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The main of
part a microwave is a magnetron, which you can imagine like a aubics that

sends outelectromagnetic waves. That

cube is installed o ne
at side of the microwave

and sends t hese

out waves. To heat
up food, the wavelengths have to be long, because

only they can get into the products to them

heat up entirely. Electromagnetic waves with a

shortwavelength would only up

heat the surface, because they couldn't
p enetrate

far enough which would furthermore in

result a cold inside.

On the opposite
of the manetron is a reflector reflects
that the waves.

The position of this reflector is very important, because it

causes the

wave to have the possible

biggest amplitude in these circumstances,
which means:higher temperature. The reflector is placed at

where the original wave and the reflection intersect. The pattern that

than occurs causes a higher amplitude & therefore a higher temperature.

Whathappens inside the while

product all thathappens is simple.

Every food contains water

molecules which we know are dipole

(it's polar & assymmetrical). The electric field, thatthe electromagnetic

wave causes, acts upon these dipolar molecules, they rotate.

Electromagnetic fields are in movement,

constent and therefore so are the

water molecules. The movementcauses friction between the molecules

resulting in a higher temperature.

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