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Zinnia (flower):

Zinnia is a vibrant flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is native to North and South
America but has become popular worldwide for its colorful and long-lasting blooms. Zinnias come in
various colors, including red, orange, yellow, pink, and purple. They have a daisy-like appearance and
grow in single or double-flower forms. Zinnias are known for their ability to attract butterflies, making
them a common choice in butterfly gardens. They are relatively easy to grow and are often used as
garden ornamentals or cut flowers. Zinnias prefer full sun, well-drained soil, and regular watering. They
bloom throughout the summer and into the fall, adding vibrant colors to gardens and attracting
pollinators. With their bright and cheerful appearance, zinnias are a popular choice for adding a splassh
of color to any landscape or floral arrangement.

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