begun with purees or are
starting solids just with finger foods, may
babies enjoy experimenting with self-
feeding from an early age. Don't offer any – Thump sucking
hard, raw foods, such as apple slices or – Use of pacifers
carrot sticks at this point. Make sure fruits – Head baging
and veggies are soft enough to mash with – Constipation
gentle pressure between your thumb and – Loss stool
forefinger. – Diaper Dermatitis
- 9 to 12 months: Chopped, ground, or – Maliaria
mashed foods – Baby bottles tooth decay syndrome
- As soon as your child is able, transition – Obesity in infant
him away from smooth purees. Incorporate Nursing Care of a Family With a
more finger foods and make sure there's Toddler
texture in any mash. It's also safe to feed – Your child is advancing from infancy
your child soft rice and casseroles at this toward and into the preschool years.
point. During this time, his or her physical
- Solid Foods Not to Give Baby growth and motor development will slow,
- You should avoid giving infants the but you can expect to see some
following foods: tremendous intellectual, social, and
- Honey: It can cause botulism, a serious emotional changes.
illness, if introduced too early. – Toddler Growth & Development
- Cow's Milk: Stick with breast milk and – Physical Skills
formula as a primary beverage until your – Social Skills
baby is a year old. It's fine to use cow's – Cognitive Thinking
milk in cooking or baking, though. Physical growth
- Nuts, Popcorn, Whole Grapes, and Globs – Physical Growth: While toddlers are making
of Nut Butter: These foods are choking great strides developmentally, their physical
hazards. growth begins to slow. Weight: – A child
 Promoting Infant Development in Daily gains only about 2.5 kg and 12cm a year
Activities during the toddler period. – A toddler‘s
- In the First years, Caring for and infant appetite decreases accordingly, yet
Feeding, bathings, Dressing and so forth adequate intake of all nutrients is still
OccupiesWhat may seem like nearly all of essential to meet energy needs.
the parents walking hours. All of these – Head circumference: – Increases only about
basic related care activities Provide 2 cm during the second year compared to
informatant Opportunities for parents and about 12 cm during the first year. – Head
infant to get to know one another and to circumference equals chest circumference
become use to each other unique at 6 months to 1 year of age; By 2 years,
Personalities and patterns. Nurse can play chest circumference has grown greater than
a a key roll in teaching Parents about that of the head. Physical Growth:
these activities and stressing There – Body Contour: – Toddlers tend to have a
important: prominent abdomen – because although
- Bathiing - Except in every hot weather an they are walking well, their abdominal
infant does not need a bath everday muscles are not yet strong enough to
- Diaper area care support abdominal contents. – They have a
- Dressing forward curve of the spine at the sacral area
- Sleep (lordosis). Physical Growth:
- Excercise – Body systems: – Body systems continue to
 Parental concern and Problem related to mature during this time. – Respirations slow
normal infant development slightly but continue to be mainly abdominal.
– Teething – The heart rate slows from 110 to 90 bpm;
blood pressure increases to about 99/64 – Children Change a great deal in their
mm Hg. – The brain develops to about 90% ability to Understand the world and how
of its adult size. – In the respiratory system, they relate to people during toddler years
the lumens of vessels enlarged – Socialization
progressively so the threat of lower – Play behavior
respiratory infection becomes less. Physical Health Promotion for Toddler
Growth: – Toddlers trend to develop many upper
– Body systems: – Stomach secretions respiratory and ear infection but otherwise
become more acids; therefore, come to health care facilities most often
gastrointestinal infections also become less for health maintenance visit,and for
common. – Stomach capacity increases to important immunizations.
the point a child can eat three meals a day. – Routine health maintenance visit also
– Control of the urinary and anal sphincters provide opportunities to support parents
becomes possible with complete myelination through,the normal crise of the toddler
of the spinal cord. – IgG and IgM antibody period. Way to encourage parents to
production becomes mature at 2 years of promote healthy development of
age. – The passive immunity obtain during independence in their toddlers include
intrauterine life is no longer operative. listening carefully to their concerns, asking
Physical Growth: questions to help separate the objectives
– Teeth: – Eight new teeth (the canines and possible emotional biases, and providing
first molars) erupt during the 2 nd year. All guidelines on how to handle specific
20 deciduous teeth are generally present by problems.
2.5 – 3 years of age. Physical Growth: The Nursing role in health promotion of an
Development milestones toddler and family
– Language development  Health promotion for safety
– Language Development: – Toddler hood – Accident are the major cause of death in
is a critical time for language infant through late adolesecent.
development, although even this varies Unintentional ingestion (poisoning) and
among children, because in order to auto accident are types of unintentional
master language, children need practice injuries that occur most frequently in
time. – A word that is used frequently by toddlers.
toddlers and that is a manifestation of – Although Poisoning can involve medicine
their developing autonomy is a “no”. such as acetaminophen, it most often
Toddlers may use the word to mean they occurs from ingestion of cleaning
are refusing a task, or they do not products.
understand it. – Apiration – is major danger for children of
– A child who is 2 years old and does not this age.
talk in two words, noun verb simple – Motor vehicle, burns, falls, drowining and
sentence need a careful assessment to playground injuries. These occur because
determine the cause because this implies toddlers motor ability jumps ahead of their
underdevelopment. judgement.
– Parents are offen worried a lack of Promoting Nutritional Health of a Toddler
language means theirs child has ang – Toddlers usually do not like food that is
autism Sperculum disorder. It is true that a “mixed up” such as casseroles; they often
delay in language can represent the first prefer that different foods do not touch
syndrom of autism, but it also may be only one another on their plate. – Toddler
be a temporary phenomenon until the Nutrition: Children ages 1 – 3 years
child fully graps the essence of speech. should consume 1,300 kcal daily. Protein
– Emotional development and carbohydrates needs are often easily
met during the toddler period; diets in high – Care of Teeth: Toddlers need to have a
sugar must be avoided. tooth brush they recognized as their own.
– Because growth slow abruptly after the Toward the end of Toddler period, they
first years of life, a toddlers appetite is can begin to do brushing themselves
usually less than ang infant. Children who under supervision. Remind parents it is
are hungrily 2 months earlier now may sit better for a child to brush thoroughly once
and play with their food. It is important to a day, probably at bedtime, than do it
educate parents that, while the child is still poorly many times a day. After brushing,
an infant, this decline in food intake will parents can use dental floss to clean
occur, so they will not be concern when it between the child’s teeth and remove
happens. Because the actual amount of plaque. Urge parents to schedule a visit to
food eaten daily variea from one child to a dentist skilled in pediatric dental care by
another,,teach parents to place a small 2.5 years of age for assessment of
amount of food on a plate and allow their dentition
child cannot finish. One tablepoonful of Parental Concerns Associated with the
each food server is a good start. Also, Toddler Period:
cleaning a plate gives a child a feeeling of – Toilet Training: – Toilet training is one of
independent fuctioning, wheres leaving the biggest tasks a toddler must achieve.
food uneaten suggest that parents – Before children can begin to be toilet
expected something more. trained, they must have reached important
developmental levels one physiologic and
– Bottle feeding – recommend that mothers
the other cognitive: They must have
do this gradually in order to avoid
control of rectal and urethral sphincters,
usually achieved at the time they walk
– Self Feeding – is a major ways to both
well. They must have cognitive
strength independence in a toddler and
understanding of what it means to hold
improve the amount of food consumed.
urine and stools until they can release
Offering finger food.
them at a certain place and time.
– A Vegetarian Diet
– Ritualistic Behavior: Negativism: – As
Promotion Daily Activities
part of establishing their identities as
– Dressing: By the end of the toddler
separate individuals, toddlers typically go
period, most children can put on their own
through a period of extreme negativism. –
socks, underpants and undershirt. When
They do not want to do anything a parent
toddlers dress themselves, they invariably wants them to do. Their reply to every
put shoes in the wrong feet and shirt and
request is a definite “no.”
pants on backwards. – Discipline: – Remind parents that
– Sleep: They may begin the toddler period
“discipline” and “punishment” are not
napping twice a day and sleeping 12 interchangeable terms. – Discipline
hours each night, and end it with one nap
means setting rules or road signs so
a day and only 8 hours sleep at night. children know what is expected of them. –
– Bathing: The time for a toddler’s bath Punishment is a consequence that results
should depend on the parents and the
from a breakdown in discipline, from the
child wishes and schedule. Toddlers
child’s disregard or the rules that were
usually enjoy bath time and parents learned. – Two general rules to follow:
should make an effort to make it fun by Parents need to be consistent. Rules are
providing a toy such as rubber duck, boat learned best if corrected behavior is
or a toy fish. Remind parents that praised rather than wrong behavior
although toddlers can sit well in a bathtub, punished. Ritualistic Behavior:
it is not safe to leave them unsupervise
– Separation Anxiety: – Fear of being – Bladder is easily palpable above the
separated from parents begins at about 6 symphysis pubis; voiding is frequent
months of age and persists throughout the enough (9 to 10 times a day)
preschool period. – This universal fear of – Child had an in determine longitudinal
this age group is known as separation arch in the foot generally demonstrates a
anxiety. – Parents may ask what they can well-formed arch
do about this problem. They believe they – Muscles are noticeable stronger
have a right to leave their child in a – Many children at this period exhibits Genu
babysitter’s or center’ care. Ritualistic Valgus (knock-knees); disappears with
Behavior: increase skeletal growth
– Temper Tantrums: – Almost every – Weight (average gain 4.5lb(2kg), Height 2
toddler has a temper tantrum at one time to 3.5 inches (6-8cm), Body Mass Index,
or another. – The child may kick, scream, and Head Circumference and Teeth (age
stamp feet, shout “No,no,no” lie on the of 3 they have their 20 deciduous teeth)
floor, flail arms and legs and bang the Developmental Milestone
head against the floor. – Children may  Language Development
hold their breath until they become - Egocentrism or perceiving that one’s
cyanotic and slump to the floor. Ritualistic thoughts and need are better or more
Behavior: important than those others
Nursing Care of a Family With a Preschool  Play
Child  Emotional Development
Preschool Period – Initiative
– Traditionally include the years 3, 4, and 5. – Imitation
– It is an important period of growth for – Fantasy
parents because they may be unsure how – Oedipus and Electra Complexes
much independence and responsibility for  Oedipus Complex refers to the strong
self-care they should allow their rapidly emotional attachment a preschool boy
maturing child. demonstrates towards his mother
– Most children want to do things for  Electra Complex refers to the
themselves attachment of a preschool girl to her
Physical Growth father.
– Definite change in body contour occurs – Gender roles
during this preschool years. Wide-legged – Socialization
gait, prominent lordosis and protuberant – Cognitive Development (Intuitional Thought)
abdomen of the toddler change to – Moral and Spiritual Development
slimmer, taller, and much more childlike Parental Concerns Associated with Preschool
proportion. Period
– Contour changes are so definite that  Common Health Problems
future body type – Ectomorphic Body Common Colds, Ear infection, GIT disturbances
Build (slim body build) or Endomorphic (vomiting and diarrhea) and upper respiratory
Body Build (large body build). infection
– Child’s ability to learn extended language  Common Fears
– Lymphatic Tissue increases in size, Fear of the Dark, Fear of Mutilation, Fear of
particularly the tonsils, immune globulin Separation or Abandonment
(Ig)G and IgA antibodies increase  Behavior Violation
– Physiologic Splitting of heart sound may Telling Tall Tales, Imaginary Friend, Difficulty
be present from auscultation; innocent Sharing, Regression, Sibling Rivalry
heart murmur may be heard  Preparing for a New Sibling
 Sex Education
 Choosing a Preschool or Child Care Center  Conservation – ability to appreciate that a
 Preparing a Child for School change in shape does not necessarily
 Broken Fluency change in size
Nursing Care of a Family With a School Age  Class Inclusion – ability to understand that
Child objects can belong to more than one
– Between the ages of 6 to 12 years. classification.
– Represent a time of slow physical growth Moral and Spiritual Development
but a rapid growth for the child’s cognitive Common Health Problems of the School-Age
and developmental growth. Period
– At this period, children tends to select  Dental Cavities
activities based on the interest of peers. Caries (Cavities) are progressive, destructive
– It is the initiation of independent decision lesions or decalcification of the tooth enamel and
making. dentin.
Physical Growth  Malocclusion
– Physical growth A deviation of tooth position from the normal. It
Weight 3-5lb(1.3-2.2kg), Height 1 to 2inches(2.5- can be congenital due to condition such as cleft
5cm), children who did not lose a lordosis and palat, small lower jaw, or familial traits tending
knock-kneed appearance during the preschool is towards maloclussion.
now lose. Concerns and Problems of School-Age
At 10 yrs of age, brain growth is complete, fine Period
motor coordination, Eye globe reaches its final  ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
shape  ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)
Immune Globulins IgG and IgA reaches adult  Problems Associated with Language
level and Lymphatic tissue grows in size until Development
about age of 9.  Common Fears and Anxieties of School-Age
Left ventricle of the heart enlarges, pulse rate Child
decreases to 70 to 80 bpm, BP rises to about Anxiety Related tp Beginning School, School
112/60mmHg Refusal or Phobia,
– Sexual maturation  Children who Spend Time Independently
Sexual and Physical Concerns  Sex Education
Concerns of Girls and Boys  Stealing
– Teeth  Violence or Terrorism
Permanent Teeth erupts  Bullying
Developmental Milestone  Recreational Drug Use
– Gross Motor Development  Child of Alcoholic Parent
– Fine Motor Development Nursing Care of a Family With an Adolescent
– Play – The period between the age of 13 and up to
Language Development 20 years, a time that serves as a transition
Emotional Development (industry vs between childhood and becoming a late
Inferiority) adolescent.
Cognitive Development Early Period (13 – 14 yrs)
 Decentering – ability to project one’s self Middle Period (15 -16 yrs)
into other people’s situation Late Period (17 to 20 yrs)
 Accommodation – ability to adapt thought – Drastic Changes in physical appearance and
processes to fit what is perceived such as expectations of others
understanding that there can be more – Physical Growth
other reason for the people’s action Physiologic growth and Development of
adult coordination occur, mostly in weight.
– Girls – 1-2 inch taller than boys coming in  Stalking
adolescence but stop growing within 3 yrs Concerns regarding Hazing or Bullying
from menarche. Weight 15-55lb(7-25kg) and  Bullying – usually began during school
growth of epiphyseal lines of the long bones age.
stops at 16 or 17 yrs of age.  Hazing – organized bullying, refers to
– Boys – grow about 4-12inches in height and demeaning or humiliating rituals that
gain weight of 15-65lb(7-30kg). Growth of prospective members have undergo to
epiphyseal lines of the long bones stop at 18 join sororities, fraternities, adolescent
to 20 yrs of age. gangs, or sports team.
– Pulse Rate and Respiratory Rate decrease Concerns regarding Substance Use Disorder
slightly to 70bpm and 20breathspm Types of Abused Substances
– Blood Pressure increases slightly to  Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug
120/70mmHg by late adolescence  Alcohol
– Sebaceous glands becomes active due to  Tobacco
androgen which sometimes resulting in acne  Performance-Enhancing Substance Use
– Apocrine Sweat glands which are present in Disorder
axillae and genital area form shortly after  Marijuana
puberty, which produces strong odor in  Amphetamines
response to emotional stimulation.  Cocaine
– Teeth  Hallucinogens
– Puberty  Opiates
-time which an individual first becomes Concerns Regarding Depression and Self-
capable of sexual reproduction. Female – Injury
menstruation; Male – produce spermatozoa, Self-Injury – a range of self-destructive actions
events usually occur at ages between 11 to from cutting to suicide, the planned intent to end
14 yrs. one’s life.
– Secondary Sex Changes Successful suicide occurs more frequently in
Developmental Milestone males than females, although more females
– Play or Recreation frequently attempt suicide than males.
Emotional Development Nursing Process for Promotion of Normal
(Identity vs Role Confusion) Growth and Development
-Body Image, Self-Esteem, Value System, ASSESSMENT
Social Coupling, Career Decisions, Emancipation - To assess growth, measure and plot
from Parent height and weight on a standard growth
(Intimacy vs Isolation) chart for children at well child care visits.
-Socialization Obtain a developmental health history from
Cognitive Development (Formal Operational both parents. Observe specific activities
Thought) the child can accomplish to establish
Moral and Spiritual Developement whether developmental milestones are
Common Health Problems of An Adolescent achieved.
 Poor Posture - Consider all aspects of a child's health,
 Body Piercing and Tattoos remembering that each child's
 Fatigue developmental progress is unique.
 Menstrual Irregularities Children achieve milestones at a
 Acne predictable age range and identifying
 Obesity delays encourages prompt evaluation and
Concerns Regarding Sexuality and Sexual treatment to promote the child's optimal
Activity potential.
IMPLEMENTATION – Manifests a regular rythm in physiologic
- Encouraging age-appropriate self-care in a functions.
child and suggesting age-appropriate toys • Approach
or activities to parents. Role modeling is – Response to initial contact to a new
an important ongoing intervention to help stimulus.
parents accept a child's delayed growth or • Adaptability
appreciate a child who is scoring extremely – Ability to change one's reaction to stimuli
high on standard scales and needs over time.
increased stimulation. • Intensity of Reaction
OUTCOME EVALUATION – They meet new situations with their whole
- It must be conducted throughout childhood being.
and repeated if there are any concerns • Distractability
regarding a delay. The evaluation must be – Children who is easily distracted to a new
comprehensive and include all physical situation are easy to care for.
gwoth parameters and all aspects of • Attention Span and Persistence
development. – Ability to maintain interested in a project or
activity for an average length of time.
• Mood Quality
– A child who is always happy and laughing
is said to have a positive mood quality. It
FACTORS INFLUENCING GROWTH AND will make a big difference since the parents
DEVELOPMENT tend to spend some time with a child of
• Genetics positive mood quality than a child who
– From the moment of conception when a always seems to be unhappy.
sperm and ovum fuse, the basic genetic THE FAMILY WITH AN INFANT
makeup of an individual is cast. ASSESSMENT
• Gender - It begins with an interview with the primary
– Girls are born lighter than boys. Girls begin caregiver. Important areas to discuss
their puberty growth 6 months to 1 year include nutrition, elimination, growth
earlier than boys. patterns and development. Height, weight
• Health and head circumference is also important
– A child who inherits a genetically that they had to be plotted on standard
transmitted disease may noty grow as growth charts.
rapidly or develop as fully as a healthy NURSING DIAGNOSIS
child. - Much of the assessment of an infant and
• Intelligence family will focus on basic needs such as
– Children with high intelligence, do not sleep, nutrition, and activity and the
generalloy grow faster physically than parents' adjustment to their new role.
other children, but they do tend to advance • Ineffective breastfeeding related to
faster in skills. maternal fatigue
• Temperament • Disturbed sleep pattern related to baby's
– Inborn characteristic set at birth. It is the need to nurse every 2 hours
usual reaction pattern of an individual's • Imbalanced nutrition, less than body
characteristic manner of thinking. requirements, related to infant's difficulty
• Activity Level sucking.
– The level of activity among children differs OUTCOME IDENTIFICATION AND PLANNING
widely right from birth. - Outcomes established for infant care need
• Rhythmicity to be realistic based on the family's new
circumstances. Parents of infants specially
new parents must do a lot of adjusting family is doing but doesn't know the
and this takes time. Try to suggest customs or the language.
activities that can be easily incorporated OUTCOME EVALUATION
into the family's lifestyle. - It must be evaluated frequently during the
IMPLEMENTATION toddler period because children change so
- One of the most important interventions of much and learn so many skills during this
the infant period is teaching new parents time that their abilities and associated
about normal growth and development parental concerns can change from day to
milestones such as the age range for day.
rolling over or reaching objects. This THE FAMILY WITH A PRE SCHOOLER
information is anticipatory so that parents ASSESSMENT
are not surprised by a new skill and - Includes obtaining of helath history and
instead are prepared for changes and performing both physical and
development before they occur. developmental evaluation at healthcare
OUTCOME EVALUATION visits. A history that details their usual
- Evaluate expected outcomes at each visit performance level is therefore important for
to detect that changes in growth and accurate evaluation. Assess a child's
development are occuring. weight, height and body mass index. Also
THE FAMILY WITH A TODDLER assess for general appearance.
- It begins with a careful health history. - It often begins with establishing a schedule
Careful observation is another crucial for discussing normal preschool
element of the nursing assessment of a development with parents. Planning for
toddler. unintentional injury prevention. It is also
NURSING DIAGNOSIS important to plan opportunities for
- It usually focuses on the parents' adventurous activities and interaction with
eagerness to learn more about the other children.
parameters of normal growth IMPLEMENTATION
• Health seeking behaviours related to normal - Preschool children imitate moods as well
toddler development as actions. An important nursing
• Disturbed sleep pattern related to lack of intervention, therefore is role playing a
bedtime routine mood or attitude you would like a child to
• Risk for imbalanced nutrition, more than body learn.
requirements, related to fast food choices EVALUATION
OUTCOME IDENTIFICATION AND PLANNING - Evaluation of expected outcomes needs to
- Focuses largely on family education and be continous and frequent. Because
anticipatory guidance. Urge the to growth during this period is more cognitive
establish realistic goals and outcomes so and emotional than physical.
they can meet the rapidly changing needs FAMILY WITH A SCHOOL AGE CHILD
of their toddler and learn to cope with - Assess children as individuals to
typical toddler behaviours. Otherwise, understand the particular developmental
parents can expect too much of a toddler needs of each child based on what
and grow frustrated instead of enjoying developmental status has been achieved,
being a parent of a child this age. not on what stage you think the child
IMPLEMENTATION should have reached
- Teach parents that a good rule is to think ASSESSMENT
of a toddler as a visitor from a foreign land - History and physical examination are used
who wants to participate in everything the to assess growth and development of
school age children. School age child can
contribute to their own health history. This - After extension of fetal head and before
is a time when children begin to express chest is delivered mouth and nose
their own opinions and beliefs. should right away be cleared
OUTCOME IDENTIFICATION AND PLANNING - Best preventive measure for meconium
- They tend to enjoy small or short term aspiration, which results in lung infection
projects rather than long, involved ones. (aspiration pneumonia)
Behaviour problems need to be well - Place newborn in slight Trendelenburg
defined before outcomes are identified and (10-15 degree angle) in order drain
interventions planned. Parents need to secretions from the oro-nasopharynx
accept that problems are consistent with
- Position of newborn at birth is one that
normal growth and development.
promotes drainage of secretions.
- Slight head down is enough
- They are interested in learning about adult
- Avoid acute Trendelenburg, cause
roles so they will watch you to note your
abdominal contents to exert pressure to
attitude as well as your actions in a given
situation. They will feel comfortable diaphragm, causing DOB
knowing the “hows” and “whys” of actions. - Head-down position is contraindicated in
EVALUATION presence of signs increased intracranial
- Yearly health visits covering both physical pressure
and psychosocial development are - Suction the newborn
important at this age. - Start with the mouth and then the nose
FAMILY WITH AN ADOLESCENT - Plenty nerve receptor in nose, cause
- Transition between childhood and newborn to gasp for breath and aspirate
becoming a late adolescent the oropharyngeal secretions
- Press/ deflate the rubber ball of the bulb
ASSESSMENT syringe before inserting its tip into mouth
- Health visits may become irregular. and nostrils
OUTCOME IDENTIFICATION AND PLANNING - Suction shallowly using bulb syringe
- Respect the fact that they have a strong - Deep suctioning cause vagal stimulation,
desire to exert independence or do things bradycardia and laryngospasm
their own way. - Suction briefly
IMPLEMENTATION - It also aspirates much needed air oxygen
- Adolescents tend to do poorly with tasks - Preterm: less than 5 secs/ST
someone tells them they must do. - Full Term: 5-10 secs/ST
Evaluate how an intervention appears - Oxygenation is not routine. Just ensure a
from an adolescent's standpoint before patent airway and good supply of
beginning teaching. atmospheric air
EVALUATION Retrolental Fibroplasia
- Individuals will have difficulty - Injudicious use of oxygen can result in
accomplishing desired goals as adults damage to the retina, causing neonatal
unless they have high self-esteem that blindness
includes feeling secure in their new body 2. Keep the newborn warm
image. - Newborn temperature at birth: 37.3-35.5
1. Establish air way - Normal body temperature range
- Top priority - Axillary: 36.5-37
- Safest way to check the initial temp. - Greatest disadvantage of hospital
minimizes risk to mucus membrane of delivery is the risk of exchanging babies.
rectum, especially preterm Newborn identifies before the cord is cut
- Rectal: 36.7-37.2 - Home deliveries do not required NB
Mechanism of Heat Loss identification
 Evaporation – as liquid leaves NB body - Bracelets and food tags are enough.
 Conduction – loss of heat from NB Best way to identify by taking footprints
warm body to a cool surface, direct - Proper Identification of NB is legal and
contact moral responsibility of the health
 Convection – to cool air caregiver
 Radiation – not in contact, most NB 5. Provide skin care
heat is lost through radiation - Immediate soap and water bath, given to
- Dry newborn right away after birth to normal fullterm NB. Primarily to cleanse
prevent heat loss by evaporation. the skin of mucus, blood and at time
Initial/priority action of the caregiver after meconium, prevent infection
the baby is expelled out - An oil bath is given to preterm and high-
- Wrap body and promote flexion to risk NB
minimize the surface are of the body 6. Perform cord dressing
exposed to cool air and cool surfaces - Cord dressing must be performed under
- Never place newborn on cold and strict aseptic technique to prevent
unlined surfaces to prevent heat loss tetanus neonatorum
through conduction. - Cord examine presence of 3 vessels. 1
- Placed under the floor lamp primarily to umbilical vein and 2 umbilical arteries
keep him warm - Presence of incomplete report to
Effects of Cold Stress physician to assessed for congenital
1. Increased brown fat metabolism, causing defect
increase in the amount of fatty acids in - Leave 1 inch of cord from the base
circulation resulting in metabolic acidosis - Longer is left of cord stump longer is
2. Increased activity/metabolic rate, causing drying and dropping off time. More risk to
greater utilization of glucose and oxygen, local bacterial infection of the cord called
resulting in low sugar (hypoglycemia) and omphalitis
respiratory distress. - First 24hrs, cord inspected for bleeding
3. Do APGAR Scoring (omphalanghia)
- Scoring method that gives a numerical - Likely the site of bleeding
expression of the newborn’s adaptation 7. Inject vitamin K intramuscularly
to extra uterine life performed at 1- 5 - Prophylactic vitamin K is injected to
mins after birth prevent bleeding/ hemorrhagic disease in
- 1-minute scoring : defects the newborn by improving blood coagulation
cardiorespiratory function of newborn, - NB GIT is initially sterile, having no E.
general condition and need for Coli to synthesize vitamin K.
resuscitation, evaluation of NB heart - Best site for intramuscular injection,
rate, respiratory activity and color infants and young children is thigh
- 5-minutes scoring: defects NB muscle, mid-antero-lateral aspect called
adjusments to new environment and vastus lateralis
defecrs the prognosis. In nursing care 8. Give Crede’s prophylaxis
planning, use the second APGAR score - Crede’s prophylaxis is given to all NB
4. Identify the newborn properly prevent ophthalmia neonatorum. Can
be delayed for 1-2hrs inorder not to
interfere w/ maternal-NB bonding
9. Take the weight and other
anthropometric measurements
- Weight: Normal weight – 3000-3400g
with lowest limit at 2500-4000g
- AGA(Appropriate for gestational age)
weight between 10th and 90th percentile
- Lowest limit normal weight: 2500 5 ½
- Less than 2500g is small for SGA and
over 4000-4100 9lb I LGA
- SGA – weight below 10 th percentile.
Infant who has not achieved genetic
growth potential
- Synonyms: dysmaturity, intrauterine
growth restriction
- LGA – above 90th percentile
- LBW- low birth weight – less than 2500g
independent of GA assessments
- Height: NB height 19-20 inches average
50 cm. heel to crown
- Head circumference: biggest part ¼ of
body. 33-35 cm / 13-14 inches
- Chest circumference: equal to
abdomen 31-33cm (12-13)
- Abdominal circumference: 31-33cm
Provide gentle, minimal handling and keep a
watchful eye

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