Email Subject - Yoosin - AP Psych Request For Late Exam Policy

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Email Subject: Yoosin – AP Psych Request for Late Exam Policy

Dear Mr. Kim of Director of College Counseling,

It has come to my attention that the upcoming my current AP Psychology class has been
insufficient in preparing for the upcoming AP Psychology exam (5/3/22 – Tuesday 12pm).

With the recent leave of our first AP Psychology teacher (due to a personal leave in handling
her marriage as well as pregnancy). There has been a switch a completely new teacher
approximately 2 weeks ago.

As a student of CCAS, who takes AP Psych as my one and only AP for the school year. The poorly
covered material of using the Myers’ textbook during the time of the 1st teacher and now issues
of a completely different book (Barron’s AP Psych Review Book). Which is densely packed with
information that makes it almost impossible to cover before the first round of exams.

Not only that, the new replacement for AP Psych has caught corona and hasn’t been able to
come to school at this time critical period. Students in our class were never notified with late
exam policy and I think it would only make sense for me to register for the late exam time of AP
Psych (5/17/22 – Tuesday 12pm)

AP Exam Late Policy & Schedule

As the link above stated, the circumstances in which the class is run by CCAS honestly leaves me
in a worried state for my first and only upcoming AP exam. I wish I have known about this
sooner and for whoever is responsible for allowing for this change. I would like to make this
change of that request policy as soon as possible so that I take my AP Psych exam during the
late exam period (5/17/22)


Yoosin Jun

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