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Hello Bradley,

Your explanations clearly understand these important concepts essential for effective

business decision-making. One important aspect of managerial accounting that is worth

mentioning is the use of performance measurement tools. Managers can use performance

measurement tools to track and assess the performance of various company sectors, such as

manufacturing, marketing, and finance(Mowen, 2019). Managers may use these tools to identify

company areas that require improvement and make educated decisions about handling such

issues. Furthermore, adopting performance measuring tools may assist firms in setting targets

and goals. These targets and goals can help the organization achieve its aims and stay on track

for success. What are some regularly used performance assessment methods, and how can they

help firms improve their performance? Thank you.


Mowen, M. M. (2019). Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision making.

Hello Kanika,

It is an excellent job on their assignment. You have demonstrated a strong understanding

of the topics covered. I noted that Chapter 1 introduces the role of managerial accountants in

providing financial information for decision-making. It emphasizes ethical conduct and explores

new costing approaches(Mowen, 2019). Chapter 2 discusses cost accumulation, assignment, and

the importance of accurate cost data. It also highlights the significance of providing cost

information to customers and investors. Chapter 3 focuses on mixed cost behavior, cost

reduction strategies, and absorption costing. Chapter 4 explores job-order costing, process

costing, and job-order cost sheets. Great job, thank you.

Mowen, M. M. (2019). Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision making.

Hello Chase,

You did a nice discussion; from Chapter 1, I learned about the importance of managerial

accounting, focusing on understanding customer needs, strategic alignment, continuous

improvement, contingency planning, and ethical behavior. Chapter 2 explores the differences

between services and products, compares relative costs, and uses the income statement for

managerial insights(Mowen, 2019). Chapter 3 delves into cost behavior and forecasting,

covering semi-variable costs, step cost behavior, and the high-low method. Chapter 4 introduces

job-order costing and overhead application, discussing overhead variance and the tracking of job

costs. It also explains the difference between the normal cost of goods sold and the adjusted cost

of goods sold. These chapters provide essential knowledge for managerial accountants in various

aspects of their roles. Good job, thank you.


Mowen, M. M. (2019). Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision making.

Hello Aatishkumar,

You have done an amazing job sharing your thoughts and analyzing the chapter topics.

The way you broke down key concepts such as cost behavior, product costing methods, and

overhead application was excellent. You make a good point regarding the importance of ethical

decision-making when tracking and allocating job costs(Mowen, 2019). Maintaining integrity

in accounting practices is essential for customers and stakeholders. I recommend considering

how technology may impact managerial accounting to build on your discussion. Many software

solutions now exist to help track costs, allocate overhead, and generate reports for managers.

However, technology also introduces risks related to data security and potential errors in cost
allocation algorithms. How might technology enhance and complicate managerial accounting

practices for companies? Thank you


Mowen, M. M. (2019). Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision making.

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