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Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777

Physically based failure models and criteria for laminated fibre-reinforced

composites with emphasis on fibre kinking. Part II: FE implementation
S.T. Pinho*, L. Iannucci, P. Robinson
Department of Aeronautics, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ London, UK

Received 7 November 2004; revised 10 June 2005; accepted 12 June 2005

Three dimensional failure criteria for laminated fibre-reinforced composites, based on a physical model for each failure mode and
considering non-linear matrix shear behaviour are implemented in an explicit Finite Element code. All the properties used by the model have
a clear physical meaning. A smeared formulation is used to avoid mesh dependency during damage propagation. The model is shown to
reproduce key aspects observable during failure, such as the inclined fracture plane in matrix compression, the G458 failure pattern of a (G
458)ns tension specimen, and kink-band formation (including its orientation and broadening). The model is also applied to the crushing of a
composite column, where the deformation mode, peak load and mean post-crushing load were all reasonably predicted.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: A. Carbon fibre; B. Fracture; C. Finite element analysis (FEA); Failure

1. Introduction (unidimensional phase) and matrix (orthotropic phase) are

considered separately, is the basis for a large number of CDM
Successfully modelling failure initiation and propagation models for composites in the literature, such as that of
in composite components is often only possible through the Coutellier and Rozycki [6] for multi-layered combinations of
use of numerical methods, such as Finite Elements (FE). metallic and composite plies and Johnson’s [7] damage
One of the most widely used FE codes, LS-Dyna [1], has model for fabric reinforced composites. Another model, by
composite material models with failure already available Matzenmiller et al. [8], is notable for using a damage growth
and applies the Chang and Chang [2,3] or Tsai and Wu [4] law, which is based on a Weibull distribution of strengths.
failure criteria. Once failure is detected, the relevant elastic Williams and Vaziri [9] implemented Matzenmiller et al.’s
properties are reduced to zero over a fixed number of time model in LS-Dyna. In their model, the volumetric energy
steps. This approach is unrealistic as the post-failure associated with a failure mode (area under the stress–strain
behaviour is completely disregarded. curve) is function of a parameter (m). For a constant value of
In order to model damage propagation, continuum m, they found that their results were mesh-sensitive;
constitutive models can feature internal variables represent- however, they argued that in contrast to the models imple-
ing, directly or indirectly, the density and/or distribution of mented in LS-Dyna, their model could make use of the
the microscopic defects that characterize damage. These are parameter m to account for different mesh sizes (m becoming
called Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) models. a material property for a specific mesh density). A detailed
Ladeveze’s CDM model [5], in which the behaviour of fibres review of implementation of CDM models is also given by
Williams and Vaziri [9]. More recently, Williams et al. [10]
developed their model further, addressing in particular the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C44 207 594 5107; fax: C44 207 584
physical significance of the choice of damage parameter, the
E-mail addresses: (S.T. Pinho), l. ease of material characterization and the effect of stacking (L. Iannucci), (P. sequence, and identified rate dependence and mesh size
Robinson). dependence as key areas needing development in the future.
1359-835X/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. To model failure, the approaches outlined above suffer
doi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2005.06.008 from a severe mesh dependency problem related to strain
S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777 767

localization during the fracture process. Strain localization 2.2. Matrix failure
occurs whenever failure is preceded by the emergence of
narrow and highly strained zones. Typical examples of strain The traction components sn, tT and tL on potential
localization include shear bands in metals, the formation of fracture planes are obtained by rotating the stresses in the
kink bands and the accumulation of damage that results in plane (b,c), with tentative rotation angles f such that
fracture in composites. Local damage formulations are not 0%f!p, see Fig. 1(a). Following Part I [12], the FE
able to describe the localization phenomena either in a implementation determines the angle f by computing the
physically or mathematically appropriate way [11]. In this failure criterion for a few trial angles from that interval.
paper, an FE implementation in LS-Dyna [1] of the failure
criteria developed in Part I [12] is presented. The 2.2.1. Compression
implementation avoids the strain localization problem by For matrix compression (sn!0), the following criterion
using a smeared formulation. Due to the importance of is used
correctly modelling in-plane shear non-linearity, the  2  2
implementation accepts any generic curve for the shear tT tL
fmat Z C Z1
law. The FE model only requires parameters with physical ST KmT sn SL KmL sn (2)
meaning. Most of them are typically available from standard
tests, and the remaining are shown to either be related to *sn ! 0;
known parameters, or obtainable from simple tests. Even where SL and ST are the longitudinal and transverse (to the
though the model and approach themselves are more general, fibres) shear strengths; and mT and mL are transverse and
the implementation is made for LS-Dyna’s [1] eight-noded longitudinal friction-like parameters.
solid brick element with one-point integration. The resulting To apply this criterion, only the compressive strength Yc,
FE model is easy to use and is shown to have captured some the longitudinal shear strength, SL, and the angle, fo, of the
key features of the failure process. fracture plane for pure compression in the b direction
(typically, foz538) need to be known. This angle is shown in
Fig. 1(b). All the remaining parameters follow from these:
2. Failure criteria
1 Yc
mT ZK ; ST Z ;
The equations relevant to apply the failure criteria tanð2fo Þ 2 tanðfo Þ
developed in Part I [12] are now presented. In the following, m
the subscript a refers to the fibre direction, the subscript b m L Z SL T :
refers to the in-plane transverse direction and the subscript c
refers to the through-the-thickness direction. The values of
2.2.2. Tension
parameters associated with the onset of failure are denoted
Matrix tensile failure is assumed to occur when the
with the superscript ‘o’ while the values of parameters
following quadratic interaction between the normal traction
associated with failure propagation are denoted with the
component sn, and the shear traction components tT and tL
superscript ‘f’. For instance, soa is the stress in the a direction
is satisfied
at onset of failure.
 2  2  2
sn t t
fmat Z C T C L Z 1 * sn R 0 (4)
2.1. Fibre tensile failure Yt ST SL

For fibre tensile failure, the simple maximum-stress where Yt is the transverse tensile strength.
sa 2.3. Fibre-kinking failure
fft Z Z1 (1)
To predict fibre-kinking failure, the mechanical model
is used, where Xt is the axial tensile strength. presented in Part I [12] is used, with only one modification

Fig. 1. (a) Traction components on the fracture plane; (b) failure angle, fo, for pure transverse compression failure; (c) orientation of a kink band in a 3D space.
768 S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777

that enhances the numerical efficiency. This simple The strain in the initial misalignment frame is defined as
modification, which avoids iterating in each time step,  
K1  sa Ksbj 
consists of defining the misalignment frame orientation q as gmi Z fCL K sinð2qi Þ C jtabj jcosð2qi Þ (10)
the sum of an initial misalignment angle qi with the shear
strain in the initial misalignment frame, gmi. The angles where fCL is the shear law (tZfCL(g)).
needed for the definition of the orientation of a kink band are The traction components on the potential fracture planes
shown in Fig. 1(c). The criterion for fibre-kinking is are obtained by stress rotation in the plane (bm,cj) by the
angle f comprised in the interval 0%f!p, which is
80 12 0 12 obtained by trying a small number of tentative angles.
> tT tL
> @ A C@ A Z 1* sn % 0
< ST KmT sn SL KmL sn
fkink Z 0 12 0 12 0 12 3. Finite element implementation of the smeared
> failure model
> @ sn A C @ tT A C @ tL A Z 1* sn O 0
: Yt ST SL
This section describes in detail the 3D FE implemen-
(5) tation of the smeared failure model in LS-Dyna [1], for brick
elements with one point integration.
where tT, tL and sn are the traction components on potential
fracture planes. 3.1. Elastic behaviour
To apply this criterion, the only material property that
needs to be known, further to Yc, SL, fo and Yt is the The compliance
 matrix [S], which
 relates the strain
compressive strength in the fibre direction Xc. All the vector f3gT Z 3a 3b 3c 3bc 3ca to the elastic or 
remaining parameters follow from these. effective stress vector fsgT Z sa sb sc sbc sca ,
The stresses in the fibre-kinking plane coordinate system is defined as for any 3D orthotropic material. The in-plane
(a,bj,cj) are obtained by rotation in the (b,c) plane by an shear (ab) is not included in the compliance matrix because
angle j. The angle j is obtained either by trying a small the model for this shear mode has been designed to use a full
number of tentative angles or using the following non-linear shear stress vs. shear strain response, obtained
approximate expression: experimentally.

2tbc 3.2. In-plane shear behaviour

tanð2jÞ Z : (6)
sb Ksc
According to experimental evidence, the in-plane shear
The stresses are then rotated to the misalignment frame (ab) behaviour is non-linear and irreversible, even before
(am,bm,cj) by rotation in the (a,bj) plane by an angle q the localization process. Due to the importance of the non-
defined as linear shear behaviour, this model assumes that the full non-
linear shear stress vs. shear strain curve is available. The
tabj curve is entered in the FE model through the coefficients of a
qZ ðq C gmi Þ: (7)
jtabj j i set of polynomials, Fig. 2(a). The function fCL(gab)
represents the value of shear stress obtained from those
The initial misalignment angle qi is deduced from polynomials, with gabR0. The effect of sb on the in-plane
experimental data by solving the following iterative shear curve is not considered. The effect of strain rate is not
equation1 directly considered but it can be accounted for by using the
  shear law corresponding to the desired strain rate for the
K1 1 function fCL(gab).
qi Z qc KfCL sinð2qi ÞXc (8)
2 There is no trivial answer to what is the behaviour in
shear over very complex loading–unloading–reloading
(a) (b)
0 ffi1
B 1K 1K4 Xc C mL Xc C
qc Z arctan B
@ C:
A (9) Extrapolation
2 SXLc C mL
Curve-fitting of
experimental data

Note that qi in this model is a material property and is therefore
computed only once; hence, it is not important that iteration is needed to Fig. 2. (a) Curve fitting of the experimental non-linear shear behaviour; (b)
obtain it. irreversibility: loading, unloading and reloading paths.
S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777 769

paths. A simple model for unloading considers a constant (a) Fracture plane, (b)
unloading modulus (equal to the initial one, Gab) and so with area A = L1 L 3 σ
needs only the experimental shear stress vs. shear strain
L3 σo
curve. A more general approach consists of defining the
slope of the unloading law as a function of the inelastic σ σ
strain. However, this approach would require experimental
εo εf ε
data for its application that is seldom available. Further- L2
more, some experimental results suggest that when 1
unloading and reloading, the shear modulus is fairly similar
to the initial one, though with some hysteresis [13]. Fig. 3. (a) Example of a unidirectional composite loaded in transverse
(matrix) tension up to complete failure; (b) material law with failure.
Neglecting the hysteresis, one of the simplest models that
accounts for irreversibility is the one presented in Fig. 2(b).
so 3f so 3f
To define this shear response, one has to define first the U ZV! Z L1 L2 L3 ! (14)
maximum (over time) shear strain as 2 2
where V is the volume of the element. The basic idea is that
gmax 0
ab ðtÞ Z maxfjgab ðt Þjg (11) this energy is equal to an energy per unit area, G, which is a
material property, multiplied by the corresponding area,
and the inelastic shear strain as AZL1L3, i.e.
U Z G !A Z G !L1 L3 : (15)
ab Z gab KfCL ðgab Þ=Gab :
gin max max
Equating Eqs. (14) and (15), one can retrieve the
The material law for shear that reproduces the behaviour
maximum strain, 3f, as a function of the energy per units
shown in Fig. 2(b) then becomes
of area of the surface created, G, the material strength so and
8 g
> ab
f ðjg jÞ* jgab j Z gmax one element dimension, L2:
< jgab j CL ab ab
tab Z gab (13) 3f Z : (16)
> G ðhjg jKgin
iÞ* g ! g max so L2
> jg j ab
: ab ab ab ab
With 3f defined by Eq. (16), the energy absorbed by the
where the operator h$i is the Mc-Cauley bracket defined as plate (per units of cracked area) in Fig. 3 is independent of
hxiZmax{0,x} x 2R. the mesh refinement U/AZGZmaterial property. The same
Even though in-plane shear non-linearity and irreversi- does not happen with any of the composite material models
bility are modelled, the shear-unloading model outlined currently implemented in LS-Dyna [1].
above may need further development in the future, for Another particularly interesting interpretation for this
situations where the shear stress reverses direction. approach is the concept of width of the damaged zone. In
fact, if one considers that the work done per unit volume of
fully damaged material, Gv, is a material property, and that
3.3. Smeared formulation the width, w, of the band of failed material is also a material
property, then Eq. (16) also holds, with GZGv!w.
To avoid strain localization, a smeared formulation is
used [14,15]. In smeared formulations, the fracture energy is
distributed (smeared) over the full volume of the element. 3.4. Damage variables
As a consequence of this approach, a parameter with the
dimension of length, relative to the element dimensions, is In CDM models, the stress applied at each point of a
introduced into the constitutive law. The treatment of structure, which is based on the applied load and the
localization problems with smeared formulations has been macroscopic cross-sectional area (as if the material was
widely used in concrete and in metals [16]. undamaged) is usually referred to in the literature as ‘true
One of the major difficulties related with the smeared- stress’, ‘real stress’ or ‘applied stress.’ This stress measure is
formulation approach is that the material damage laws have relevant on a macroscopic point of view, since it represents
to include a length parameter, in order to achieve a constant an average over damaged and undamaged material. In
energy released per unit area of crack generated regardless addition, the stress that is based on the cross-sectional area
of the element dimensions. Using the example in Fig. 3, effectively resisting the loading is frequently referred to as
matrix tensile fracture, one can easily understand how the ‘effective stress.’ From these definitions, the effective stress,
length parameter enters the material law. Suppose that the sef, can be related to the applied stress, sap, by
whole plate represented in Fig. 3 is modelled as one sap Z ð1KdÞsef (17)
element, then the energy absorbed by the element after
complete failure (complete separation), U, is where d is a damage variable.
770 S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777

In order to avoid superscripts (which could be confused hsn i
with other indexes used in this paper), the operation sn ) 1Kdmat sn : (22)
in Eq. (17) will be in the remaining of this paper represented
as Note from Eq. (22) that the normal traction component
sn is only degraded if it is positive, in order to correctly
s) ð1KdÞs (18) account for the contact between the fracture surfaces. The
damage variable for the matrix failure mode, dmat, is
meaning that the effective stress (in the right) is replaced by obtained from Eqs. (19) and (20) with the driving strain
a damaged one (in the left). 3mat defined later in this section (in Eqs. (19) and (20), the
Damage variables, d, are defined in this model to degrade variables 3, 3o and 3f are replaced by 3mat, 3omat and 3fmat ,
linearly the relevant stress components to zero, as defined by respectively). It is noted once again that the variable dmat
Eqs. (17) or (18) and as shown in Fig. 3(b). For each failure has the value 0 at failure onset, and then grows
mode, the damage variables are defined such that they continuously to 1, as a function of the driving strain,
have the value 0 at onset of failure (3Z3o) and value 1 at during the numerical analysis. In each time step, the
final failure (3Z3f). In each time step after failure onset, operations in Eqs. (21) and (22) are performed and thus
the relevant effective stress components are multiplied by the traction components on the fracture plane are
(1Kd). This way, the applied (or damaged) stress degraded smoothly to zero.
components are progressive and linearly reduced to zero,
as in Fig. 3(b), without creating a discontinuity. The 3.5.1. Driving strain for the matrix failure mode
instantaneous value of the damage variable, dinst, is defined From Eqs. (19) and (20), it follows that a strain variable
as 3mat ‘drives’ the damage variable. The history of this strain
   variable during failure, together with its associated stress
d inst Z max 0; min 1; 3f : (19) smat, defines the energy absorbed by the failure process.
3ð3f K3o Þ Therefore, smat is the magnitude of the traction in the
fracture plane
In order to account for irreversibility, the damage qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
variable is defined as
smat Z hsn i2 C ðtmat Þ2 (23)
dðtÞ Z max
fd inst ðt 0 Þg: (20) with the shear component of the traction tmat defined as
t %t
The onset stresses and strains are defined by tmat Z ðtT Þ2 C ðtL Þ2 : (24)
appropriate failure criteria. The final strain, 3f, is defined
Note in Eq. (23) that the normal component of the
such that the energy absorbed by the crack formed is
traction (sn) is only considered to contribute to smat if sn is
correctly accounted for, and thus depends on the failure
positive. It results that during a compression situation, the
mode predicted.
energy will only be absorbed by the shear traction
components, which is intended.
3.5. Modelling the matrix failure mode The angle of the resultant shear component of the
traction, tmat, with the component tT (see Fig. 4(a)) is lZ
After failure is detected (Eqs. (2) and (4)), the traction arctan tL/tT and the angle of the magnitude of the traction
components on the fracture plane are degraded: smat with the shear component tmat (see Fig. 4(b)) is uZ
arctanhsni/tmat. Defining the angles l and u allows the
tT ) ð1Kdmat ÞtT ; tL ) ð1Kdmat ÞtL (21) definition of the strain driving the damage variable. Before

Fig. 4. (a) Definition of l; (b) definition of u and (c) fracture energy for in-plane shear.
S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777 771

proceeding to the definition of the strain variable, which LmatZV/A, where V is the element volume and A is the
drives damage, care has to be taken on the effect of the non- fractured area, and is given in Appendix A.
linearity in the in-plane shear strain. Consider a specimen The fracture toughness G in Eq. (30) is the last term,
loaded in uniform pure in-plane shear. For this case, some which needs to be determined. For pure tensile failure
energy is absorbed uniformly over all the specimen, due to (positive sn acting alone), G is the mode I intra-laminar
the shear non-linear (irreversible) behaviour, Fig. 4(c). fracture toughness. For a carbon-epoxy T300/913, the
However, at the onset of failure, a localized fracture surface authors have determined this property using four-point
starts forming, resulting in further energy being absorbed. bending tests with pre-cracked specimens [17], and obtained
While the energy absorbed due to the non-linear shear GbZ0.22 kJ/m2. This value is similar to the mode I inter-
behaviour is proportional to the volume of the specimen, the laminar fracture toughness for the same material, which can
energy absorbed by the fracture process is proportional to be attributed to the similarity in the fracture mode. The
the area created. Only the elastic internal energy in the situations when either tT or tL act alone result in a pure
element at onset of failure contributes to the fracture mode II intra-laminar fracture. In the absence of exper-
process. Therefore, a definition of the driving strain imental data it thus seems reasonable to extrapolate the
considering only the elastic part of gab results. previous result obtained for mode I to mode II; i.e. to use
The elastic strain components acting on the fracture GTZGLZGIIc (where the fracture toughness values GT and
plane are GL correspond to tT and tL acting alone, respectively; and
GIIc is the mode II inter-laminar fracture toughness).
3n Z ½ð3b C 3c Þ C ð3b K3c Þcosð2fÞ C gbc sinð2fÞ
; For a mixed-mode situation (sn, tT and tL acting all at
2 the same time), mixed-mode criteria developed for inter-
gT ZKð3b K3c Þsinð2fÞ C gbc cosð2fÞ; (25) laminar fracture such as the power-law [18]
gel el GI GII s
L Z gab cosðfÞ C gca sinðfÞ; C Z1 (31)
where the elastic component of the in-plane shear strain is
defined as can be used here resulting in the following expression for G
  o o 2 a   o o 2 a
tab 1 3n sn 1 gT tT
ab Z : (26) GZ C
Gab Gb 3omat somat GT 3omat somat
From the definition of the angle l, it follows that the  el;o o 2 !a #K1=a
1 gL tL
elastic component of the shear strain acting on the fracture C : ð32Þ
GL 3omat somat
plane, in the direction of tmat, is expressed as
For a carbon-epoxy T300/913, the authors obtained a by
gmat Z jgT cos l C gel
L sin lj: (27)
the best fit of mixed-mode inter-laminar experimental
From the definition of angle u, the driving strain, acting results as aZ1.21. For materials where other propagation
on the direction of smat is defined as follows: criteria are thought to be more appropriate than the power
law, these criteria can be easily implemented in the model,
hsn i
3mat Z 3 sin u C gmat cos u: (28) provided they can be expressed as GZ f ðGb ; GT ; GL ; .Þ. In
sn n
particular, if no mixed-mode data is known at all, a simple
weighted average of Gb, GT and GL might be appropriate:
3.5.2. Onset strain and final strain for the matrix  o 2  o 2  o 2
sn tT t
failure mode G Z Gb o C GT o C GL oL : (33)
The onset stress and strain are determined from the value smat smat smat
of smat and 3mat at the onset of failure:
somat Z smatjfmatZ1 ; 3omat Z 3matjfmatZ1 : (29) 3.5.2. Discussion
From Eq. (30), it results that for very coarse meshes
Following Eq. (16) and Fig. 3(b), the expression for 3fmat (Lmat/N), 3fmat tends to zero. Therefore, there is a critical
is element size at which 3fmat equals 3omat , and the actual
2G elements should be smaller than that. The physical
3fmat Z : (30) interpretation for this phenomenon is that for a very coarse
somat Lmat
mesh, it is possible for an element to have more elastic
The characteristic length Lmat in Eq. (30) (necessary to energy at failure onset than the energy necessary for the
define 3fmat ) has to be determined. For the case when the formation of a crack across it. In these situations, the only
fibres are aligned with the element direction, it is clear (see possibility for the element to absorb the correct amount of
Fig. 3(a)) that the characteristic length is LmatZL2. For a energy is the strains decreasing as the stresses are degraded.
generic case, the characteristic length should be such that However, this is not possible to control via a user-element in
772 S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777

an explicit FE code like LS-Dyna. In the actual implemen- 3.6.1. Driving strain for the fibre-kinking failure mode
tation of this failure model, a warning is issued if 3fmat ! 3omat During fibre-kinking failure, energy is dissipated by the
and the analysis continues with 3fmat Z 3omat for the element bending and eventual breaking of each individual fibre, as
affected. The consequence is that the elements falling in this well as by matrix cracking in the kink band. These failure
category will absorb more energy than they should during processes are associated with the rotation of fibres in the
failure. It is then up to the user to conclude whether the kink band, which is due to the shear stress tam bm . Therefore,
results are reasonable (based on the number of warnings), or at the scale of the kink-band, failure propagation is
to re-run the analysis with a more refined mesh in the region controlled by the driving stress skink Z tam bm . Proceeding
of the elements affected. like before, the inelastic component of gab is not considered
Finally, for a simple one-dimensional problem, or for a for the driving strain, which is thus defined as 3kink Z gel am bm ,
situation where Poisson’s effects are not considered (this is where gelam bm is obtained by rotation of the elastic strains (gab
the case for interface or decohesion elements), the definition replaced by gel ab as defined by Eq. (26)).
of the damage variable in Eqs. (19) and (20), with the final
strain computed from Eq. (30) yields the exact energy 3.6.2. Onset strain and final strain for the fibre-kinking
absorption specified. However, for any 3D material model, failure mode
the stress vs. strain curves do not have to pass exactly The onset stress and strain are defined as
through the origin due to the Poisson’s effect (for instance,
for a zero stress in the b direction, the corresponding strain sokink Z jskink jjfkinkZ1 ; 3okink Z j3kink jjfkinkZ1 : (36)
3b will be in general non-zero if stresses are already acting in
and the expression for the final strain 3fkink is
the a and c directions). A small error results from this fact.
In order to avoid this error in a numerical implementation, 2Gkink
3fkink Z o : (37)
the full stress vs. strain paths would need to be kept in skink Lkink
memory, which seems cumbersome. The error can,
The characteristic length Lkink in Eq. (37) is determined
however, be quantified and proven to be small, using a
in Appendix A for a generic orientation of the kink band
particular example. With this purpose, consider a carbon-
within a brick finite element.
epoxy T300/913 with properties given in Section 5.1, which
Finally, the energy Gkink can be obtained by experiments.
fails due to the stress in the b direction, but which has a
Soutis and Curtis [19] loaded a plate of carbon-epoxy
constant superposed stress sa in the a direction, existing
T800H/924 C with lay-up (0, 902, 0)3S containing a central
since before any loading in the b direction was applied. The
crack in compression. From their work, it can be concluded
error in the energy absorbed can be computed for this simple
[20] that the critical energy release rate for kinking, for
case by considering the area under the 3b vs. sb curve. Even
T800H/924 C, is about 76 kJ/m2. For another material,
for a particularly high superimposed stress saZ1000 MPa,
T300/913, the authors of this paper carried out tests [21]
the error (which is proportional to sa), is only about 4%,
using Compact Compression Specimens (CCS are like
considering a characteristic length LZ0.5 mm. This aspect
Compact Tension Specimens (CTS), but loaded in
warrants further investigation in the future.
compression), having obtained GkinkZ79.9 kJ/m2.
3.6. Modelling the fibre-kinking failure mode
3.7. Modelling the tensile fibre failure mode
Fibre-kinking failure is detected using Eq. (5). After
failure is detected, the shear stresses in the kink-band, tam bm Fibre tensile failure is predicted using the criterion
and tcj am , are degraded, as well as (depending on the sign of expressed through Eq. (1). When this criterion is fulfilled,
sam ) the stress normal to the kink band. This is done using a the material response is changed to account for the changes
damage variable, dkink: in the structure, i.e. the catastrophic behaviour observed in
experimental tests:
tam bm ) ð1Kdkink Þtam bm ;
(34) ftab ; tbc ; tca g) ð1Kdft Þftab ; tbc ; tca g (38)
tcj am ) ð1Kdkink Þtcj am ;
hsam i hs i
sam ) 1Kdkink sam : (35) si ) 1Kdft i si ; with i Z a; b; c: (39)
sam si
The damage variable for the fibre-kinking failure mode, The damage variable for the fibre tensile failure mode,
dkink, is obtained from Eqs. (19) and (20) with the driving dft, is directly driven by the strain 3a, since the fibre tensile
strain 3kink defined later in this section (in Eqs. (19) and (20), failure criterion is a function of only sa. It is obtained from
the variables 3, 3o and 3f are replaced by 3kink, 3okink and 3fkink , Eqs. (19) and (20) (with the variables 3, 3o and 3f replaced by
respectively). 3a, 3oa and 3fa , respectively).
S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777 773

Fig. 5. Models with different mesh densities; the failed elements are identified by a lighter colour; (a) shows the material axes; (b)–(d) show the fracture planes;
(e) load–displacement curves for different mesh refinement levels.

The onset stress and strain are defined as when the dimension over which failure is smeared (dependent
on mesh size) is not negligible in comparison to other
soa Z sajfftZ1 ; 3oa Z 3ajfftZ1 : (40)
dimensions of the structure. The need for refined meshes to
The final strain 3fa is defined as capture the correct damage zone/path is similar to the need for
refined meshes to capture the correct stress gradient.
3fa Z (41)
soa La
where Ga and La still have to be determined. The
determination of L is presented in Appendix A. The fracture 5. Applications
toughness associated with the fibre tensile failure mode (Ga)
was obtained by the authors [21] using CTS for a carbon- 5.1. Standard tests
epoxy T300/913 as GaZ91.6 kJ/m2.
The ability of the material model implemented in LS-
Dyna [1] to reproduce the physics of shear and compression
4. Mesh dependency failure is here assessed. Standard experimental tests were
carried with carbon-epoxy T300/913. The numerical models
The formulation presented should avoid the mesh presented in this section reproduce the geometry of
dependency characteristic of most failure models. Fig. 5 specimens that were actually tested, and use the material
shows four different meshes for a square specimen, loaded properties obtained. The objective is to assess the model’s
by a uniform tensile stress in the b direction (by imposing a capability to predict the main failure features observed
uniform displacement). Mesh (a) consists of a single experimentally, such as the inclined fracture for the
element, while meshes (b)–(d) have 32, 92 and 272 elements, transverse compression test, the G458 failure for the shear
respectively. No artifice is used to trigger failure at any specimen and the kink-band formation for the longitudinal
specific location, or along any particular direction. compression specimen. Note that none of these features are
It can be seen from Fig. 5(b)–(d) that fracture is always directly included in the model.
predicted in a band normal to the loading direction, as The elastic properties and strengths, obtained exper-
expected, and is always smeared over the width of one imentally, are presented in Table 1. The experimental in-
element. Moreover, the load–displacement curve (and thus plane shear stress vs. strain curve was used as input for the
the energy absorbed) is independent of mesh refinement and numerical model, the Poisson’s ratio nba was obtained as
of the width of the failed region, as shown in Fig. 5(e). This is 0.021 and the fracture angle for pure transverse compression
an important feature, given that complete failure takes place. was measured as foZ538. Regarding the through-the-
A final aspect is worth mentioning. This FE formulation thickness (c) direction, the composite was assumed
avoids pathological mesh dependency in the energy absorbed. transversely isotropic, with nbcZ0.4. The shear modulus
However, with this FE formulation, as with any other standard Gca was taken as being equal to the (initial) in-plane shear
FE formulation, the volume of damaged material is still mesh- modulus (Gab), and the Poisson’s ratio nca as nba. The intra-
dependent. This aspect is a shortcoming of the FE method in laminar toughness was measured experimentally using four-
representing reality, and is a consequence of the spatial point bending tests as GbZ0.22 kJ/m2 [17], and Gkink and Ga
discretization of the continuum. For complex structures, the were obtained using CCSand CTS as GkinkZ79.9 kJ/m2 and
effect of the mesh is expected to be particularly noticeable GaZ91.6 kJ/m2, respectively [21]. The toughness values GT
Table 1
Mechanical properties of T300/913 and HSC/913

Material Ea (GPa) Eb (GPa) Gab (GPa) Xt (MPa) Xc (MPa) Yt (MPa) Yc (MPa) Sab (MPa)
T300/913 132 8.8 4.6 2005 1355 68 198 150
HSC/913 130 9.2 4.6 1650 1100 60 200 100
774 S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777

Fig. 6. (a) Shear specimen; (b) model of the shear specimen; (c) experimental and numerical load–displacement curves.

and GL were taken as the mode II inter-laminar fracture the data-reduction were key factors, as well as the FE code’s
toughness for the same material, GTZGLZ1.1 kJ/m2. capability to handle large rotations appropriately.
In all the examples that follow, an element with slightly
lower strength was used to trigger failure close to the middle 5.1.2. Modelling matrix compressive failure
of the specimen. Pure transverse compression tests were carried out, and a
typical fracture surface is shown in Fig. 1(b). Fracture
occurred at an angle of 538 with the thickness direction. A
5.1.1. Modelling shear failure of a (G45)8S test specimen
numerical model of this specimen was created, and is shown
Shear tests were carried with (G45)8S specimens (angles
in Fig. 7. The fracture angle predicted by each failed
relative to the loading direction), tested in tension,
element, available as a history variable, is 538. This correct
according to the appropriate ASTM standard [22], see
prediction is a consequence of the matrix compression
Fig. 6(a). The shear stress vs. strain curve was non-linear
failure criterion, expressed in Eq. (2), being maximized for
almost from the beginning of the test, but no strain this angle, when the material is subjected to pure transverse
localization was present until immediately before final compression. The angle of the band of failed material
failure, which happened at a shear strain of about 25%. The (smeared fracture surface), which can be observed in Fig. 7,
data reduction was done according to the ASTM standard is also 538. In this case, the correct prediction results from the
[22], but, in order to obtain the full strain vs. stress curve, shear traction components being degraded in a coordinate
fibre scissoring and width reduction were taken into system aligned with the predicted fracture plane. If the failed
account. (Fibre scissoring was taken into account by elements in this example had been deleted immediately after
considering the current orientation of the fibres in the data they failed, the contact between the fracture surfaces would
reduction (affected by the shear strain), rather than assuming have not been properly modelled during the propagation of
that they remain at 458. The applied stress was calculated by the fracture surface (failed band) across the specimen. The
dividing the load by the current cross-sectional area, where authors have noticed this to affect the angle of the failed band
the reduction in width was computed using the strains from observed in the numerical specimen.
the transverse strain gauge.)
A FE model of part of the specimen, containing the failed 5.1.3. Modelling fibre compressive failure
region, is presented in Fig. 6(b). The model has the same The formation of kink bands at a small angle b with the
dimensions as the actual specimen—except for the length, normal to the loading direction is predicted by the model,
which is smaller. The model has 16 solid elements across as a result of the damage variable acting on the
the thickness, in order to simulate each layer individually. shear stress in the misalignment frame. For T300/913,
The G458 failure can be observed in Fig. 6(b), and results the authors have observed it to be about 25G58 for
from the damage variable affecting the local shear traction
components on the predicted fracture plane, within each
element. (In fact, when the shear stress is reduced at some
angle b, it is also reduced at an angle bC908. This may give
rise to unrealistic failure patterns, and is a feature typical to
CDM-based models.) The numerical load vs. displacement
curve is compared to the experiment in Fig. 6(c). The
experimental displacement was computed by multiplying
the strain in the longitudinal strain gauge by the length of the
numerical specimen. For the good agreement obtained,
the consideration of fibre scissoring and width reduction in Fig. 7. Model of the transverse compression test specimen.
S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777 775

Fig. 8. (a) Left half of a failed longitudinal compression test specimen; (b) model of the same specimen; (c)–(e) formation of a kink band and kink-band

out-of-plane kinking in CCS [21], and 20G58 for standard were quasi-statically crushed by a metallic surface (coated
axial compression specimens with in-plane kinking, with a PTFE spray) with an inclination of 28 [25]. The main
Fig. 8(a). Fig. 8(b) shows the FE mesh of an axial delaminations were reported in the 0/908 interfaces, as well
compression specimen, with the corresponding loading. as matrix fracture in the outer K458 layers along the fibre
The formation of the kink band can be observed in direction [25]. The complexity of this problem is
Fig. 8(c)–(e). The predicted kink band angle is about 158. considerably greater than in the previous examples,
After the kink band is formed, further loading leads to particularly after the peak load is attained. The in-plane
kink-band broadening, as observed in Fig. 8(e). mechanical properties of HSC/913 are given in Table 1. For
Kink fronts have been reported to reorient themselves the in-plane shear response, the full stress–strain curve was
naturally, as they propagate, before stabilizing in a b not available, and so the curve for T300/913 was used, since
direction [23] and the tip of kink bands to lie at different the matrix system is the same. As before, in order to define
angles than the rest of the kink band [24]. These the through-the-thickness properties, the material was
observations emphasize the role of damage propagation assumed transversely isotropic. The fracture toughness
within the kink band, for the definition of its final values for the different failure modes for this material are
orientation. Turning to the numerical model, the kink not known, and thus the authors used the values for T300/
band orientation observed in Fig. 8(c)–(e) is never predicted 913 presented earlier, and performed a sensitivity study
explicitly, and is the result of the shear traction component running models with Gb, GT, GL, and Gkink at G10% of their
being degraded in the misalignment coordinate system, respective nominal values (Ga was not considered because
whose orientation is updated during damage propagation. fibre tensile failure did not occur; this leads to 1C2!4Z9
The authors have observed that not updating the misalign- numerical models in total).
ment frame (where the traction components are degraded) To capture the stress field accurately, two solid elements
results in a smaller angle predicted. across the thickness of each composite ply were used in the
numerical model, presented in Fig. 9(a) (the colour map
5.2. Crush of cantilever column specimens shows matrix failure). The matrix fracture in the outer plies
is correctly predicted. The delamination in the 0/908
In this section, the numerical model is applied to simulate interfaces is approximately simulated by the matrix failure
the crushing of composite columns. Cantilever columns in the 908 plies (the matrix fracture plane predicted by these
made of HSC/913 laminate with lay-up (K45,0,90,45)S, failed elements is parallel to the 0/908 interfaces). Fig. 9(b)
thickness of 1 mm, free length of 5 mm and width 10 mm, shows the experimental peak load and mean post-crushing

Fig. 9. (a) Numerical model of the column being crushed; (b) experimental and numerical results.
776 S.T. Pinho et al. / Composites: Part A 37 (2006) 766–777

Fig. 10. Determination of the characteristic length within an element: (a) rotation of an angle b; (b) rotation of an angle f; (c) rotation of an angle j and (d)
rotation of an angle q.

load for different specimens tested (as well as average and and (41) offers no difficulties (LZV/A). However, given the
standard deviation) [25], and the numerical results generic orientation of the fracture plane within an element,
corresponding to the nine numerical models mentioned. computing the fracture area is not trivial, even for
While the mean post-crushing load is reasonably predicted, rectangular brick elements and assuming that the fracture
the predictions for the peak load are particularly good. It can plane passes at the integration point in the centre of the
be further noticed that small variations in the fracture element.
toughness did not affect visibly the peak load, but did affect The heuristic proposed here is only approximate. The
the mean post-crushing load. The numerical model also element dimensions L1, L2 and L3 are obtained from the
seems to slightly over-predict the mean post-crushing load, nodal coordinates within the material subroutine. Fig. 10(a)
which might be due to the delaminations in the 0/908 shows the rotation from the element axes (1, 2, 3) to the
interfaces not being properly modelled. The use of material axes (a, b, c). The rotation from the material axes to
decohesion elements could be useful to investigate this a matrix fracture plane is shown in Fig. 10(b). From
aspect. Fig. 10(a) and (b), the fracture area for matrix failure is
AZ La Lcf and the characteristic length is
L1 L2 L3
6. Conclusions Lmat Z (A1)
La Lcf
This work demonstrates that the current FE model can with La and Lcf given in Fig. 10(a) and (b). For fibre kinking,
reproduce the key physical aspects observed in the failure of the rotation to the kinking plane is shown in Fig. 10(c) and
laminated composites, provided that sound, physically to the misaligned frame in Fig. 10(d). The characteristic
based failure criteria are implemented, and that failure length for fibre-kinking comes then as
propagation is handled appropriately. The failure-models L1 L2 L3
implementation is 3D, and allows the user to incorporate Lkink Z (A2)
Lam Lcj
any in-plane shear curve directly. In addition, the
pathological mesh dependency characteristic of CDM with Lam and Lcj obtained from Fig. 10(a)–(c). For fibre
models is avoided using a smeared formulation. Finally, tensile failure, the fracture plane is normal to the fibres and
all parameters used in the model have clear physical thus
meaning, and this paper identifies how they can be obtained Lft Z La (A3)
from simple tests.
with La given in Fig. 10(a).


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