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Table of Contents

1. Introduction Patricia Revest

2. Cell biology and biochemistry Patricia Revest
3. Energy metabolism Mark Holness, Mary Sugden, Jeannette Naish
4. Pharmacology Walter Wiekzorek, Jeannette Naish
5. Genetics David Kelsell, Denise Syndercombe-Court
6. Pathology and Immunology Nigel Yeatman, Paola Domizio,
Denise Syndercombe-Court
7. Epidemiology and public health Jeannette Naish, Denise
8. The Nervous System Alan Longstaff
9. Bones, Muscle and Skin Lesley Robson, Patricia Revest
10. Endocrinology Alan Longstaff
11. The Cardiovascular System Patricia Revest
12. Haematology Drew Proven, Adrian Newland, Denise
13. The Respiratory System Gavin Donaldson
14. The Renal System Malcolm Segal
15. The Alimentary System John Wilkinson
16. Nutrition Jeremy Powell-Tuck, Alison Chambers

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