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Here are 45 unique TOEFL Speaking Task 1 type questions focused on personal preferences,

with more diverse categories:

1. Do you prefer to spend your weekends at home or going out with friends?
2. Would you rather live in a big city or a small town?
3. Do you prefer to study alone or with a group of classmates?
4. Would you rather travel to a place with a rich history or a place with stunning natural
5. Do you prefer to learn new skills through reading or through hands-on experience?
6. Would you rather have a few close friends or a large circle of acquaintances?
7. Do you prefer to spend your money on experiences or material possessions?
8. Would you rather read a book that is a classic literature or a contemporary bestseller?
9. Do you prefer to communicate with others through text messages or phone calls?
10. Would you rather attend a music concert or a theater performance?
11. Do you prefer to spend your free time indoors or outdoors?
12. Would you rather live in a modern apartment or a traditional house?
13. Do you prefer to learn about new subjects through lectures or through independent research?
14. Would you rather watch a movie at home or in a theater?
15. Do you prefer to express yourself through writing or through speaking?
16. Would you rather participate in a team sport or an individual sport?
17. Do you prefer to spend your vacations relaxing or engaging in adventurous activities?
18. Would you rather live in a place with a warm climate or a place with a cold climate?
19. Do you prefer to solve problems using logic or intuition?
20. Would you rather eat at a restaurant that serves local cuisine or international cuisine?
21. Do you prefer to learn new languages or to focus on mastering one language?
22. Would you rather attend a formal event or a casual gathering?
23. Do you prefer to spend time with people who share your interests or those who have different
24. Would you rather take a class in art or in science?
25. Do you prefer to make decisions based on facts or based on emotions?
26. Would you rather live in a bustling urban area or a peaceful suburban neighborhood?
27. Do you prefer to spend your leisure time engaging in physical activities or mental activities?
28. Would you rather volunteer for a cause related to environmental conservation or social
29. Do you prefer to learn about history through books or through visiting historical sites?
30. Would you rather attend a sporting event or a cultural festival?
31. Do you prefer to spend time with extroverted or introverted people?
32. Would you rather live in a place with a diverse population or a homogeneous community?
33. Do you prefer to make plans in advance or to be spontaneous?
34. Would you rather take a course in public speaking or creative writing?
35. Do you prefer to learn about current events through news websites or through social media?
36. Would you rather donate money to a charity or volunteer your time?
37. Do you prefer to spend your free time participating in competitive sports or non-competitive
38. Would you rather live in a place with a strong sense of community or one that values
individual privacy?
39. Do you prefer to communicate your ideas through visual aids or verbal explanations?
40. Would you rather attend a workshop on personal development or a seminar on a specific
topic of interest?
41. Do you prefer to spend your money on practical items or on luxury goods?
42. Would you rather live in a place with a thriving arts and culture scene or one with abundant
natural beauty?
43. Do you prefer to work on projects that have a clear end goal or ones that are open-ended and
44. Would you rather take a vacation that is focused on relaxation or one that is filled with
activities and sightseeing?
45. Do you prefer to spend your free time participating in social activities or engaging in solitary

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