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Hey, and welcome Gurus.

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I'm Chase, your Azure trading architect here at ACG, a Pluralsight company.

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And it's in this lesson, Using Azure Portal and Cloud Shell,

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that we're going to get familiar with the portal inside of Azure and

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the built-in Cloud Shell that is inside that portal.

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And we're going to start off by describing what the Azure portal is.

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We're then going to talk about the components of the Azure portal that will be

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high-value items for familiarizing ourselves with the portal.

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And then we're going to go through a demonstration where we're

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going to use the Azure Cloud Sandbox so that we can interact to

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the Azure portal and familiarize ourselves with some of the

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features of the Azure portal.

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And then we're going to bring it back to the slides for

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some key takeaways in this lesson.

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So to get started, we're going to ask ourselves: What is the Azure portal?

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And to put it succinctly,

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the Azure portal is a graphical user interface that

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we can access via web browser, so over the internet,

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and it's going to allow us to create and manage resources inside of Azure.
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Now if you watch from the previous lesson,

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where we were understanding Azure Resource Manager,

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we understand that the Azure portal behind the scenes is

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interacting with the Azure Resource Manager and resource

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providers to create and manage Azure resources.

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Now inside of the Azure portal,

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we can also programmatically manage and create resources using the Cloud Shell,

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which it will provide us some functionality to do things

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with Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell,

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which we'll learn more about in the next lesson.

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let's go over the components of the Azure portal

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that are the most important for us.

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Now, here we have a screenshot of the Azure portal,

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and you'll notice that over time, the Azure portal is frequently updated,

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and some of the user interface changes, but for the most part,

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the features and functionality remain mostly the same.

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Now, in the Azure portal,

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the first thing you may notice is the toolbar that

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is in the Microsoft Azure Blue.
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And this is going to be one of the most important components

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of the Azure portal that we interact with.

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We'll see here in this toolbar that we have things like the hamburger

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menu in the top left here that is going to allow us to pop out a menu

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that will let us mess with creating resources,

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take a look at other services.

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We can favorite things to store them there for specific services.

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We can also look at dashboards if we have any dashboards

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configured to give us a single pane of glass view of what's

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going on in our Azure environments and many more features that

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we'll see here in just a moment.

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Then next, we have our search bar,

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and this is probably going to be your most frequented item,

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other than the Cloud Shell if you're a Cloud Shell user.

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And here we can search for resources, services,

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and documentation related to key search terms such as virtual machine

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or gateways if we're looking for gateway solutions.

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And also,

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the next feature we'll notice is all of the components here on the right side,

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which comprise of the Cloud Shell-- also,

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the ability to get into our filter for directories

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to see what directory we're in.

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We can also take a look at notifications to get an idea of what's going on

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inside of the activity log for our Azure environment.

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We can also play around with our portal settings to change the

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layout and the look of the Azure portal,

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for example.

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We cannot have pop-up menus.

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We could have a fixed menu.

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We could also change to a dark theme.

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We'll also see that we can use the question mark to interact

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with any sort of documentation for getting support from Azure

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as well as opening support requests.

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And additionally, we can leave feedback for Azure,

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and if it's actionable, they'll be able to reach out.

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We can also switch between directories, switch between users,

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log out, and sign in from our user profile on the right.

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Now that we've covered the components of the Azure portal,

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let's talk about our demonstration that we're going to go through here.
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For this demonstration,

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we're going to log into the Azure portal using the Azure

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Cloud Sandbox here on the platform.

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And we're going to use the username and password to

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get logged in to .com.

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And then we're going to review some of the core

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functionality and components that we've briefly covered

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here on the slides in the Azure portal.

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And then we're going to go through actually creating a Cloud Shell,

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so we can see how we can programmatically interact with resources

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inside of Azure through the web-based cloud terminal.

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So, let's make our way over to the Azure portal and get signed in.

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All right, Gurus, here we are inside of the Azure portal.

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And you may be prompted once you get logged in using the

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username and password for your Azure Cloud Sandbox to go

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through the Azure portal tour.

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Now if you want to,

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go ahead and pause the video here and walk through the tour to get

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a more extensive review of the Azure portal.

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But I'm going to cover it at a very high level for some of
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the key components that we discussed.

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So, I'm going to click Maybe Later here,

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and I'm going to go ahead and get started.

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So as we see here, we have things like Azure Services.

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We could see resources that we've recently touched.

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We can also take a look at favorites here.

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We can navigate to various components, and we can take a look at tools.

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And even there is an Azure mobile app that we can use to interact with

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some limited functionality with Azure from our phones.

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Now to get started with the Azure portal here,

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if we come up to the toolbar here, we see that hamburger menu,

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and we see it provides a pop-out menu that allow us to

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do things like create resources.

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We can get back to our home, which is this page here.

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We can go to our dashboard and inside of our dashboard,

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we could do things like set up visualizations to allow us to peer

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into CPU and memory usage for our virtual machines and get other

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information about resources and look at it here in tiles to provide

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us a single pane of glass to understand what's going on inside of

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our Azure environments.

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We also can go back to the home menu here,

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and we see we can take a look at all services.

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And we can look at some of our favorites that we've added here.

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Now, what we'll do is, we'll go over here to the search bar.

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And in the search bar, we'll see that we can type in key search terms.

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For example, we could type in virtual machines and here,

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it's going to provide us services related to our search term.

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And if we had any resources that were named whatever we typed in,

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those would also pop up here.

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It's going to show us some things from the marketplace and some

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documentation related to our search term as well.

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I'll go ahead and click Virtual Machines here,

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and we'll see now we're brought into the part of the portal

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where we could create our virtual machines.

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And we'll do that here.

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We'll click Create.

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We'll add a virtual machine, and here, we're going to specify our resource group.

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Now, because we're in the Azure Cloud Sandbox,

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we are scoped with our user to the resource group here.
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So, we can't create other resource groups.

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We can only interact with this resource group and the

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resources that we create inside of it.

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So, we'll use the existing resource group, since we can't create one.

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And then we're going to give our virtual machine a name here.

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So for example, we'll call this virtual machine our portaldemo-vm01.

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We'll accept all the defaults.

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We'll click Review and Create.

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And now this is going to validate our virtual machine configuration.

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And if it passes validation, we'll get this validation passed check mark here.

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We'll click Create.

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And now this is going to send off this configuration to the Azure portal.

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Now, it's prompted us here to generate a new key pair.

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Since we don't have one,

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we're going to download the private key and create the resource here,

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because it defaulted to SSH key-pair authentication

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instead of password authentication.

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And we noticed that it downloaded this private key,

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and it's gone off to deploy this resource here.

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And the deployment is in progress.
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So, what we're going to do is, we're going to pause here,

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and we're going to come back once this is done.

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So, feel free to take a moment,

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grab a beverage of your choice and we'll be back once all of

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the resources have finished provisioning.

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Okay, Gurus, so we're back.

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Our deployment is complete.

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And if we look at the deployment details here,

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we'll see all the resources that were deployed.

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So in this case, we have multiple resources,

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because our virtual machine relies on other resources

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to exist in order for it to exist,

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so it deployed all those resources that it needed

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so that it could deploy itself.

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Now, this deployment went off, if you remember from the previous lesson,

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to Azure Resource Manager.

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And Azure Resource Manager identified what specific providers

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were needed to deploy these resources <v ->-so,

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in the case of the virtual machine,

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</v> Microsoft.Compute /VirtualMachines-- and it asked the provider to

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complete this request to deploy this virtual machine on behalf of the

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Azure Resource Manager since it cannot do it itself and it's just the

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orchestrational top-level resource.

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Now, we're going to go ahead here.

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We're going to close out.

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We'll go into our virtual machine here,

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and we'll see how we can do certain things with the resource here.

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We can connect to it.

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We can restart it, stop it, delete it.

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We can also look at some network configurations, disks.

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We can change the size.

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We can do a whole lot here in the Azure portal,

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and we're going to save that for later lessons.

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We're going to move on now to the other side of the toolbar here.

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Now if we go back to our home and we click on the Cloud Shell here,

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we'll see that it's going to prompt us to configure a Cloud Shell.

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We can choose a Bash environment or a PowerShell environment

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and we can switch between this in the future.

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So, we're going to select PowerShell here.
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In my case, you could select Bash if you'd like.

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And here, we'll click on Show Advanced Settings.

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And what we'll see is,

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we have to configure storage be mounted for this Cloud Shell.

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So, it's going to use our existing resource group.

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The region doesn't matter here.

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We're going to create a new storage account,

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and it has to be a globally unique name.

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And the current naming convention for storage

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accounts here is three to 24 characters,

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lowercase alphanumeric.

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So, I'm going to try to call mine here the portaldemocloudshell.

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And then I'm going to name a file share that will be

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configured in this storage account.

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I'll call it cloudshell here, and I'll click Create Storage.

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And this is going to go off and deploy a storage account that

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will be mapped to this Cloud Shell here.

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Now if this happens to you,

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you're going to see the storage account is already taken,

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meaning that this name already exists and this is
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something I used in a previous demo here.

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And this shows us an error we may run into in configuring this.

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Again, it has to be globally unique.

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So if I just change the name here and call it the

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cloudchaseportaldemostg and then type in Cloud Shell again,

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click Create Storage,

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it's going to go off and create the storage account here for

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us using this storage account name and the Cloud Shell

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fileshare that we've configured for it.

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Now while that's going, we're going to minimize the Cloud Shell here,

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and we're going to see here we can switch between

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directories and do a directory filter.

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So, we see we have an existing directory here,

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and this is the directory for the lab environment.

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We'll also see that we have the ability to take a look

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at our appearance and startup views.

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For example, we could change it to docked for our menu behavior.

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We could change our theme if we want a dark theme.

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We could do high-contrast, white, black.

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We could do focused navigations, startup menus, whatever we want to do.

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And we can apply these changes if we want.

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I'm going to go ahead and return it back to the default.

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We also can take a look at our language configuration and regional format.

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We can look at our information,

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and we can take a look at our signing out and notifications,

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so we can enable pop-up notifications or disable it.

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We can also change our Sign Me Out When Inactive and set it to never,

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15 minutes, two hours,

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or custom duration and all these other durations in between.

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We'll go ahead and do none of that.

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And then we're going to move in here to where we'll see we can get support and

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some troubleshooting information for the Azure environment.

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We can take a look at service health.

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We can look at some support resources and we can even open

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support requests with Microsoft from here.

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And it'll show us specific resources we have that we can open those with.

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And we would choose Create Support Request and provide more information.

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Next here, we'll see we can leave feedback with Microsoft,

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and if there's anything actionable, they should action on it.
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And we also see with our user profile, we can sign out,

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view accounts, switch directory, and sign in with different accounts.

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Now, let's make our way back over to the Cloud Shell,

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now that it should be done provisioning.

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And what we'll see here is this blue screen.

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This is because the Cloud Shell has a timeout of 20 minutes.

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So, we'll click Restart there using the power button.

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And if it doesn't restart, go ahead and refresh your browser page.

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And what we'll see now is, we should be able to open up the Cloud Shell,

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and it'll start for us and connect to the Cloud Shell

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instance that's mapped to our storage account.

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Now, we see here we can switch between PowerShell and Bash,

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and we can also restart, as we just saw.

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We can get some help information about the PowerShell.

00:12:00.930 --> 00:12:04.410

We can take a look at our settings and modify things like tech size and font.

00:12:04.410 --> 00:12:08.130

We can also download and upload files here to the Cloud Shell,

00:12:08.130 --> 00:12:10.530

so things like this, for example.

00:12:10.530 --> 00:12:14.100

Clear up the display, type ls, and we'll see the files we have here.

00:12:14.100 --> 00:12:17.580

And we can upload from our computer and download to our computer.

00:12:17.580 --> 00:12:20.400

We can also open new terminal sessions here,
00:12:20.400 --> 00:12:23.640
and it'll open up another session in a different window.

00:12:23.640 --> 00:12:26.820

And then, we also will see that we can open up a code editor here,

00:12:26.820 --> 00:12:30.660

which is Visual Studio-esque in nature with some limited functionality.

00:12:30.660 --> 00:12:35.250

And we can also do things like do a web preview here and click Configure.

00:12:35.250 --> 00:12:38.433

Now, we'll go ahead and close up this here,

00:12:39.510 --> 00:12:42.240

close the editor, clear up the display,

00:12:42.240 --> 00:12:44.910

and we're going to see we could do things like use

00:12:44.910 --> 00:12:47.610

Azure CLI commands like az group.

00:12:47.610 --> 00:12:48.653

And if we type in az group,

00:12:48.653 --> 00:12:51.194

it'll give us some information about the Azure CLI

00:12:51.194 --> 00:12:53.490

command that we're trying to use here.

00:12:53.490 --> 00:12:55.440

And the same thing goes for the PowerShell.

00:12:55.440 --> 00:12:56.990

We could do Get-AzResourceGroup,

00:12:58.530 --> 00:13:02.070

and it's going to give us some information about resource groups.

00:13:02.070 --> 00:13:05.841

And we could also see specific parameters if we type a tack and then

00:13:05.841 --> 00:13:08.490

hit Tab-complete for this PowerShell command line.

00:13:08.490 --> 00:13:08.988

All right, Gurus,

00:13:08.988 --> 00:13:11.017

that concludes everything that we wanted to look at

00:13:11.017 --> 00:13:12.510

here inside of the Azure portal.

00:13:12.510 --> 00:13:16.160

Let's make our way over to the slides for a quick review of this lesson.

00:13:17.070 --> 00:13:17.903

All right, Gurus.

00:13:17.903 --> 00:13:18.017


00:13:18.017 --> 00:13:21.123

the key takeaways from this lesson are that you understand that we

00:13:21.123 --> 00:13:24.151

got into the Azure portal and familiarized ourself with the Azure

00:13:24.151 --> 00:13:27.660

portal and its built-in cloud terminal, known as the Cloud Shell.

00:13:27.660 --> 00:13:29.903

Now when we logged into the Azure portal using our

00:13:29.903 --> 00:13:31.770

Azure Cloud Sandbox credentials,

00:13:31.770 --> 00:13:34.830

we were using an Azure Active Directory identity,

00:13:34.830 --> 00:13:37.970

and we're going to get more information on Azure Active

00:13:37.970 --> 00:13:40.350

Directory in the identity section of this course.

00:13:40.350 --> 00:13:40.703

But for now,

00:13:40.703 --> 00:13:43.718

it's important for us to understand that this was an identity that

00:13:43.718 --> 00:13:46.380

we used to authenticate into the Azure portal.

00:13:46.380 --> 00:13:51.930

And this also used our same identity to authenticate into the Cloud Shell,

00:13:51.930 --> 00:13:54.240

because we were already signed in via the Azure portal.

00:13:54.240 --> 00:13:56.942

And this identity had authorization to perform

00:13:56.942 --> 00:13:59.220

specific operations at a specific scope.

00:13:59.220 --> 00:14:03.300

And in this case, it was the resource group in terms of the Azure Cloud Sandbox.

00:14:03.300 --> 00:14:07.290

Now, inside of the Azure portal, we saw that we can create and manage resources,
00:14:07.290 --> 00:14:09.900
for example, when we created that virtual machine.

00:14:09.900 --> 00:14:12.858

And we saw we could also perform management operations such

00:14:12.858 --> 00:14:15.930

as rebooting that virtual machine or stopping it or looking

00:14:15.930 --> 00:14:18.540

at the network configuration, the things of that nature.

00:14:18.540 --> 00:14:22.390

We also saw that we could manage Azure using the Cloud Shell

00:14:22.390 --> 00:14:24.502

by using Azure CLI and PowerShell commands,

00:14:24.502 --> 00:14:28.740

which we're going to get more into Azure CLI and PowerShell in the next lesson.

00:14:28.740 --> 00:14:31.530

Now, something we didn't cover because we're going to cover it in another lesson,

00:14:31.530 --> 00:14:34.576

is that we can use the Azure portal to manage billing and get an

00:14:34.576 --> 00:14:37.920

understanding of our cost inside of the Azure Cloud.

00:14:37.920 --> 00:14:38.105


00:14:38.105 --> 00:14:41.274

the other thing that we want to remember is that we can use

00:14:41.274 --> 00:14:44.970

the Azure portal to log support tickets if ever we're having

00:14:44.970 --> 00:14:48.510

issues inside of the Azure portal, as we saw in our demonstration.

00:14:48.510 --> 00:14:50.520

All right, Gurus, that's all my time for now.

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Thanks so much for joining me in this lesson,

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and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.

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For now, I've been Chase.

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