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Group 5 Quiz: Communication for Various Purposes

I. Identification
Directions: Identify and write your answer on the blank.
1. The purpose of this is to document the exact details of the occurrence
while they are fresh in the minds of those who witnessed the event.
 Incident Report

2. It is a two-party interaction in which at least one party has a specific,

serious purpose and that usually involves the asking and answering
 Interview

3. It is the process of passing information from one person to another.

 Communication

4. It is a type of Occasional Speeches and designed to highlight the

importance of the project and possibly those to whom the project has been
 Speech of dedication

5. It is the means by which employees exchange information and ideas.

 Workplace Communication

II. Enumeration
Directions: List down or enumerate what are being asked on each of the following

6-8. Give at least three (3) Purposes of Communication

1. To inform
2. To evoke
3. To entertain
4. To argue
5. To persuade

9-10. Give at least two (2) types of Speeches

1. Informative
2. Demonstrative Speeches
3. Persuasive
4. Special Speech
11-13. Give at least three (3) types of Business Letter
1. Information and Action Request
2. Simple Claim Request
3. Information Response
4. Customer Claim Response
5. Refusing Claims

14-15. Give at least two (2) types of Memo

1. Directive Memo
2. Trip Report Memo
3. Response Memo
4. Field Report Memo

III. True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if wrong.

16. Memo is a document typically used for communication within a company.

17. Interview do not always involve two parties.

18. To persuade is to persuade to ascend to the possibility of the communicator side

of the debatable question.

19. Effective communication is a one-way street.

20. A trip report memo usually sent to a supervisor after an employee returns from a
business venture.

Take note: Sa True or False ay wala na kaming ibibigay na sagot

dahil dito nalang kayo magkakatalo-talo sa scores. Maraming

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