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3, SEPTEMBER 2008 1733

Numerical Considerations About Using

Finite-Element Methods to Compute
AC Losses in HTS
Frédéric Sirois, Senior Member, IEEE, and Francesco Grilli

Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the influence of various wide use of FEM models, the information on important simu-
numerical parameters on the precision and the speed of ac loss lation parameters such as the utilized mesh, the approximating
computations in high-temperature superconductors using the fi- functions, the numerical tolerance, etc., is often omitted; when
nite-element method. The case considered here is an infinite slab it is presented, not much is said about the reasons that led to a
subjected to an external ac magnetic field. This problem can be
modeled by a 1-D partial differential equation (diffusion equation). particular choice of parameters. Therefore, it appears that it is
This relatively simple case allowed investigating the influence of worth performing a more detailed investigation.
the various parameters in a reasonable time. The findings of this This paper provides insights about the influence of various
work can be used as a starting point for optimizing the numerical parameters on the ac loss values and their computation time in
settings of more complex models. As the main results, it is shown the simple case of an HTS slab: the coarseness of the mesh, the
that choosing first-order elements for approximating the flux den- order of the approximating functions, the numerical tolerance,
sity (B ) is the most stable option, and that using high order adap-
tive time-stepping methods provides good accuracy and fast sim-
the numerical quadrature precision order, and the time-stepping
ulations. A new and simple self-check test for validating the com- algorithm. We chose an infinite slab in an applied field as a case
puted ac losses is also proposed. Finally, a detailed analysis about study, because its behavior can be described with a 1-D diffu-
the behavior of the numerical solution near flux/current fronts is sion PDE: it is, therefore, easier to keep control on the different
provided. aspects influencing the solution and to run many parametric sim-
Index Terms—AC losses, finite-element methods (FEMs), high- ulations in a reasonable time. In addition, the physics of an infi-
temperature superconductors (HTS), numerical analysis. nite slab does not depend on geometry effects (e.g., the demag-
netizing effect in a thin strip), and the divergence-free condition
on is implicitly satisfied, allowing the use of conventional
I. INTRODUCTION nodal interpolation functions on the finite elements (no need for
edge elements). Despite these simplifications, the observations
INITE-ELEMENT methods (FEMs) have become one of made in this paper can be used as a solid starting point for further
F the most popular techniques for solving problems whose
physics is described by partial differential equations (PDEs).
investigations in higher dimensions and more complex geome-
One of the main advantages of the FEM is its ability to account The paper is structured as follows: Section II provides im-
for complicated geometries, as the ones encountered in practical portant information about the problem definition, considering
applications. Another important advantage is its ability to easily the underlying physics and the FEM environment chosen here;
deal with nonlinear material properties, such as the resistivity of Section III contains the results of our investigations, with the
high-temperature superconductors (HTS). For these reasons, it subsections dedicated to the study of the various numerical pa-
has been very commonly adopted by the applied superconduc- rameters; Section IV presents a detailed analysis of observations
tivity community for ac loss computation in HTS wires and de- made in Section III and focuses on approximation errors near the
vices (see, for example, [1]–[5]). fronts, as it is the main cause of numerical difficulties; Section V
For the design of practical HTS devices, precise FEM models summarizes the work and indicates possible avenues for future
are required: 3-D geometries, extremely thin conductors, pres- work.
ence of magnetic materials are just a few examples of factors
that can increase the complexity of the problem and, conse-
quently, the necessary computing resources and times. In order II. FEM MODEL OF THE INFINITE SLAB
to optimize the FEM models and to customize them to specific
needs, it is, therefore, very important to have a better knowledge A. Problem Definition
of the impact of the various FEM parameters on the simulations
and to quantify their influence. In fact, in spite of the relatively Throughout this paper, we use as our base case a supercon-
ducting slab of width m, in the reference frame shown
Manuscript received February 20, 2008; revised June 5, 2008. Current version in Fig. 1. This is because presently the most promising super-
published September 4, 2008. This work was supported by a start-up grant for conconducting tapes are represented by YBCO coated conduc-
young professors (PIED) provided by École Polytechnique de Montéral. This tors, which are composed of superconducting films of a few mi-
paper was recommended by Associate Editor S. Schwenterly.
The authors are with the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC crometers of thickness and a few millimeters of width. The con-
H3C 3A7, Canada (e-mail:; sidered slab corresponds to having the tape subjected to an ex-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASC.2008.2001740 ternal magnetic field parallel to its flat face, as would occur for
1051-8223/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Reference frame for the slab problem considered in this paper.

instance if used in a coil winding. The superconductor’s phys-

ical properties are described by a power-law relation between Fig. 2. Typical steady-state behavior of B (t) and J (t) at two different posi-
tions in the slab, for B = 5 mT and f = 50 Hz. One complete period is
the electric field and the current density shown. The time transient solver must be able to intercept correctly the sudden
changes of slope of B (t), corresponding to abrupt jumps in J and .

for some issues related to the time transient solver used, as ex-
with V m, A m and . plained below.
The current and field profiles can be computed by Faraday’s It is important to emphasize that with any FEM formula-
law tion, (3) is rewritten in a weak form, which reduces the order
of the spatial derivative of by one. Details are provided in
Section III-C1. The weak form allows for using first-order ele-
ments to approximate , which provides substantial advan-
tages on computing speed, as will be shown later.

in which we insert and . Equation (2) C. Choice of a Solver

then reduces to the scalar diffusion equation when considering
the infinite slab geometry shown in Fig. 1, i.e., Due to the nonlinearity of the problem considered, fast tech-
niques such as time harmonic solvers cannot be used, and one
must revert to a time transient solver. This choice is costly in
(3) terms of computation time, because it is necessary to solve for
at least two cycles, starting from null initial conditions, in order
The quantity is known as the diffusion coefficient, and it to obtain the steady-state behavior of the ac losses. A wide va-
riety of time-stepping integration algorithms exist, and one must
is nonlinear in this case since , as shown choose a solver that is relevant to the class of problem involved,
in (1). In practice, also depends on , but we do not consider which is, in the most general case, a differential algebraic equa-
it in this paper. From a numerical point of view, this dependence tion (DAE) problem. Indeed, after the completion of the matrix
does not add any difficulty. assembly process required by the FEM, we obtain a system of
For the purpose of our analysis, we considered only two ordinary differential equations in which the unknowns are called
values for the amplitude of the applied magnetic field , i.e., the degrees of freedom (DOFs) of the problem. In our case, the
1 and 5 mT, which correspond to two different levels of partial DOFs are the values of the flux density at each computation
penetration. Indeed, based on the critical state model (CSM) node of the discretized problem, and are noted . In addition,
and the above material parameters, the penetration field for if any constraints are imposed, e.g., a transport current, addi-
which the superconductor is fully penetrated is 6.28 mT (see tional equations of algebraic type must be satisfied. The whole
the Appendix). The field amplitudes are referred to the peak set of equations (differential plus algebraic) forms the final DAE
value with respect to zero, i.e., . We system to be solved.
chose a frequency Hz for all cases simulated below. In addition to solving the DAE system, the solver must be
able to account for the nonlinear nature of and the wide
B. Choice of an FEM Environment range of values it may take. Indeed, as , which
Equations (1) and (3) have been implemented in the gen- results in a zero diffusion coefficient (i.e., the flux diffusion is
eral form PDE mode of the COMSOL Multiphysics commer- stopped at points where ). On the other hand, as gets
cial FEM package [6]. We chose this software because of its close to , the resistivity grows rapidly, and the diffusion be-
flexibility for accessing internal data and its wide use in the comes quasi-instantaneous. This results in a front-type diffu-
scientific community. Most findings of this paper, however, do sion of and , where the sign of changes abruptly at the
not depend on the specific features of COMSOL, and should, front (see Fig. 2). Corresponding to this current reversal is a
therefore, be representative of any FEM implementation, except singular change of slope in the profile, which must be well

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Fig. 3. Loss value as a function of the number of DOFs for elements of different orders, when the applied field is (a) 5 mT and (b) 1 mT.

approximated numerically in order to avoid large inaccuracies the approximating functions: the higher the order, the higher the
in , which could induce local errors on . If number of DOFs. For the case of a 1-D slab, we have
too large, these errors may alter the diffusion coefficient in a
way that makes the solve diverge. Front-like behaviors are very
unusual in electromagnetics, and this might explain why most (4)
electromagnetic FEM commercial codes fail to solve efficiently It can be observed that the asymptotical convergence is faster
even very simple HTS problems. for an applied field of 5 mT than for 1 mT. This is because
The COMSOL Multiphysics package uses a time transient a field of 5 mT penetrates deeper inside the slab, so there are
solver based on the DASPK algorithm [6], [7] to solve time-de- more elements (i.e., more DOFs) that are effectively utilized
pendent PDE problems. In brief, the DASPK algorithm uses than at smaller field (1 mT), for which the penetration is lim-
variable-order variable-step-size backward differentiation ited to a small region near the edges. It can also be noticed
formulas and Krylov methods for matrix preconditioning (if that, for the same number of DOFs, the approximating func-
needed). In other words, it is an implicit adaptive time-stepping tions of order two and three do not provide better results than the
technique, well suited to solve stiff nonlinear DAE systems, first order. With fourth-order and higher approximating func-
in which case one Newton iteration is performed to linearize tions, the accuracy is recovered. This phenomenon is explained
the system before solving the current time step. Therefore, all in Section IV.
simulation times and convergence properties presented in the The horizontal line shown in both figures represents the the-
forthcoming sections are closely related to performances of the oretical value of the losses, as computed with the CSM [9] (see
DASPK algorithm. The latter has proved to be very efficient Appendix). We remark that it is always lower than that provided
as compared to other approaches, such as using user-specified by FEM calculation. This is due to the power law charac-
time steps (generally as input to Euler-type methods) coupled teristic used in our FEM model, which presents a smooth tran-
with Newton–Raphson iterations [8], so it seems a judicious sition from the superconducting to the normal state, described
choice of solver for our purposes. by the finite index in (1), as opposed to the CSM, which
corresponds to [10]. More details are provided in the
III. RESULTS Appendix.
This section presents the most relevant results of the para-
metric simulations realized during this investigation. The main B. Numerical Tolerance
objective of this section is to highlight the impact of each nu- The solver tolerance is another important parameter of the nu-
merical parameter on ac loss accuracy and computation time. merical solution process, since it allows determining, at a given
All simulations were performed on an IBM Workstation with time instant, if the solution is sufficiently accurate to pursue with
2-GHz clock speed and 4 GB of RAM memory. the next time step or if the current time step needs to be refined.
In the case of the DASPK algorithm, the time-step is accepted
A. Number of Elements in Mesh and Order of Approximating if [6]
We started our analysis by considering a different number of
finite elements and different orders for the approximating func- (5)
tions. Unless specified otherwise, conventional Lagrange ele-
ments were used throughout the paper. The results are shown
in Fig. 3 for the two applied field amplitudes chosen. Results where is the absolute tolerance ( ) on the DOF, is
are shown as a function of the number of DOFs in the problem, the relative tolerance ( ), and is the solver’s estimate of
which, for a given number of elements, depends on the order of the local error on DOF . The absolute and relative tolerances

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Fig. 4. Influence of the absolute tolerance on the ac loss value (top) and com- Fig. 5. Influence of the absolute tolerance on the ac loss value (top) and com-
putation times (bottom) for an applied field of 5 mT and different numbers of putation times (bottom) for an applied field of 5 mT and different orders of
first-order Lagrange elements. Lagrange elements. About 50 DOFs were used in all cases.

do not need to be used both, as long as the denominator of (5) (i.e., near zero field conditions), which corresponds to regions
remains greater than zero at all times. near the internal front. Indeed, applied fields of 5, 10, 20,
Fig. 4 shows the value of the ac losses for an applied field 50, and 100 mT all require to converge. In view
of 5 mT and different number of elements (50, 100, and 200), of these results, a relative tolerance criteria is of little interest,
for values of ranging from to . First-order and is basically not required for HTS problems, at least when
Lagrange elements were used in all cases. As a first observa- working with the DASPK algorithm for time integration.
tion, we remark that a larger number of elements requires a more Another interesting observation consists in the minimum
stringent criterion (and obviously implies longer simulation required for solver stability as the order of the Lagrange ele-
times). This is a general behavior observed in numerical prob- ments is increased. Fig. 5 illustrates the results obtained with
lems when the mesh gets finer. We also observe that the value Lagrange elements of order 1 to 4, with 50 DOFs used in all
of the losses is stable over many orders of magnitude of , cases. This choice is based on the results of Fig. 3(a), where
then suddenly explodes when it reaches some threshold value, the ac loss values are all very similar with 50 DOFs. The most
for instance in the case of 50 elements. This value of striking result is that first-order elements converge with a higher
could be considered as being the optimal one, i.e., it pro- than higher order ones, i.e., - for first
vides accurate results with the smallest computation time (see order versus - for higher order. However, this
Fig. 4). For this particular case, the simulation times between has little effect on computation time. This result suggests that el-
and varies by a factor of 4 to 6. ements of order 1 behave differently than higher order elements,
Although in this simple test case the simulation times remain which is indeed the case and will be explained in Section IV.
of a few minutes at most, such a factor becomes very important Finally, it is very instructive to look at the time evolution
when the geometries are more complicated (2-D) and computa- of the power dissipation curve for different values of the abso-
tion times are much longer. lute tolerance, e.g., see Fig. 6. For sufficiently low values of the
It has to be remembered that the state variable for this problem tolerance, the power loss curve is smooth [see Fig. 6(a)]; then
is the magnetic induction , which takes values of 5 mT or sharp spikes start to appear gradually, modifying the loss value
less inside the superconductor. Therefore, a threshold value of [Fig. 6(b) and (c)]; finally, the curve is totally dominated by
for means that, at first sight, a precision of more than the spikes and the loss value explodes [Fig. 6(d)]. These spikes
one part on 5000 is necessary to obtain cannot be of physical nature: as a proof, they do not even present
accurate ac loss results. Indeed, replacing the absolute tolerance any periodicity. The presence of spikes can be put in direct re-
criteria by a relative tolerance of 0.02% works fine, and above lation with inaccurate computation of the current density front,
this value, the ac loss value starts to diverge in a similar way as as it will be explained in Section IV.
shown in Fig. 4. However, further investigations showed that the The curve is certainly the simplest way to check the
minimum value that ensures accurate ac loss computation is validity of a solution, particularly in complex models, where the
independent of the maximum applied field, which suggests that user cannot afford to explore all flux profiles visually. If spikes
the solver is very sensitive to the smallest values of the solution appear in the curve, then the tolerance needs to be refined.

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integrals appearing in the FEM weak form equations (prepro-

cessing), and 2) the integrals used to compute the ac losses of a
given solution (postprocessing).
1) Weak Form Integrals: In this case, any significant error
can have an important impact on the solution accuracy since
erroneous coefficient matrices will necessarily produce outputs
that are inaccurate to some extent. This adds to the intrinsic and
unavoidable approximation error resulting from the piecewise
approximation of the solution over the finite elements.
In order to determine the minimum quadrature precision
order required, one must take a closer look at the weak form
expression of (3), after application of the Green formula, but
before any linearization or discretization of the time derivative


where is a test function whose purpose is to weight the ap-

proximation error over the slab domain, defined between
. Note the the second term disappears because at
the boundary since we impose as a Dirichlet
boundary condition. More details about this procedure can be
found in any finite-element book or in COMSOL’s documenta-
tion [6].
Using the Galerkin method to discretize the above equation,
becomes successively equal to the basis functions ,
, etc. (generally Lagrange polynomials, but could be any
other basis whose sum equals 1), and our state variable
is expressed as a linear combination of the , i.e.,
, where is a DOF of the problem. After sub-
stituting these expressions into the discretized version of (6), we
end up with two kinds of base integrals, namely

Fig. 6. Instantaneous power dissipation in the slab (in the second cycle) for an
applied field of 5 mT and different values of the absolute tolerance.
The authors thus recommend to always perform this self-check
test. Note that these integrals are expressed in terms of the reference
element, after a change of variable from to . Their evaluation
C. Quadrature Integration serves to form a linear system of equations in the so-called FEM
An important feature of the FEM is the use of fast numerical assembly process.
integration techniques for converting the integrals that enter in The case of is straightforward and allows finding a lower
the weak form equations to numerical values that enters in the bound for the quadrature precision order: if the maximum order
coefficient matrices that form the final linear system of equa- of the is , then the product is at most of order , and
tions to be solved. The most widely used of these integration a quadrature precision order is sufficient to obtain an
techniques is Gaussian quadrature, which reduces the integral exact result for .
to a weighted sum over discrete points of the integrand. The The case of is more delicate. Following the above nota-
basic principle to remember is that a quadrature with points tion, the product can be at most of order . However,
provides an exact solution for a polynomial integrand of order the resistivity function defined in (1) is a highly non-
, which is also called the quadrature precision linear function of and may increase the effective order of the
order. In general, the solution on each element can be well ap- integrand. The best approach here seems to revert to the physical
proximated with a relatively low order polynomial basis, and meaning of the integrand, i.e., corresponds to the elec-
Gaussian quadrature provides a fast and sufficiently accurate es- tric field , and we know that the electric field behaves quite
timation of the weak form integrals. smoothly over the domain of a superconductor, despite the non-
When the problem is nonlinear, as here, it is worth having linear resistivity [11]. Fig. 7 illustrates the typical shape of the
a closer look at this approximation and making sure that con- electric field at different time instants in a cycle. Despite the high
ventional or default rules generally applied are still valid. In -value of 25 used for this simulation, is restricted to a more
our case, this must be done for two different cases, i.e., 1) the or less parabolic behavior over the domain, thus a second-order

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Fig. 7. Electric field at four different time instants in the slab, for an applied
field of 5 mT, f = 50 Hz and T = 1=f . The field profile is rather smooth
everywhere, except at some singular points corresponding to current fronts.

polynomial on each element is enough to accurately approxi- Fig. 8. Instantaneous power dissipation in the 10-m slab, for an applied field
mate it. Therefore, is also a rather smooth function, and of 5 mT, f = 50 Hz, mesh of 75 elements, second-order Lagrange polynomials,
the same quadrature order as used for evaluating 2
atol = 2:5 10 , and 200 output points per cycle, for two different quadrature
precision order.
is sufficient for . The singular points corresponding to cur-
rent fronts are the only ones that are likely to cause problems.
Details are provided in Section IV. this particular case, a quadrature of order 2 provides a nicer re-
The rule is the default one in most FEM software, so sult than a quadrature of order 8, which presents many power
generally the user does not have to care too much about this pa- spikes in the curve, and provide an overestimation of the ac
rameter. Using a higher quadrature order than the minimum is losses (the correct value for the ac losses is W m ,
not bad, although it will result in slightly longer solution times as approximately found with the second-order quadrature).
(typically a few percent longer per degree added to the quadra- The explanation to this behavior lies in a too coarse toler-
ture order). ance used in the time transient solver, as already explained in
Note that although this conclusion is rather simple for the Section III-B. This can be corrected by reducing . The im-
cartesian case, it does not hold true for the axisymmetric case, pact on solution time will only be very slight, and the
where is a minimum to obtain accurate results curves obtained with any quadrature precision order will be-
(because of the presence of a term in the integrand). come identical. Therefore, using a small quadrature order can
2) Integrals for Computing AC Losses: This case is very affect the validity of the curve as a self-check test for
different from the above, since the quadrature integration per- correct tolerance threshold, and the authors suggest that a high
formed at this stage is part of a postprocessing operation, which quadrature order (at least 6) should always be used to obtain a
supposes a solution was computed previously. The ac losses curve that is representative of the numerical quality of the
in a slab of width are defined as the time averaged power solution. Another way to completely avoid this problem is to al-
density W m , i.e., ways use first-order Lagrange polynomials to approximate ,
as explained in Section IV.

D. Summary of Results
The results presented in the current section can be summa-
rized as follows below. It must be kept in mind that these results
In the above equation, (instantaneous losses) are based on the use of a DASPK-based time stepping solver.
is an expression that must be evaluated by Gaussian quadrature. 1) Results Related to AC Loss Accuracy:
The time integration also requires numerical inte- • Relatively few DOFs can provide very accurate ac loss
gration techniques such as the Simpson or trapezoidal rules, but computation (in 1-D, 10–20 DOFs are enough if they are
as long as there are a sufficient number of output points in the all located in nonzero field regions).
curve (typically 50–100 points per cycle), this part of the • Lagrange elements of second- and third-order requires at
computation is not prone to errors. Note that the DASPK solver least twice as many DOFs than first- and fourth-order ele-
requires the output times to be specified in advance, so it returns ments to achieve the same level of accuracy.
them as they are reached in the solving process, but the points • The maximum value of absolute tolerance: 1) decreases as
really solved for are determined by the solver itself, depending the number of elements increases; 2) is independent of the
on its algorithm. applied field; 3) is almost independent of the polynomial
The effect of the quadrature precision order chosen for com- order of the elements (except for first-order Lagrange ele-
puting may be surprising, as shown in Fig. 8. Indeed, in ments, for which it can be chosen larger).

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• The curve provides a simple way to self-check a so- problem in the FEM sense. In other words, there are NO means
lution, as long as the quadrature precision order is chosen to get rid of overshoots that come out naturally from a FEM so-
sufficiently high (6 or more): the presence of spikes in the lution when using high order elements, even with a tiny
curve indicates a too large value value. However, a too large can amplify the overshoots,
• A quadrature precision order set to twice the maximum which will generate spikes in the curve.
order of the Lagrange polynomials is sufficient to ensure Another remarkable thing in Fig. 9 is the fact that is
accuracy, e.g., order 4 for elements of order 2. well approximated for all element orders (differences are barely
2) Results Related to Computation Time: perceptible), whereas the curves are significantly dif-
• The simulation time: 1) increases with the number of ferent. For a given number of elements, we clearly see that the
DOFs; 2) decreases as is increased; and 3) is almost front becomes better defined as the element order increases (but
independent of the order of elements (for a given number we use proportionally more DOFs). In addition, the overshoot is
of DOFs). generally better controlled with higher order polynomials. This
• Using an absolute tolerance close the the convergence is explained by the possibility to model sharper bends in the
threshold is critical to minimize the computation time: a profiles with the highest order terms, and it is also the reason
few preliminary runs are required to find the correct why, for the same number of DOFs, we do observe less error in
value for a given problem. the loss calculation for elements with order 4 than orders 2 and
• With a DASPK-based solver, the use of a relative tolerance 3, as shown in Fig. 3(a).
( ) generally does not help to speed up the solution, and
even slows it down, so it is better not using it.
• There is no need for using a residual resistivity with a B. Numerical Impact of Overshoots
DASPK-based solver; there is even a risk to introduce sig-
nificant errors in the solution. Beside aesthetic considerations, the presence of overshoots
is certainly the main problem we can encounter in simulating
superconductors. Indeed, a slight overshoot results in a large
local increase in resistivity and power dissipation
, as can be seen in Fig. 9.
All problems and modeling difficulties observed in the pre- In the first case, if one of the quadrature points falls on the
vious section are related to a single common cause: the numer- overshoot, the corresponding integral will bias one or more
ical approximation near the fronts. In this section, we investi- coefficients in the global matrix, which will in turn lead the
gate in detail this specific issue, in order to provide explanations solver in a wrong direction for the next time step, and it may
and identify avenues to avoid most numerical difficulties. eventually diverge. In terms of physical quantities, this high
local value of increases the diffusion coefficient (thus the dif-
fusion speed), which results in an excessive diffusion inside the
A. Numerical Approximation of , , and Near Fronts slab, and possible numerical oscillations when the solver tries
to find a consistent solution during the following time steps.
Let us consider the same slab as above ( m, In the second case, the local spikes in the curve can
A m , and ), discretized with 50 elements of La- alter the value of the ac losses computed, although this error is
grange type. We apply a 5-mT 50-Hz sinusoidal field at the generally limited to less than 1%, as long as the solver did not
walls, and we solve this problem for different orders of polyno- produce numerical integration errors. This can be verified by
mials ranging from 1 to 4, with an absolute tolerance of , looking for the presence of spikes in the curve (none in this
which ensures no spikes are present in the curve used for case), which does not mean that there are no spikes in the
self-checking. The results obtained under these conditions are curve (the space integration smears out the small local spikes).
shown in Fig. 9 ( , , and profiles). An important consequence of these local spikes could be artifi-
The first striking point about these results is that the use of cial hot spots if the problem were coupled with a thermal solver.
first-order elements to approximate is the only choice that Indeed, such an unphysical hot spot could easily start to propa-
leads to a piecewise constant by element approximation for . gate itself to the surrounding material and trigger a quench of the
Indeed, at a given time instant, , with sample under simulation, whereas there is physically no reason
being first-order polynomials, therefore for this quench to occur. Thus, great care should be exerted to
avoid this situation in magneto-thermal simulations. However,
is necessarily an expression that is constant by in the case of a purely electromagnetic simulation, this is not a
element (staircase like). As a consequence, profiles are problem.
very stable (no overshoot), despite the fact that the discontinuity
exhibited is not what we expect from the physics. The same
holds true for the local dissipation since C. Can Hermite Elements Help to Avoid Overshoots?
and is constant by element.
The solutions obtained with polynomials of orders 2 to 4 pro- In order to avoid overshoots completely, an appealing idea
vide a smoother approximation, but the price to pay for it is pos- is to use elements that possess a continuous space derivative
sible overshoots in the profiles, and corresponding spikes between elements, corresponding to a continuous in our case.
in the curve. Since we used a very small tolerance for These kinds of elements indeed exist, and are called Hermite
solving these problem, this overshoot is clearly NOT a numer- elements. However, in practice, Hermite elements, which are of
ical error, but is really the best possible approximation of this order 3 or more, are costly in terms of computation time, and

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Fig. 9. Partial results of numerical simulations for an applied field of 5 mT, f = 50 Hz, on the walls of an HTS slab of dimensions 2a = 10 m, with J = 10
and n = 25, and discretized in 50 elements of Lagrange type. The absolute tolerance used was 10 , and the output times plotted here are 20, 20.6, 21.2, and
21.8 ms (begining of second cycle simulated). Note that most commercial packages often perform smoothing operations on these output data, which may mask the
real numerical approximation. Although nice to the eye, such features should always be disabled before performing any objective analysis.

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Fig. 10. Comparison between solutions obtained with 50 elements of order 1 and 2000 elements of order 1 (reference curve), for the same slab problem as defined
in Fig. 9.

despite their continuity, they introduce more numerical oscilla- used for the temporal integration. This model has been imple-
tions in the and solution than Lagrange elements. This is ex- mented in and solved with the COMSOL Multiphysics commer-
plained by the restricted set of polynomials that possess this cial package.
continuity, which inevitably reduces the quality of the approxi- In order to obtain accurate ac loss results at optimal speed, it
mation. Therefore, imposing continuity on does not seem to was found that the absolute tolerance had to be adjusted care-
be a good avenue. fully, and that no relative tolerance should be used. Any problem
with a solution can be rapidly detected by looking for numerical
D. Summary of Analysis: The Simpler the Better spikes in the curve (instantaneous power loss). Finally, be-
Since overshoots are problematic and unavoidable for poly- cause first-order elements prevent overshoots near the flux/cur-
nomial approximating functions of order 2 and more, why not rent fronts, using them was found to be the fastest and more
use only first-order approximation? First-order elements prevent stable modeling approach, despite the impact on the aesthetic
overshoots, and in addition and are constant by element, of the solution.
thus a simple two points quadrature is sufficient (even if ex- Future work should consider defining a rule to automatically
hibit a field dependence), which speeds up the matrix assembly set the absolute tolerance near its optimal value, as well as de-
process. Therefore, it seems to be the best solution among all vising an automated validity test for the solution. But before
those explored here. that, the same analysis should be carried out for the 2-D case,
The main question that remains to clarify is: how accurate with edge elements as approximating functions, since they are
are the ac losses computed with the stair-like shape? the most widely used in formulations in which the state variable
The answer to this question is easily found by superimposing is or . Tests with both a transport current or an applied field
a reference curve (obtained with a very fine mesh of 2000 ele- should also be performed.
ments) with the solution of Fig. 9. We clearly see that each of
the discrete steps lies above the reference curve for about half of APPENDIX
its length, and below the curve for the other half, which means
the integral ends up being correct on av- EFFECT OF POWER LAW EXPONENT ON AC LOSS
erage, as seen in Fig. 10. COMPUTATION
The computed ac losses, whose values are given in Fig. 10(b), The power law exponent plays an important role on the
prove this assertion for the case considered here. This confirms numerical value of the ac losses, which is often underestimated.
that first-order Lagrange polynomials are simpler, faster, more The impact of is tightly coupled with the absolute size of the
stable, and as accurate as higher order approximating functions, sample and the value of , but for the purpose of this paper, we
and therefore can be used without any major concern other that restrict ourselves to the case of the slab of width m
the aesthetic of the solution (in which case it is possible to use and a fixed value of A m (at electric field criteria of
smoothing algorithms if really needed). V m).
Fig. 11 illustrates how the loss values vary with and for
V. CONCLUSION an applied field of 5 mT. It can be seen that losses computed
This paper deepened the understanding of the impact of var- with high values of approach the CSM value [9] (ac losses per
ious numerical parameters in ac loss calculation in supercon- cycle , where mT
ductors using the FEM. Only the 1-D case was considered to and is the applied field), although even provide ac
allow fast parametric tests and reduce the number of variants. losses about 10% higher than the CSM at 50 Hz. Loss values
The FEM was used to discretize the problem in the space do- below are not significant as the field fully penetrates the
main, using the flux density as the state variable, whereas slab and, therefore, the CSM formula used above is not valid
an adaptive time step solver based on the DASPK algorithm was anymore. For a given , the difference in the losses comes from

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Frédéric Sirois (S’96–M’05–SM’07) received

the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada,
in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree from École Polytech-
nique de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, in 2003.
From 1998 to 2002, he was affiliated as a Ph.D.
scholar with Hydro-Québec’s Research Institute
(IREQ). From 2003 to 2005, he was a Research
Engineer at IREQ. In 2005, he joined École Poly-
technique de Montréal as an Assistant Professor.
His main research interests include modeling of
electromagnetic and superconducting devices, integration of superconducting
Fig. 12. Examples of the B profiles inside the slab at f = 50 Hz, for three equipment in power systems, and planning of power systems.
different values of n and for the CSM. The applied field is 5-mT peak.

Francesco Grilli received the M.S. degree in physics

the different degrees of penetration and different slope of the from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1998, and the
field profiles inside the slab for different values of , as shown Ph.D. degree from the École Polytechnique Fédérale
in Fig. 12. For a given , the losses get closer to the CSM as de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2004. His
Ph.D. dissertation was titled “Numerical Modeling
increases, since the flux has less time to relax inside the sample of High Temperature Superconducting Tapes and
during one cycle. Cable.”
Therefore, as long as the field does not fully penetrate the From October 1999 to August 2000, he was a
Software Engineer with Marconi Communications,
sample, the CSM always forms a lower bound for ac losses com- Genoa, Italy. From September 2000 to July 2004, he
puted with a power law characteristic. was a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Labo-
ratory of Nonlinear Systems (LANOS) of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne. From August 2004 to August 2007, he was a postdoctoral research
REFERENCES associate at the Superconductivity Technology Center of the Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow
[1] N. Amemiya, S. Murasawa, N. Banno, and K. Miyamoto, “Numerical at École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada. His main research
modelings of superconducting wires for AC loss calculations,” Physica interests are the 2-D and 3-D modeling of high-Tc superconductors and the dc
C, vol. 310, pp. 16–29, 1998. and ac characterization of their properties.

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