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Having been born to wealth and status Nather had a priveledged childhood.

Firstborn son to Narzhoul Arna an Earl in the Empire, Nather was heavily schooled
in courtlife. Taking to book learning like a sponge Nather began to absorb all the
knowledge he could accumulate. Nather learned how to mingle in the courts trying to
learn his father's world. Having to make deals, read the other houses diplomats, be
diplomatic. It all had to be done and without error.

To say Nather's life was easy would be a travesty. While wealth and status offer
certain accomodations they do not offer warm and embracing family. His father was
crude and cruel at times. If Nather failed in any way the punishment was swift and
with no remorse. He often found himself getting the switch. It did teach him to
hide everything he was feeling underneath, to be the good son, the good heir. It
was a tireless and unthankful job.

Unfortunately for Nather, Jezebeth Nather's mother died in childbirth. Having the
piercing purple eyes his mother had only enraged his father further often times
alotting Nather extra unwarranted beatings. This toughened Nather's hide and
steeled his will. The days grew into months and the months into years.

His turning of age ceremony was normal. Women began to vye for Nather's attention.
One in particular caught his fancy. Ricy. She was a beautiful woman. Creamy skin,
raven black hair. He could neither deny his attraction to her than she could him.
The two fell in love almost instantaneously. They got married shortly after despite
his father's disapproval. Life was finally begnning to look on the up and up for
Nather. Finally out from under his father's belt and able to move about and do
things on his own, finding love, getting work as an Alchemist. Everything could
finally be good.

WRONG! Ricy soon fell sick. Nobody could figure out what was wrong with her.
Nobody. Nather tried every alchemical solution he could come up with. He tried
every magic spell he thought could help. But nothing helped. Nather had to watch as
every day she grew weaker and weaker. Every day her hold on life faded. It wasn't
long before Nather began looking into dark magic to help.

Nather smiled a wry smile. That was it. That was the way. He knew what he had to do
and with that, he set out on his task. Months of preparation and work finally came
to fruition. He was to inflict her with Vampirism. He found an old relic of a book
in the restricted section of the library. Sealed shut with some minor magic ward
which Nather had no trouble dispelling. He had found a way to inflict vampirism
alchemically. It took months to find all the proper ingredients. All the while Ricy
was slipping away. Time was running short.

Finally finding the last ingredient (insert rare ingredient) Nather concocted the
potion and imbued it with the magics. SHortly after imbibing the drink Ricy's face
lost its color. She died. His heart sunk. Had he failed? Was all this work for
naught? He mourned and laid her on their bed. Nather cried himself to sleep. The
next morning... he awoke to her making food in the kitchen.

And for a time, things were normal. That time was extremely very short. She soon
realized that the sun repelled her, that food wasn't making her feel full. She soon
felt the desire to bite into her husbands neck and it became overwhelming. She
secretly fed on people at night trying to slake her thirst. People started turning
up dead. It wasn't long before people started looking for the murderer and Ricy had
to stay in. Too many nights went by without a meal and she tried couldn't stand it.
Finally biting into her husbands neck as she couldn't stand it... she nearly sucked
him to death. Seeing him lying faint on the floor she fled. She was horrified by
what she had become and finally was face to face with her actions.

Guards recognized her but saw the glare in her eyes. THe blood in her mouth and
knew her to be the Vampire tehy were seeking. They also knew who she was. However,
despite their attempts to seize her she managed to escape. Her love for Nather the
only thing that kept him alive in that moment her ties to her old life were gone as
was she.

Nather was apprehended and questioned for harboring a murderer and worse an undead.
The interrogations began. Day in and day out. DIfferent interrogators all wearing
hoods to hide their identity. His will and body were strong from years of abuse
from his father. But even the strongest minds and bodies can only take so much. One
day... he broke. He spilled the beans. This was probably one of the most fortunate
times he could've broke. One of the few things that did go right in his life.

His father was the interogator. Horrified and appalled by his sons actions he knew
he had to cover it up or face disgrace himself. His father convinced the court that
his son was acting under the full influence of the vampire having no control over
his free will. The courts finally relented and released Nather. However his father
could no longer stand the sight of his son. He made sure Nather understood if
Narzhoul were to ever see him again... It would be his death.

And with that Nather left. Exiled and alone. For the first time in all of his life
he had no one. No servants. No father. No wife. This caused Nather to remember the
book, which he still had with him. The book full of dark magic. He smiled and
created his first partner from a nearby cemetary and never looked back.

He knew he couldn't stay in the Empire and fled to the only place where his father
would have no sway over his new life. (city name, I forgot)

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