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Identifying Information/Project Description

Basic information of the proposal

Project Title: Walking BIDAlogist: Science

Exhibit and Meme Competition
Type of Project: Tangible/Intangible

Project Proponent/s: Archie Anorico – WBS Business

Ellemer Rose L. Castanares – WBS
Business Manager
Lhea Mae Edang- WBS Business
Manager Usec.
Project Beneficiaries: BSED Biology Students and
University Constituents
Location of Beneficiaries: Mindanao State University – General
Santos City
Date of Implementation/Duration: 1st Semester: October 24-26, 2023
Area of Project Implementation: College of Education, Mindanao State
University – General Santos City
Budget Requirement: ₱5,252.50

Budget Requested: ₱5,252.50

ii. Executive Summary

Talents and skills are hallmarks of true MSUans and being members of the Walking
Biologists’ Society. As the new academic year starts, an additional set of WBS members
have the knowledge and abilities worth showcasing.
With this, the Walking Biologists’ Society recognizes the need for a venue where
learners have the opportunity to show their students. According to Article 2, Section 1 of the
Constitution and By-Laws (CBL) of the Walking Biologist Society, the constitution upholds
the application of learned theories and the outlet for talents and skills. Thus, making the
Walking BIDAlogist: Science Exhibit and Meme Competition.
The Walking BIDAlogist: Science Exhibit and Meme Competition is an activity that
engages future mentors in practical applications of learned theories and showcasing of talents
and skills. This project is composed of two activities, namely:(1) an exhibit that highlights
student skills and learning through the display of crafts and learning outputs in different areas
of Science; and (2) a meme-making contest related to applications of Science in everyday life
which aim to promote learners’ wit and creativity.
Furthermore, this project will foster meaningful interactions, thereby building rapport
and camaraderie between WBS members and fellow students. It will also provide means to
impart scientific knowledge for solving or explaining natural phenomena, and sparking
interest in science among students, thus contributing to making a more informed and
advanced society.
iii. Rationale

Walking BIDAlogist: Science Exhibit and Meme Competition showcase the

mixture between the talent in arts and the knowledge they have learned in this chosen
course. According to Roberts (2016), the goal of booths/exhibits is to grab the attention of
the attendees and to show brands. By doing this recreational activity, it will help students
to engage in different skills and arts, as such it may help the students to interact with other
students as well and reconnect themselves back to their creativity showcasing their talents
not just in arts but also to show how good and fluid they are in different fields. This
activity will give them the freedom to express and apply their learned skills and talents.

Therefore, doing this activity will not just engage them to have a reflection on
their learnings but also on their skills also and how good they are as well in socializing
and promoting their works and to have a good and successful interaction.

iv. Goals

1. Encourage the application of skills among BSED-Biology students not just

academically but also in their specific interest as well.
2. To showcase the talents and skills that every student of BSED-Biology possesses and
to have a chance to present their works to a wider audience.
3. To have an active interaction between students, faculty, staff, and all possible
beneficiaries to have an intermingle and exchange of meaningful interaction and to
have fun in this activity.
4. Foster camaraderie that will help make the members more participative and more
engaging for upcoming events.

v. Objectives
Objective 1: Strengthen knowledge Application
Objective 2: Showcase Talents and Skills
Objective 3: Encourage student meaningful interaction and camaraderie
Objective 4: Promote student participation and reflection on learning
vi. Methodology and Strategies
Description of the The meme competition is an activity of the Walking BIDAlogist: Science
Proposed Project Exhibit and Meme Competition that aims to promote the application of
Science learning through visual representation. This will challenge
participants to think creatively in conveying the importance of Science in
real-life situations in a meaningful, creative, and humorous way.

INFORMATION DISSEMINATION. The announcement of qualifications

and criteria will be made a week prior to the day of the competition. All
details will be relayed by every block representative and also be posted on
the official Facebook page of the Walking Biologists’ Society (WBS).
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Rhaddz Montebon (PIO), Year Level

GUIDELINES. The guidelines and qualifications for the meme

competition are the following:
Part 1: 1. Participants must be bonafide student members of the Walking
Pre- Biologists’ Society of the College of Education of Mindanao State
Implementation University – General Santos.
of Meme 2. There must be 12 entries overall- three representatives coming from
Competition each block under the BSED Biology program. The following teams
a) Gryffindor
b) Slytherin
c) Ravenclaw
d) Hufflepuff
4. The representatives will compete individually.
5. The contents of the meme must be relevant to the application of
scientific knowledge in everyday life.
6. Proper referencing of the sources must be indicated whenever
7. All entries must be submitted before the deadline.
8. The qualification of every entry and its participants will be reviewed
by the assigned officer.
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Mary Besmanos (WBS Auditor)

CRITERIA FOR JUDGING. All entries will be judged according to 70-

30 scoring system. Seventy percent (70%) of the total score will be coming
from “HAHA” reactions and shares gained by each entry. Meanwhile, the
remaining 30% will be from the score given by the judges using the
following rubric:

Creativity – 10%
Originality – 10%
Relevance of the Theme – 10%
Appeal to Audience – 70%
TOTAL: 100%

The deadline for submission of entries will be on October 24 at 12:00

noon after which the entries will be posted on the official Facebook page of
the WBS. There will be two days to gather 70% audience impact through
shares and “HAHA” reactions, thus the final judging will be on October 26,
2023. Meme entries must be submitted to the Google Drive folder provided
by the assigned officer whom will be responsible for compiling all the files
and monitoring social media engagements.
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Rhaddz Montebon (WBS P.I.O.)

All entries will be evaluated by the board of judges composed by all

year level representatives. The assigned officer will be tasked to compute the
average score of the entries and manage the whole course of the competition.

Part 2: Three outstanding entries will be hailed as winners and will receive a
Implementation certificate. Nevertheless, all entries will be ranked accordingly for awarding
of Meme of points that will be added to the block’s total score in the upcoming
Competition BIOLYMPICS. The following is the breakdown of points:

● 1st Place – 60 points 7th Place – 30 points

● 2nd Place – 55 points 8th Place – 25 points

● 3rd Place – 50 points 9th Place – 20 points

● 4th Place – 45 points 10th Place – 15 points

● 5th Place – 40 points 11th Place – 10 points

● 6th Place – 35 points 12th Place – 5 points

Assigned staff(s)/committee: Joshua Jugar (WBS Vice President), Dino

Lumedsig (WBS Secretary), & Mary Besmanos (WBS Auditor)

After the final judging, certificate of appreciation will be awarded to

the judges. The announcement of winners will proceed after all scores have
been computed followed by photo opportunity for the three winning
participants and the judges.
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Aleizah Alongan (WBS President)

Part 3: Post- Winning entries shall be stored and will be printed to be displayed for the
Implementation upcoming BioLYMPICS.
of the Meme
Description of the Kpop random dance is an initiative under the Walking BIDAlogist program
Proposed Project which provide venue for WBS members to showcase their dancing abilities
and adaptability in this ever-changing world.
Part 1:
Pre-Implementation of INFORMATION DISSEMINATION. The announcement of the said
KPOP Random Dance activity will be made a week prior to the day of the event. All details will be
relayed by every block representative and also be posted on the official
Facebook page of the Walking Biologists’ Society (WBS).
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Rhaddz Montebon (PIO), Year Level

GUIDELINES. The guidelines and qualifications for the KPOP random

dance are the following:
1. Participants must be bonafide student members of the Walking
Biologists’ Society of the College of Education of Mindanao State
University – General Santos.
2. Anyone can join and participate in the said activity.

SELECTION OF MUSIC. The selection of songs or music which the

participants will dance into will be meticulously selected by the assigned
officers and compiled into a folder. Furthermore, the speakers and other
materials needed must be secured by the officers a day before the

Assigned officers: Joshua Hong (WBS V-President), Dino Lumidseg

(WBS Secretary), Rhadzz Montebon (WBS PIO), Mary Besmanos (WBS
Auditor) & Archie Anorico (WBS Bus. Manager)

SELECTION OF JUDGES. The board of judges will be composed by:

1. Archie Anorico

Part 2: The random dance will proceed after the reading of criteria and guidelines
Implementation of KPOP for each event, thus all participants must be present in the venue before the
Random Dance competition starts.

Five participants will be chosen for a special award and will be given
certificates for ___________
Description of the Science Fair and Exhibit is the activity of the Walking BIDAlogist: Science
Proposed Project Exhibit and Meme Competition that aims to promote the application of
Science skills and learning among future Science mentors through the display
of Science-related learning output and materials. This activity will help
participants reflect on their learning and amplify scientific knowledge to
other people.

INFORMATION DISSEMINATION. The announcement of qualifications

and criteria will be made a month prior to the day of the competition. All
details regarding the activity will be relayed by every block representative
and also be posted on the official Facebook page of the Walking Biologists’
Society (WBS).
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Rhaddz Montebon (PIO), Year Level

GUIDELINES. The guidelines and qualifications for the Science Exhibit

are the following:
1. Participants must be bonafide student members of the Walking
Biologists’ Society of the College of Education of Mindanao State
University – General Santos.
2. There will be four competing teams for this year’s exhibit. The
Part 1: Pre- following team names are:
Implementation of a) Gryffindor
Science Exhibit b) Slytherin
c) Ravenclaw
d) Hufflepuff
3. Each team or house is composed of members from different BSED
Biology year levels. The selection of members will be done through
structured random sampling.
4. Every team thorugh their representwill randomly select the branch of
science they will be representing, namely: Biology, Chemistry,
Physics and Environmental Science.
5. The exhibit must contain scientific outputs, simulations, replicas,
models, and other learning materials related to their assigned theme.
6. All the items to be displayed must be available in the booth before the
final judging on October 26, 2023.

CRITERIA FOR JUDGING. The criteria for the Science Exhibit are
the following:

Content and Relevance of Materials- 40%

Creativity and Visual Appeal– 30%
Presentation – 20%
Appeal to Audience (Likes from Visitors)– 10%
TOTAL: 100%

SELECTION OF JUDGES. The board of judges must be composed of

three professors either specializing in any of the four fields of Science or
a permanent faculty member of COED. The assigned officers tasked to
communicate with the judges will be Dino Lumedsig (WBS Secretary)
and Archie Anorico and Ellemer Castanares (WBS Business Manager).
The board of judges will be composed by:
1. Paul R. Olvis, MS
2. Almera Sales, MST
3. Maria Theresa Pelones, DM

Each team will be given two days to set up their booth, starting October 25.
Assigned officers will be tasked to ensure that each team occupies its
designated area and monitor the entire preparation process. Members of each
team must participate during the entire exhibit preparation and the day of
judging. Attendance will be checked by their respective representatives.
Failure to do so will result to a fine of Php50 per day.
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Block Representatives

Every team will receive Php500 as monetary assistance for the purchase of
materials needed during the exhibit . The distribution officer will be Merill
Rose Landicho (WBS Treasurer).

Each team must display their valuable materials on the day of the judging to
prevent any damage or loss. Thirty minutes before the evaluation, all items
must be prepared and only two representatives from the block have to remain
Part 2: inside the booth. They will be given 30 minutes to present the displayed
Implementation of items. When all presentations end, the assigned officers will distribute three
Science Exhibit “likes” stickers to every viewer or visitor. These stickers will be given by the
audience to the booth(s) of their choice. Each “like” corresponds to one point,
hence the booth with the highest number of stickers will automatically secure
the 10% for the audience impact. The assigned officer will be tasked to
compute the average score of the entries and manage the whole course of the

All entries will be evaluated and ranked accordingly for awarding of points
that will be added to the block’s total score in the upcoming BIOLYMPICS.
However, three entries will be declared as the best Science Exhibit and will
receive a certificate. These are the corresponding points for each placer:
● 1st Place – 100 points

● 2nd Place – 90 points

● 3rd Place – 80 points

● 4th Place – 70 points

Assigned staff(s)/committee: Joshua Jugar (WBS Vice President), Dino

Lumedsig (WBS Secretary), Mary Besmanos (WBS Auditor), and
Joseliza Fandita (WBS 2nd Year Representative)

Awarding of certificates to the judges, the announcement of winners and

photo opportunity will be done successively after the computation and
rechecking of scores.
Assigned staff(s)/committee: Aliezah Alongan (WBS President)

For more information, refer to the Timeline and Program Flow

1. Consolidate all feedback, evaluation, and constructive criticisms.

2. Items and materials displayed shall be monitored and kept to be reused
Part 3: Post- for the upcoming BIOLYMPICS.
Implementation of 3. In case of volunteering work (i.e. free tutorial sessions for students
Science Exhibit with difficulty in Science), future mentors could use these materials as
IMs. Also, participants may present them in other Science exhibits to
be conducted inside or outside the school.
vii. Timeline/ Project flow

Date: TBA

9:00-9:30 AM Attendance Block Representative

Student Engagement Host
9:30 - 10:00 AM Invocation
National Anthem AVP
MSU Hymn
10:00 - 10:20 AM Welcome Address WBS Vice President
10:20 - 10:35 AM Opening Remarks WBS President
10:35 – 10:50 AM Introduction of Activities Host
Reading of the Criteria for Judging
10:50 - ONWARDS Kpop Random Dance Competition
Science Exhibit (Construction)-
Meme-Making Competition
TBA Awarding of Special Awards Host

Date: TBA

8:00- 8:30 AM Attendance Block representatives

8:30-9:30 AM Message WBS President

9:30-12:00 AM Introduction of Judges Host/s

Final Judging Judges
Awarding of Certificate to the Judges Host/s
4:00- 4:30 Awarding of Certificates and Awards WBS President
4:30- Closing remarks WBS V-President
viii. Success Indicators
Success Indicators for the Science Exhibit


Students Engagement Participants engaged in meaningful At least have a
discourse with the audience minimum of 30
stamps given by the

In par with the theme The booth must be in said/chosen The booth must be
theme and must be followed. designed in terms of
the theme that has
been picked.

Creativity Must be done as related to the Do what must be

chosen theme and must be creative done. (3D, futuristic
as possible. designs, etc.)

Success Indicators for the Meme Competition


Social Media Engagement Total number of views, likes, Achieving a combined
shares, and comments on the 1,500 engagements.
Message Clarity Percentage of viewers who can At least 90%
accurately identify the message and
relate to the humor of the picture.

Success Indicators for the KPOP Random Dance


Student Knowledge and Total of dance moves/songs Able to dance 4 or
Skill were executed more songs during
the dance.
Charisma Able to execute the dance well Able to make trance
with able to communicate as the judge and the
well with the audience and the audience.
ix. Staffing

Responsibilities Office/Staff Designated Contact Details

Ellemer Rose Castanares

Program Committee
Archie Kaye Anorico
Merill Rose Landicho
Mary Gabrielle Besmanos
Archie Anorico
Ellemer Rose Castanares
Secretariat Dino Lumedsig
Aliezah Sali Alongan (Head)
Event Organizers
Joshua Jugar
Dino Lumedsig
Mary Besmanos Archie Anorico
Ellemer Castanares
Uar Battulayan
Princess Isanan
Joseliza Fandita
Public Information Rhaddz Ghauphatt Eissenhauer
Committee D. Montebon
Qualification of Participants
and their Entry for the Mary Besmanos
Different Events
Dino Lumedsig
Invitation of Guests and
Archie Anorico
Ellemer Castanares
Aliezah Alongan
File Compilation and Social Rhaddz Ghauphatt Eissenhauer
Media Engagement D. Montebon
Site Assessment and Aleziah Alongan
x. Budgetary Requirements
Proposed budget may be subject to

Quantity/ Item(s)/Services Estimated Price(s)

Activity Particulars Total
Participants per item
Certificates* 3 ● 3 pcs. of Vellum Board ₱45.00
● Printing service
Team ----
4 ₱500.00 ₱2000.00
A. Meme Competition
Certificates* 6 ● 6 pieces of Vellum Board ₱90.00
● Printing service
B. Science Exhibit
Judges’ Honorarium 3 ---- ₱500.00 ₱1500.00

Stickers 500 ● 5 pcs. short/ A4 bond paper ₱1.00 ₱30.00

● Printing service

Garland ● 3 meters ribbon ₱10.00

₱10.00 ₱80.00
● 1 Photo paper
● 2 Stick Glue
● 1 Double-Sided Tape
C. KPop Random Dance 5
Certificates ● 5 pieces of Vellum Board ₱5.00 ₱75.00

● Printing service ₱10.00

C. Others Traveling Expenses ---- ₱200 ₱200
● Cumulative Fare
Mineral Water 18 officers ₱175.00 ₱350.00
● 2 dozen of 100mL Natures Spring
3 guests
Meal for Speaker,
3 ● Mix and Match ₱75.00 ₱225.00
Judges, and Adviser
Snacks for the Event 18 officers
● 3 packs Fudgee Bar ₱60.00 ₱180.00

Total ₱4,775 .00

D. Contingency Fund ₱477.50

Cumulative Total ₱5,252.50

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