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Summer Learning Activity #1

Do research and study the different topics in each subject or course,

and answer the scholarly questions provided in each topic.
Subject: Instructional Models for Improving students’ Achievement
Topic: Flipped Classroom Model:
 How does the flipped classroom model impact student engagement,
comprehension, and achievement in comparison to traditional
lecture-based instruction?
 What are the key factors that contribute to successful
implementation of the flipped classroom model, and how do they
influence student outcomes?
Subject: Issues in Educational Leadership and Management
Topic: Effective Communication Strategies in Educational
 Discuss the importance of clear communication among
administrators, teachers, students, and parents.
 Explore strategies to improve communication to enhance
collaboration and understanding within the educational

Subject: Management of Technology in Education

Topic: Digital Transformation in Education Institutions:
 Explore how educational institutions are undergoing digital
transformation to incorporate technology into various aspects of
teaching, learning, administration, and communication.
Subject: Design and development of alternative delivery System
Topic: Online Learning Platforms and Tools:
 Explore the growth of online learning platforms, virtual
classrooms, and digital tools in education.
 Discuss their benefits, challenges, and their role in providing
flexible and accessible learning experiences

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