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Premier International School

MYP Curriculum Outline 2023-2024

Quarter 1 Grade-06

● Q1 - The Power of Poetry (Creativity)

Quarter 1 Grade-06 ○ The personal and cultural expression of an author is visible through an exploration
English Language & of their style and creativity.
Literature (Mr. Chris
Kemp) ■ Poem analysis

■ Explore various genres

■ Write your own poetry!

■ Explore different styles of self-expression through writing and reading

● Q2 - Novel Study: “Call It Courage” (Connections)

○ A character’s sense of identity is shaped by their connection to the world and people
around them and influences the choices they make.

● Q3 - Persuasion Is All Around You: Marketing (Communication)

○ Styles of communication in marketing and daily life are intended to influence an

audience’s decisions and behaviors on a global scale.

● Q4 - Words Changing The World: Speeches (Perspective)

○ Style and structure of language that communicates issues in privilege and power
help influence change .

Nepali साहित्य अन्तर्गत

अन्धाअन्धी गु फा -कथा)

मे रो हिमाली सौन्दर्य -निबन्ध)

आमाबु बालाई चिठी -चिठी_

सञ्चारको साधन र माध्यमहरूM रे डियो, टे लिभिजन , चिठी, टे लिफोन , पत्रपत्रिका , इन्टरने ट

व्याकरण अन्तर्गत

नाम, सर्वनाम र विशे षण


अनु च्छे द, घरयासी चिठी र वस्तु परक निबन्ध

Premier International School

MYP Curriculum Outline 2023-2024

Quarter 1 Grade-06

Individual & Societies - Community and Society

- Local Government

- Infrastructure

- Our Festivals

- Social Behaviours

- Social and Religious Heritages

- Social Problems and Solutions

Science ● Scientific learning and measurement

● Force and motion

● Simple machine

● Energy (heat, light, sound)

Mathematics ● Statistics

Collection of data and Representation of data

Calculation of data : Average, Median and Mode

● Sets

Creating their own sets; Representing them in Venn-diagram. Cardinal number of a set.

● Whole Numbers

Understanding number system; properties of whole number and operations of whole numbers

● Integers

Learning operation of integers from a line graphs

Design Unit 1 presentation and promotion

1. Design thinking cycle

2. Design thinking process

3. How and what to present based on the design journal data professionally

4. Using software like ppt, canvas, chartetc

Premier International School

MYP Curriculum Outline 2023-2024

Quarter 1 Grade-06

Visual Arts  Content ( knowledge based)

 Cubism emerged in
 Cubism came from
 Artist information: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque
 Information about cubism
 Skills Based
- Cubism style drawing
- Cubism Still life drawing
- Cubism portrait

HPE Students can plan and balance their meals and it helps to understand the relationship between each
meal. They can learn how humans get energy through a balanced diet.

● Human Body

● Nutrition–Food, Diet, Nutrition, Balanced diet, healthy eating habits.

● Components and uses of–carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water.

● Functions of Balanced diet.

● Healthy habits

● First aid

Nutrition (fuel) for various physical activities–endurance activities, explosive activities, everyday

If you have any helpful books, photos, CDs, news clipping, models at home, please consider sharing those with us. In addition, if
you have a special area of expertise related to any content and would like to join in and share your knowledge with our students,
please send an email or contact us. We would love to have you as a guest to the school. We also want to thank you in advance for
all your support. Together we will continue to work toward success and high student achievement. We are very excited about the
year ahead, and look forward to having the privilege of teaching your child.
Homeroom Teachers

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