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A woman is not just an individual - a big chunk of her is actually

the herd itself.

November 21, 2019 | 518 upvotes | by SKRedPill

TL:DR - At a collective level, men are more influenced vertically. Women horizontally. A woman is
actually "women". Individual quirks and differences are usually inborn qualities. The cultivated
part has no solidity, and it can change relatively instantly compared to the time scale on which men
One of the top rated posts here went like - "Stop wondering what women's frames are, they don't exist".
Read it if you can. More specifically I observe that women's frames follow their emotions and are like
water. They can change totally if enough of emotion is created.
We also know women are herd animals - but let's look at it in a bit more detail. Observing the behavior of
women closely for a while has made me realize that collective consciousness in women functions a bit
differently from men. Men are more influenced vertically - i.e. a group of men can be made to follow the
vision, mission and values of a leader who is at the top of the pyramid. Women on the other hand, are
highly influenced laterally -- by the overall direction of the herd - what the herd of women overall feels or
reacts or thinks or believes, that influences who she becomes.
When a particular frame or narrative becomes established beyond a critical mass, your individual woman
will change to reflect this, even unconsciously without external prompting. A woman is not an individual
nearly to the same extent as man. To make man into a herd animal, we literally need to put them through
the military grind where order is established after a lot of training, and rules and consequences, and even
these men can be very individual in their frames outside of the call of duty. Men essentially are what they
are because of creatures of habits.
A woman on the other hand operates as a collective creature by default. A woman is not so much of an
individual - a significant part of her is actually a collective woman herd consciousness.
When the herd was religious and god fearing and sex could cause pregnancy, most women were one way,
believed and felt strongly in that direction. When it was the collective principle that women ought to
become mothers and children, we had women marrying early and a childless woman was treated as bad
luck (by other women no less). They reacted with utter horror at the idea of infidelity or premarital sex
and pregnancy. This is despite the fact that their sexual instincts were just the same then as they are now.
Now. I come from a place where I'm seeing just how much people can change in 2 generations. When
society is what it is now, you see them trying to identify themselves as feminist, or even bisexual or
lesbian even if that is not who they are. Today when society tries to call the family as a burden, you see
even otherwise normal women wanting careers and postponing or abandoning motherhood, much to the
surprise of the previous generation, who are a different herd of women. Now you'll see women reacting in
the same horrified way at the mere mention of anything against pre-marital sex.
This is an example of 2 herds with 2 different frames and how different women behave in either, because
the herd narrative is different. The same woman can totally change when shifted from one to another. All
it takes is critical mass.
The herd body of women is not just a mental or a pretentious thing. This really affects them at a deep
level, down to even basic emotional responses - it's visceral in nature. You can make them revere a
tradition or react with disgust to it just based on which way the herd goes, not on any other objective
criteria - you do not have to condition them deliberately. You can totally get them to believe and say Page 1 of 22
anything as dictated set by social media narrative. You can make them start and drop a habit when it
reaches critical mass in the herd - to make a man change a habit you need to literally rewire the cells in
his body.
In places where everyone seems depressed or having some kind of mental issue, your woman would
probably turn into a case in short order (even if she isn't normally that way). You could change just about
everything in their mind by just the herd momentum. That's how weak their frames are.
It is a very noted phenomenon that a lot of women brought up in very conservative religious families
from the east or even the Middle East, once they get into the herd mentality of the modern west, they like
change in about the time it takes to go to a barbershop and get a makeover. You have all these "good
girls" turning into some pretty wild creatures overnight once they migrate to a more liberal feminine
primary society. And that isn't only because of sudden freedom - it is the impact of that herd energy on a
fresh mind.
You'd think all that conservative upbringing had made any difference - but it doesn't, not beyond the
moment. It if did make a permanent mark, it can end up breaking a woman into dysfunction - while we
may be angered at the fickleness of women, women who are unable to adapt and unable to have flexible
frames are often too damaged at some level.
Men on the other hand, are a completely different animal. Compare the girl who changes between a visit
to the parlor and a few days in a new culture to just how many years of effort a man has to put in to
transform from BP to RP, or from boy to a wise man. The herd thing just hardly works on a man, he
needs to be melted down and re-moulded, forced to change.
One may argue that so many men subscribing to BP beliefs is similar to a herd of women. It isn't. These
boys have been raised by women to be more like women through many years of vertical conditioning by
female authorities and a feminine centric society and kept betaized from ever maturing fully. And even
then it's still a group of individual males believing the same illusions. Break the illusion and the man will
go on to break out and follow his understanding of truth. It may also be the declining T levels to blame
for men showing effeminate characteristics these says. But show him the truth, and when he can swallow
it and follow it, the real man will soon emerge.
Although women keep claiming "social conditioning", the fact is that very little of their conditioning is
any kind of deliberate attempt to alter their personality. It's almost all herd consciousness.
What doesn't change is the body. That hasn't really changed at all, therefore at least in matters of sexual
attraction, women have not really changed, although it can lead to some real cognitive dissonance in them
- the more the mind and body go in two different directions, the greater is this pain of confusion. But if
you can get them out of their head for a while, you'll see that hasn't changed. If anything it's reemerging
in it's original form now.
But what about some unique personality traits? Obviously personalities, temperament, likes and dislikes
and quirks are different - and often very different even amongst sisters raised under one roof. I have a lot
of women in my extended family and their social circles and every one of them has their own personality
(but that doesn't make any one of them men in any way - they're all women).
Well, after observing the personalities of so many hundreds of women in my circles, I have come to the
conclusion that individual differences between them are mostly due to inborn characteristics - you can't
explain that aspect due to outward conditioning. Some of these characteristics I can trace back to
childhood and even infancy. The next biggest part of women beyond the herd is inborn. It's wired into
their genes. It's in the body, that's why it stays that way. And that part usually never changes throughout
their life. Page 2 of 22
I was listening to families and friends sharing so many stories about how the women were as children,
and they're still just the same even now. My mum, my aunts, the relatives, the neighborhood, school and
college mates, women at work, their "quirks of personality" have never changed and have been that way
right from the beginning. These quirks remain no matter who they become. Some quirks just show up
under different environments, but they were always there just waiting for the opportunity.
Nevertheless individuality is just that - a quirk of body and personality. You only notice it when a woman
is isolated from the herd, mostly at home or one on one. Beyond that the influence of the herd mind
dictates her frame at a macroscopic level and is the dominant part of who she is. Especially in
today's internet and social media age, the herd mind has never been more powerful.
So understand women, one must study everything and everyone around them in addition to who they are.
Your woman is actually more of "all women in her range of her awareness" than one person. She is
shaped by whichever herd succeeds in making the maximum impact on her consciousness. The rest of her
individual personality is mostly inborn and wired in.
What about the cultivated part of a woman? Actually that's only temporary and fragile. It has no solidity,
and it's actually far more due to what environment she's in. There is very little of a woman's nature
that is really due to conscious cultivation, and that part can be changed very quickly and very easily
by herd influence. That's why when her family tries to tell you that they've raised her like this and like
that, and she tries to convince you she's a "good girl", I now smile, and have to stop myself from
They think, and want us to think they've moulded her solid and that's how she'll always be. But that's
actually the most fluid part of her - it's a paper tiger before her hind-brain and the herd. It only works
because of external pressure in the first place. Change that and her own parents would wonder who their
daughter is.
Well, this is actually normal. If it isn't fluid, I must suspect she's a broken bird in some way or another.
Such women do exist in ultra conservative cultures where they simply can't enjoy sex for e.g.
Men on the other hand, definitely change solidly, so much that even now I can't comprehend the scale of
physical and mental transformation that the boy goes through and becomes a man at the other end - seeing
yourself before and after is astonishing. Even the BP-RP thing, it's startling how much you change along
the way, until you need not even try to act different. Your very thought process has fundamentally
changed. And the change is way more solid and permanent compared to anything a woman does. A
woman won't know what this experience feels like. Men are like the climate, women the weather.
Side note : I have concluded that there's no specific thing called a red pilled woman - all women are both
red pilled and blue pilled at once (or should I say, yellow pilled at once) at once - the collective
consciousness makes it impossible for a woman to act that exceptional for too long, and in any case their
body wiring is the same as ever. Most women never go through anything where they've realized just how
much their personality has changed from what it was before. It's only in men where the BP-RP divide
is this stark and so solidly different that we can even categorize it as such. Women, are just women.

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mickenrorty • 57 points • 21 November, 2019 07:52 PM

The war bride effect is also related to why so many women are turned on by BDSM and rape fantasy. It’s a
necessary trait for survival and reproduction

KeffirLime • 13 points • 22 November, 2019 01:09 PM

To take it further, women often adapt to their immediate environment before adapting to the macro. For
example, she will abide by the rules of her strict religious family until she leaves the house and is no longer
dependent on them, then she will adapt to her party going college new friendship group or
boyfriend(whichever comes first).
Any female friendship group will almost certainly be flowing alongside the tide of society as women do, but
as a male you can generally choose your allegiance. Provided she is more dependent on you than her
friendship group, or family then she will filter into your mold rather than theirs. As strong man, who women
submit to, you can dictate the frame your women molds into.

SKRedPill[S] • 4 points • 24 November, 2019 04:35 PM

Just the one place where I felt men did something similar to a herd, is with the whole beards thing. But a
lot of them actually look a lot better too.

[deleted] • 2 points • 29 November, 2019 08:38 AM

Beards are overrated. Anyone who looks better with a beard is unattractive in the first place as it
makes no sense to hide ones beauty. Even the attractive ones that look good with a beard look better
without one.

SKRedPill[S] • 3 points • 29 November, 2019 04:51 PM

All these are hamster's opinions - what you said was a rationalization. Ultimately you try out
things, find what looks good in the mirror and do it. There's a different aesthetic to everything. If
you don't wanna have a beard, don't do it. Do you really need to rationalize it?

[deleted] • 1 point • 29 November, 2019 07:50 PM

You keep following the herd and do what society tells you do. Page 4 of 22
RPmatrix • 1 point • 29 November, 2019 03:09 AM*

the whole beards thing. But a lot of them actually look a lot better too.

In my mother's day, men who 'wore beards' (apparently from her and her mother's, my granny's pov)
did so to "hide their weak jaws"
AFAIK, in the 60's the "mysterious tall dark European" man "with a strong jaw" was the equivalent
of today's, 'beard, tattoos and a six pack' . . . usually in that order - as if you can, growing a beard'
requires NO effort!
Y'know how much Effort many guys put into their Hair and how proud they are of their facial hair!
sheesh, Soon it will be Un PC to Deny the Effort "grooming a beard" requires. I mean, far out,
"beards lives matter!" Yo! (just don't mention that 'hair' is 'dead' once it exits the body!)
I'm just waiting for the "Tatts Matter" meme to begin, vigorously supported by the hoards of bearded
SJW's and the tribe known as the "Amy Winehouse Tattoo Appreciation Association" and fair
enough as;
they're Artists, the Lot of them!
And they know how you Cannot discriminate against "artists" as they are just like terrorists and you'll
never guess just by seeing the beard!
lol I think I might start calling my friends who have full beards Mohammed and Ali etc hehe!

jzekyll5 • 9 points • 22 November, 2019 05:10 AM

Stockholm syndrome is just alpha widowing

Standgrounding • 1 point • 29 November, 2019 10:09 PM

More like reverse alpha widowing

SKRedPill[S] • 5 points • 22 November, 2019 05:26 PM

This. A single woman is vulnerable. Hence they evolved to be herd animals. However this trait is not just a
human characteristic. It is much older than that. It actually comes from the animal kingdom.

CainPrice • 126 points • 21 November, 2019 04:09 PM

An important addition to this is the fact that universally, throughout all women, all cultures, all times, is that part
of the herd mentality of women always includes the understanding that men are not part of the herd.
Men are always tools to women. By attaching themselves to certain men in certain ways (the ways being dictated
by the current herd mentality), women gain things. But behind the scenes, they always giggle about men when
among other women, or just in their heads. Men are always outsiders to their collective. Tools to be used.
The herd always thinks they're smarter than men and that men don't get it, because men aren't part of the herd.
Which is great for us, because it leads to women unconsciously underestimating men.

TheImpossible1 • 67 points • 21 November, 2019 05:50 PM

Men are always tools to women. By attaching themselves to certain men in certain ways (the ways being
dictated by the current herd mentality), women gain things. But behind the scenes, they always giggle
about men when among other women, or just in their heads. Men are always outsiders to their collective.
Tools to be used. Page 5 of 22
This explains how they vote.

SKRedPill[S] • 19 points • 21 November, 2019 04:38 PM*

I forgot to add in the title "The rest is mostly inborn". As I was having dinner, a thought struck me that the
individual differences between women are mostly inborn traits that hardly ever change. I then looked at all
the women I've known in my life, and yes, who they are individually, hasn't really changed. But this part is
not nearly as big as the herd.
Men on the other hand, definitely change, so much that even now I can't comprehend the scale of physical
and mental transformation that the boy goes through and becomes a man at the other end. Even the BP-RP
thing, it's startling how much you change along the way, until you need not even try to act different. Your
very thought process has fundamentally changed. And the change is way more solid and permanent
compared to anything a woman does. Men are like the climate, women the weather.

urbana1 • 8 points • 21 November, 2019 09:36 PM

This explains pretty well how Facebook mothers convince themselves that not vaccinating their kids is a
good idea. The herd mentality. They tend to be very impulsive and irrational. Hence why women are
more inclined to believe in crap like horroscopes and ghosts. So, it’s not much of s stretch for them to
convince themselves they know better than doctors or that there is some conspiracy to harm their kids.
Fact: women are more likely to harm their own kids than doctors. In many cases choosing to kill them via
abortion. Then if they let them live they mess them up with their inherent narcissism and

totallymanlytears • 4 points • 22 November, 2019 01:45 AM

The herd is saying to vaccinate, not the other way around. Look around, 99% of kids are vaccinated,
that is the herd mentality - your premise is wrong right from the start.

So, it’s not much of s stretch for them to convince themselves they know better than doctors or
that there is some conspiracy to harm their kids.

Do you understand what a herd is? This is "going against the herd".

Then if they let them live they mess them up with their inherent narcissism and

Only if the father allows it, which is sadly common considering the men of today.

urbana1 • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 05:19 PM

Smaller herd but still a herd nonetheless in my humble opinion. My reference to the herd is the
following aspect of it. Women put a lot of stock into what their girlfriends say. To the point of
dismissing professional opinions.

SKRedPill[S] • 3 points • 22 November, 2019 02:52 AM

It's the herd that makes the most noise in the vicinity that often influences them. Poorly educated
folk who can be peddled pseudoscience and conspiracy theories can fall easily for that.
Also the skyrocketing costs of healthcare in the US might be partly to blame.

throwlaca • 1 point • 23 November, 2019 02:09 AM

The herd is saying to vaccinate, not the other way around. Look around, Page 6 of 22
99% of kids are vaccinated

That's the "global" herd, women mostly ignore it

They go with their local herd, nowadays composed mostly of their Facebook friends, no more
than 50 women.

ellendegenorate • 13 points • 21 November, 2019 07:52 PM

as I keep my head down at school I see some of these moments go by. In class a female teacher showed us
this for english
Teacher talks about how Boleyn has the king wrapped around her finger, ask us what's happening. Then says
something like "we all know its really the women making the decisions, and letting the men think their in
control" she kind of small laughed/smiled, it was like you could feel every girl in the class telepathically
I felt like laughing inside of me so hard, I kept quiet. pretending I am the 99% that is stupid and led by a

HellSpeed • 9 points • 22 November, 2019 01:00 AM

When I was young, I was the 99%. Stupid and led. Then I started to realize something wasn't right. I
began to say to myself "That's not true, I don't agree" but I was too afraid to speak out. I grew stronger
and gained more confidence. I started to fight back, to argue. Which led to me being picked on and
ostracized by the females and the males. I grew yet stronger and more fearless. I fought hard, I won the
debates, people would agree and enter my frame. But I would soon notice that even though I was right
and what I said made sense, I was ostracized further, but this time silently. This was worse because I
didn't understand why. Things would happen to me. Bad things. And I didn't know why. I would later
realize it was because people silently hated me. Because I was strong and because I was fearless and
because I spoke out loud. I learned this after too much turmoil. Now I don't speak. Now I am silent. I
smile and nod when I hear them talk. They think I am as I was before. Stupid and led. But if you look
into my eyes you will see if you know what to look for.

johngalt1234 • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 05:14 AM

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

What a shame you have to deal with the queen bees and drones as your colleagues.
Rather than having a core of true men by your side.

scissor_me_timbers00 • 6 points • 21 November, 2019 09:11 PM

I mean that’s definitely true sometimes but wildly exaggerated as “the reality”.

Wabbajak • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 08:14 AM

Men are always tools to women. By attaching themselves to certain men in certain ways (the ways being
dictated by the current herd mentality), women gain things. But behind the scenes, they always giggle
about men when among other women, or just in their heads. Men are always outsiders to their collective.
Tools to be used.
The herd always thinks they're smarter than men and that men don't get it, because men aren't part of the Page 7 of 22
herd. Which is great for us, because it leads to women unconsciously underestimating men.

What contitutes her persona, the socially acceptable part of her personality, is dictated by
a) how the herd of women thinks most of the time and
b) a small, fluid cultivated part.
This can only do so much to hide her true personality, her socially unacceptable part, inborn attitudes, her
true nature: the shadow.
Her persona may be the mask she wears in public, when talking to men, deals with her boss or talks to her
boyfriend, or when she says "I don't want a guy with a six pack!" (while staring at the shredded guy on the
other side of the street). But underneath the shadow of her mask, there is the inborn biological part of her that
is characterised by egoistic sexual needs, her hypergamic nature, female sollipsism or the notion that men
function as tools to her. Thinks she would never admit when the context is not right.
She only shows this part when she thinks she is in safe territory, mostly with her peers e.g. vacation with the
girls, drunk in the club, festivals or while watching sex and the city. In other words: when the herd mentality
of all other girls around manifests itself in a way that allows for under normal conditions forbidden slut
behavior, she acts out on slut behavior.
The context of a social situation, socially acceptable or socially inacceptable, defines which part of her
personality, persona or shadow, is operating.

[deleted] • 74 points • 21 November, 2019 06:00 PM*

This post is so unfortunately true, and shows why its so important to be the leader in your relationship. If you
allow your partner to dominate in most cases, you will be leaving your fate to the herd.
Anecdotal but numerous times in several separate LTR's I have had my partner make decisions based on what
their group of friends told them to do. I have even had girlfriends come back from vaca with an all girl group and
break up with me because their friends/family told them to. That was the legit excuse used for breaking up with
me, she came back within a week when she realized I wasn't going to wait around for her.
Why is it always so hard to pick where youre gonna go eat? there are just way too many examples of common
sense scenarios that proof this post to be true. Its just undeniable at this point. Look at social media, absolutely
nonsensical things are becoming 'normal' because it gets enough likes. Its pathetic, how can I respect someone
that is just a part of a hive.

Imperator_Red • 60 points • 21 November, 2019 06:37 PM

Its pathetic, how can I respect someone that is just a part of a hive.

You don’t, at least in the modern context. Historically, females gained respect by obeying a hive which
directed them towards behaviors that were good for society (chastity, good mother, loyal wife, etc.). Since
the hive no longer does this, they don’t get any respect.

scissor_me_timbers00 • 22 points • 21 November, 2019 09:18 PM

Because the patriarchy is defunct. Our social system is becoming anarchic. Hypergamy and fickle female
nature/sexuality is literally a force of nature that must be kept on a leash by the mannerbund if
civilization is to go anywhere and have any stability. Female nature has become unchained and the last
remaining barriers are actively being worked on to undo them. All in the name of a bullshit moral
crusade. And it’s spreading to the developing world as well. I’m seriously intrigued to see how chaotic
things get by mid century. Page 8 of 22
carrills • 11 points • 22 November, 2019 07:44 AM

I'm in Vietnam right now, Thot levels are rising exponentially in the cities and even reaching to the
rural villages due to smart phones. Having thousands of followers on ig and fb is starting to give them
all the same inflated egos as western woman.

scissor_me_timbers00 • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 09:01 AM

Fucking hell. I’m actually thinking of relocating out to Vietnam or Thailand. Still worth it?
Also I saw that you’re Latino. I like Latina girls better than Asian girls. Do you have any
knowledge of how South American women are compared to SE Asian women? I know the thot
levels are rising all over South America too. I’m just wondering relative to Asia tho.

JamesSkepp • 4 points • 22 November, 2019 12:41 PM

Don't go to 3rd world thinking that this or that country is going to give you a better chance of
meeting a conservative, good woman. Statistically, the poorer the country, the bigger chance
you're going to be the BB, even if not deliberately slipping into it, but by simply being a
Westerner with money that can afford a taxi.

scissor_me_timbers00 • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 03:13 PM

I guess I should’ve been more specific. I am definitely not going wifey hunting out there. I
was just asking about the general conditions for living abroad.

JamesSkepp • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 03:54 PM

What are you trying to escape from?

scissor_me_timbers00 • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:13 PM

Lol it’s not escape. You just assume that going abroad must automatically involve
escape? I want to travel and see some new places, expand my horizon.

[deleted] 27 November, 2019 08:46 PM*


scissor_me_timbers00 • 1 point • 28 November, 2019 02:49 AM

What about western travel chicks and Latinas? Both of which I’d prefer to Thais.

[deleted] 28 November, 2019 02:56 AM*


CuntMonteCristo • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 09:18 AM

Shit Dude, Asia was one of our last bastions of hope :-(

JamesSkepp • 6 points • 22 November, 2019 12:38 PM

Thing's are not going to get more chaotic, they'll get more diverse (and I don't mean the PC diversity)
and hectic. Can you imagine (let alone predict accurately) what the combination of AI, sexbots, AR
will look like? What about CRISPR and desiger babies? What about the combination of
nanotechnology and real time, on the fly DNA design that will alter you in matter of weeks or days? Page 9 of 22
scissor_me_timbers00 • 3 points • 22 November, 2019 03:16 PM

Uh beg to differ. Societal, political, and economic breakdown spells chaotic conditions. I think it
is abundantly clear that the stability in these domains we grew up with is destabilizing and will
continue to do so. I’m not predicting apocalypse. But I am predicting much much more social
unrest on the menu for the 21st century. It seems transparently undeniable to me.

JamesSkepp • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 03:53 PM

Societal, political, and economic breakdown spells chaotic conditions

There will be no societal, political or economic breakdown, not as catastrophic as WW2 or

something like that. If anything along your ideas is going to happen, it's likely going to
resemble 2008 crash perhaps combined with local proxy war like Crimea or Syria.

scissor_me_timbers00 • 3 points • 22 November, 2019 04:17 PM

Well I’m not implying WW2 level catastrophe. But I’m fairly confident it will exceed the
08 crash. And exceed little regional proxy skirmishes. We would be profoundly lucky if
the 21st century goes along at this simmer level that’s it’s been since 9/11. At some point
some things will boil over. The US will likely break down constitutionally. The Middle
East will likely break out into larger Sunni/Shia wars than what we’ve seen. The economy
will likely shit a brick at some point. Our familiar stability won’t last forever. It’s actually
a bubble in history that we were born into, of peace and prosperity.

JamesSkepp • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:35 PM

it will exceed the 08 crash

I was an economic crash, but not something that really shook the collective
consciousness of the planet, not even USA.

The Middle East will likely break out into larger Sunni/Shia wars than what we’ve

Good, they can take Israel with them.

TricksterOfFate • 1 point • 24 November, 2019 08:00 PM

There will be no collapse. Society will mutate into a Ghost In The Shell like society, with a lot
of terrorism from the people that don't have the money to afford the technologies that is
coming to improve their life after technologies made them lost their jobs.

scissor_me_timbers00 • 1 point • 25 November, 2019 12:59 AM

I never said there would be a “collapse”. I said there would be further destabilization. And
probably some escalating crisis points. How far society devolves tho is an open question.
If we’re speaking by mid century, I think things could look pretty bleak and unstable.

TricksterOfFate • 1 point • 24 November, 2019 07:36 PM

The only way to put an end to hypergamy is to make women sex appeal obsolete, and only sex robots
can do that. Once every man can get perfect 10 with the personality they want them to have, then
hypergamy can't find buyers anymore and die. Which bring back sanity in society. Page 10 of 22
scissor_me_timbers00 • 1 point • 25 November, 2019 01:02 AM

This is a massive delusion. The idea that sexbots will replace the desire for women en masse is
fucking nonsense lolol. It will always remain a niche preference. That niche may grow a bit but
will always remain fairly fringe. It will never take away female power ha.

TricksterOfFate • 1 point • 26 November, 2019 01:32 AM

History will tell. But if you look articles on the internet, you will see an interesting pattern.

[deleted] • 15 points • 21 November, 2019 06:49 PM

This actually put things in perspective a bit, we are the same animals but the rules have changed.

[deleted] • 3 points • 22 November, 2019 12:20 AM

Imperator_red before he wrote this comment: I'm about to end this mans whole career.

JamesSkepp • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 12:33 PM

But they do get respect. It's just that it's not respect for chastity but for promiscuity. The mechanism is the
same in both cases, it's just that the content is different.

TwentyEighteen • 23 points • 21 November, 2019 08:30 PM

On the other hand, you can influence a girlfriends’ beliefs pretty easily if done correctly. this is why I’m not
too concerned with a girl’s political beliefs (as long as they’re not too extreme). If you hold a strong frame,
your girlfriend will absorb your beliefs.
But yes women are very much influenced by their family and friends. Her decision to fuck you was likely a
group decision also. Stay away from women with bad friends or family

lund_lord • 22 points • 21 November, 2019 04:54 PM

the post op mentions -

GayLubeOil • 43 points • 21 November, 2019 06:57 PM

I'm so excited to see a top rated well written post on Red Pill after a week of bullshit that had to be removed by
our team.

SKRedPill[S] • 7 points • 22 November, 2019 04:38 AM

Any idea why I could not get the post on the cringeworthy messages on men's day up? It was a curated
collection of all that's wrong with the human race.

Imperator_Red • 16 points • 21 November, 2019 05:44 PM*

I theorize that a large part of this might be due to the fact that humans, like chimps, were most likely patrilocal.
This means that the males form the core of the group and the females leave to join other groups as a form of
inbreeding avoidance.
This also means that the males of the group would mostly be related to each other. They could bicker and argue
and have differences of opinion, but still be held together by the evolutionary glue of kin selection. Female herd
behavior probably evolved as an adaptation to increase the group solidarity between so many unrelated
Also, Inb4 all the bloopers start screaming that men can be also be horizontally influenced and women can also Page 11 of 22
be vertically influenced.
Yes we know that men are also somewhat influenced by the herd and women are also somewhat influenced by

SKRedPill[S] • 13 points • 21 November, 2019 05:55 PM

Most blue pill conditioning starts vertically in men as boys influenced by the messages sent by their
superiors and the larger society. So does the un-conditioning process to red pilled frame. This takes time and
effort and cultivation.
Horizontal doesn't work so much for men. We don't talk about fight club is one way of saying that - you can't
hope to influence your peer guys until they get hit by reality themselves. I believe the change from boy to
man is so great it can only properly be achieved vertically.

tenpointmatt • 25 points • 21 November, 2019 06:31 PM

I agree for the most part - you're describing basic bitches, in a nutshell.
But I'd take slight issue with your characterization of men as vertically-oriented, inherently independent, and
naturally invested in their own frame. A shitload of men will just do whatever they feel will get them laid. So
when the herd meanders toward feminism and 'you-go-girl,' those men tag along repeating the same drivel. Like
mindless pussy-following drones. IMO that's basically 80% of guys.

BACONisKEWLEST • 16 points • 21 November, 2019 07:49 PM

If you prefer, it may be helpful to characterize his talking points as examples of archetypical femininity and
masculinity. It’s no secret that the modern west is severely lacking in both.

[deleted] 21 November, 2019 11:01 PM*


SKRedPill[S] • 3 points • 22 November, 2019 03:48 AM

This. Most men are simply a bunch of individuals sharing a common set of beliefs or purposes. Just
because all men have a sex drive does not make them a herd. Men's herds are still vertical.
The reason why many men might show feminine traits is because they're overwhelmingly raised by
women in a feminine centric environment serving feminine narrative right from infancy and it's fed into
them as boys. Their T levels are really low now compared to their grandparents.
And yet when their illusions are broken, the real man will begin to emerge.

wtfdoiaskfor1 • 2 points • 28 November, 2019 05:09 PM

Their T levels are really low now compared to their grandparents.

My T is well over 3000ng/dL and I still act like a bitch... it must be something deeper than that

Danolix • 2 points • 21 November, 2019 07:59 PM

It's kind of sad but I want to think that they are just 50% or 40% of guys that do this at least.

TheElementalWalker • 11 points • 21 November, 2019 07:18 PM

This herd mentality seems to be present with logical discourse as well. I explained to my ex how the wage gap
didn't exist three times, and each time she still didn't believe me. Utter waste of time Page 12 of 22
TheDroogie • 5 points • 22 November, 2019 01:43 AM

It’s so weird why her degree in Women’s Studies is perceived to be less valuable then your degree in
Engineering. Obviously it’s the Patriarchy’s fault.

SailorAground • 8 points • 21 November, 2019 06:54 PM

Necessary reading on the difference between male and female social hierarchies, lads:

_Fuckit_ • 8 points • 21 November, 2019 06:35 PM*

I actually kinda agree with this, women have a collective value that has plummeted in recent times. It used to be
a girl was considered a good girl until proven otherwise, now because of all the things men have
seen/experienced, women are considered sluts until proven otherwise. Because of thots, any girl that is actually a
good girl (unicorn) would have to convince any guy she's interested in that she is a good girl.

LLForbie • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 02:27 AM

Which is impossible, right?

johngalt1234 • 0 points • 22 November, 2019 05:19 AM

Its better to have our current scenario in this regards than the former.

PickUpScientist • 7 points • 21 November, 2019 09:21 PM

I know a person not familiar with red pill knowledge might read your post and see misogyny or general sexism
as the subtext, but it really isn't. It is such a common phenomenon that I don't think its fair for people to reduce
this idea to only apply to a small portion of women; that our observations are a case of confirmation bias. I think
that would be an inaccurate conclusion.
In the United States the bar for attractive height is 6 feet, and lately its even been edging up to 6'2". I don't
remember the exact height standard woman have in the U.K., but as I recall its not quite as tall (I think its
180cm, or roughly 5'11") another nice even number. This is interesting, because English guys are slightly taller
on average, and yet the height requirement is lower. This indicates that their preferences (and habits, hobbies,
opinions, etc.) are indeed culturally adopted, as you implied.
Height was probably a bad example because the point I'm building towards is that despite what women say,
there is a clear list of characteristics the majority of them find attractive. This means that men can get much more
compliments, and naturally start to feel much more confident even before they start practicing game. It can also
dramatically improve the reactions they get, which causes a positive feedback loop, making them more
confident, which in turn will make them even more attractive.
I don't see this quality of women to be a bad thing at all. I feel like men left to their own devices would all go do
their own thing, always in their own way, and that does not make for an efficient society. Women are an
adhesive force. They determine what "normal/attractive" is, and because men all do have one thing in common
(a desire to be desirable to women) it leads us to conform to these characteristics.
I like the metaphor of a relationship (be it casual, serious, or somewhere in between) as a boat in which the man
is the mast and the woman is the sail. The mast stays solid, holding the sail in place. Its important that the mast is
strong enough not to not be swayed by each and every whim of the sail, otherwise the boat would travel around
randomly and you get nowhere. But it is the sail that gets you to where you need to be. A boat with a mast but no
sail would just drift in solitude, and if there is no current it will just stay in one place. Page 13 of 22
My point is that just as it is important for men to be free thinkers, it is important to to have women to guide us
away from uncharted waters. Individuality and conformity work best together, sort of like yin and yang. You
can't live a truly fulfilling life with just one or the other.

SKRedPill[S] • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 03:32 AM

Misogyny arguments and outrage culture are socially fashionable now.

JamesSkepp • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 01:05 PM

You managed to make an interesting metaphor. You see a sailboat can go (up to a certain forward angle)
against the wind, b/c it's not the sail or mast that gives the direction, it's the rudder.
Which brings me to this: if the man is the mast, the woman is the sail, who is the rudder and who the rudder
is being steered by?

Lateralanouncer • 6 points • 21 November, 2019 07:28 PM

Very accurate post. In the past this was a good thing. Both men and women are from a tribal/herd society’s.
Being removed from a Tribe for a woman meant death/rape or becoming food for wild animals. Fast forward to
2019 where smart phones are the new social influences. Facebook, Instagram, net flix. Feminists videos. Tinder.
Friends approval and etc are there new tribal influences. This is why trying to keep a ltr marriage whatever is
such hard work no matter what we do. They are one feminist video or text from friend from leaving.

ximx • 2 points • 1 December, 2019 10:05 PM*

Women's beliefs and actions nowadays are indeed strongly influenced by friends and social influences. If a
girl has a bunch of sluts as close friends, she likely is one of them. It's the herd mentality women have that
men like us just don't respond to. Red pilled men have friends with important values that they have in
common and that they can interact with on an intellectual level without being pushed around, but they are not
afraid of breaking up friendships if they don't connect with friends anymore or if they don't like their friend's
life decisions or changes in personality, values or beliefs. Women on the other hand just accept and adopt
each others immoral and self-destructive beliefs and behaviours rather than risking hurting their bad friends
by ending these toxic friendships, just because they're 'best friends for life'. The worst part is that these
modern 'tribal' influences are most likely what makes them decide to go out with you in the first place. They
take group decisions and call that having a supportive group of friends. Or even worse, they applaud the anti-
intellectual feminist garbage their fellow herd members spew on social media all day to cope with their own
failures. The fact that, before you even start dating properly, you have to research a girl's social influences
and find out what kind of people her friends are in order to determine if she might be a 'good girl' with whom
you have the potential for a healthy LTR and a traditional marriage, is deeply saddening. It wasn't always
like this and as with most things, it was better in the past.

MilkMoney111 • 4 points • 21 November, 2019 09:45 PM

Interestingly I’ve found I have been doing much better loving women as a collective rather than one in
particular. I have allitis now

dr_warlock • 6 points • 22 November, 2019 03:53 AM

Fantastic. A breath of fresh air. TRP has been slackin lately.

I love the analogy of needing a basic training/bootcamp -like scenario to mold a male, to change their core
personalities (not even an exaggeration). The boy-to-man transformation that females lack. Everything. Page 14 of 22
Mods, give this guy a plus one (forgot the character code).

Women are like a gas, unless confined and compressed, they just fly around going where the wind blows. Men
are a solid that requires a lot of heat and pressure to mold (once cooled, they stay that way).

SKRedPill[S] • 3 points • 22 November, 2019 06:22 AM*

In Taoism and Yoga, men are said to be closer to the element of earth, while women are closer to water. The
analogy in Taoism is that of a mighty mountain trying to dictate the course of the waves and the waves trying
to erode the rock.
There's even a collective female pain body.
We knew all these things from thousands of years ago. Only the last couple of generations were
systematically educated into a different narrative.

UsernameIWontRegret • 10 points • 21 November, 2019 04:45 PM

Great post.
I wonder if there are any studies to show that women are more subject to peer pressure than men. Because it
makes a lot of sense and explains the reality we observe.

cdh1003 • 10 points • 21 November, 2019 06:00 PM

Yes, I believe so. And much more likely to mirror behaviour of those around them. E.g. there's a famous
experiment where young babies are put next to a kid who is crying. Girls invariably start crying too (even
though there's no negative influence or experience other than the other crying kid), whilst boys generally sit
there and do their own thing. Reveals a basic difference in psychology between the sexes.

GreedoGrindhouse • 4 points • 21 November, 2019 06:50 PM

Do you remember the name of the researcher or title of the study where male/female infants react
That would be an interesting read. Crazy to think how hard society pushes the men/women are mentally
identical and it's all conditioning.

cdh1003 • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 08:38 PM

This isn't the one I was looking for, but supports the point re differences in empathy:
Will try to find the one about kids

cdh1003 • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 09:07 PM

Again, not the paper in looking for, but whole book on gender and emotional contagion,
concluding "women have a stronger tendency to 'catch' another's emotion compared to men":

[deleted] • 5 points • 21 November, 2019 05:55 PM

Its psychologically proven women are more agreeable than men, thats proof enough.

SKRedPill[S] • 9 points • 21 November, 2019 05:06 PM

Studies may not work and I don't need someone to give me a suggestion there "might be differences" - I can Page 15 of 22
see it myself. People behave differently when they know they're being observed. The best laboratory is
everywhere you look.

[deleted] 21 November, 2019 05:33 PM*


SKRedPill[S] • 19 points • 21 November, 2019 05:47 PM*

Yes that's what I said. Male herds are vertical. They don't work well if there's no one at the top.

IterMercator • 3 points • 21 November, 2019 10:57 PM

Yea, male herds are self-sufficient, but that doesn't mean they are self-coherent

scissor_me_timbers00 • 3 points • 21 November, 2019 09:08 PM

Nietzsche has some quote somewhere about how women, despite being incredibly stupid, in fact subconsciously
and collectively exhibit the wisdom of the species.

[deleted] 21 November, 2019 10:18 PM


raarts • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 12:04 AM

Just barging in but I do think there is something here. I've noticed that women have more problems with
cultural norms being forced upon them, and are more scared of offending people or being judged by others
compared to men. I think it's for fear of being ostracized.
I recently saw a striking scene in a Korean TV series. It was a depiction of a man sitting on the floor in great
fear, cringing and protecting himself with his arms from many voices judging him.
It struck me that this scene must have been written by a woman. Men feel less hurt by words than women
and would not respond like this.
An evolutionary explanation seems plausible.

vodoun • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 12:21 AM

yes, it would make sense that while a man's survival depends on his uniqueness and ability to stand on
his own away from the pack, a woman needs to stay in the herd and move with it to ensure survival.
again though, it's really stupid to believe that fucking 3 guys within the same timeframe was JUST
invented or that women from past generations just wanted to be housewives and mothers. whoring is
literally the world's oldest profession, why wouldn't we use all the tools at our disposal? that would be

SKRedPill[S] • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 05:59 AM*

As always, the exception argument. No woman I know is exception to this pattern.

I come from a conservative part of the world where I have known a culture where women could kill
themselves over the shame of being considered unfaithful or for social humiliation for things like being in
debt. The momentum of their peer group of mothers, mothers in law, the society and sisterhood also deeply
affected their preferences and opinions and even their emotional responses and even the kind of rituals they
followed and valued.
Today's woman is obviously very triggered emotionally just reading the older generation ladies bless a new Page 16 of 22
bride to have a baby soon on Twitter and that again is the result of the modern woman popular conditioning.
They talk about choice and yet get triggered because someone wants to do something against the herd.
And please, you think you're the first one I've seen who told me that? It's pretty much standard pattern these
days to pick selected segments of writing and argue on them without actually discussing the main point. I
will totally not be surprised if everyone in your peer group is doing exactly what you are, you said it

[deleted] 22 November, 2019 09:01 AM


SKRedPill[S] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 09:14 AM*

You confirmed everything I wrote.

You're replaceable too. And you are already rejected, well actually you weren't up for consideration.
And just wait till you get older... Begone thot!

[deleted] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:33 AM

Your reply is thinking within the modern women social program.

vodoun • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 04:35 AM

lol no
that's what I said in my original comment. you have to be a complete fool to believe that all of a sudden
women have become these liberated whores
it's just always been this way

[deleted] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:39 AM*

Lol yes. You’d have to be a complete fool to believe women have always been liberated whores. It
hasn’t always been this way.
In most of the world for most of history virginity was a requirement to be taken seriously as a wife
investment. All religions take virginity as important.And family is the building block off a society.
In most religions virginity is important.
Men don’t organize societies and families around women with whom they can’t trust if the child
belongs to them. Fatherhood is important in every society.
Women were dependent on male or until machines came to past,so women behaved (in
general,relatively speaking). Also the pill changed a lot. Child bearing also keep women wise about
sticking to one man (again not all but most).
Your showing that you don’t understand fundamental realities of social order. You were programmed
to think erroneously....your program feeds into the corporate system as a consumer.

vodoun • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:42 AM

ah i see, so prostitution was invented when?

[deleted] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:45 AM

For women not worth marrying. Not trustworthy or useful enough to a family. She doesn’t
know her own worth except in money. Page 17 of 22
vodoun • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:47 AM

literally tons of prostitutes were/are married...

so what are we thinking, 1980s or so when it was invented?

[deleted] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:48 AM

Your point is a side issue that is irrelevant to the bigger picture.

Family, virginity and marriage have been very important basic building blocks to
society for millennia.

[deleted] 22 November, 2019 04:52 AM


[deleted] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 04:55 AM

Yea they are falling apart very quickly,single motherhood on the rise
dramatically. Divorce skyrocketing yea families are falling apart, it’s obvious.

[deleted] 22 November, 2019 04:51 AM


[deleted] • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 04:54 AM

It’s called technology. Women were dependent on men for along time because of childbirth
and physical weakness. Technology has made physical strength and physical labor and
aggression less important,it has also made the world more connected and open so women are
free from dependency on men from a survival standpoint.... that’s the big key.

[deleted] 22 November, 2019 05:02 AM


SKRedPill[S] • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 06:12 AM

And there you go in to add hominem shaming attacks and there this is other guy who's
basically giving you good entertainment. Out you go.

etucker546 • 2 points • 21 November, 2019 09:09 PM

"To make man into a herd animal, we literally need to put them through the military grind where order is
established after a lot of training, and rules and consequence"
Or he can be raised by a single mother just like the "men" in my community, the black community. American
black "men" out here docile emotional feminized little babies. It's so pathetic I don't even converse about politics
or social issues with black men until my SIMP radar determines you are not a SIMP.

SKRedPill[S] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 03:30 AM

Still, it's vertical, this influence. It descends from some higher authority to whom they end up deferring to.
Women defer to the herd they're a part of.

ZeusAlansDog • 2 points • 21 November, 2019 10:22 PM

There's an expression that's been floated around here that sums this up nicely: women are like water. Page 18 of 22
That jives well with what you just wrote.

SKRedPill[S] • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 06:32 AM

In Taoism and Yoga women are closer to the water principle and me closer to the earth principle. Taoism
even gives the analogy of a mountain and the ocean. The mountain creates boundaries for the water to flow,
the water tries to dissolve the mountain.
I had read Tolle for dealing with my anger and depressed phase. It helped me let go of most of it though I
still need to work on the more subtle scars. He even talked about a collective feminine pain body. Women in
generally get into their pain bodies from time to time and go through a whole cycle of anger and pain and
even main events - something that is obvious in marriages and ltrs. There is a herd thing to this as well. And
looking at the modern woman, and the explosion of mental illnesses today, he's totally right. It is this that is
driving women to become like men at one level.
I have a theory that feminism as it has become exists because these women never received the masculine
energy they needed to settle into their feminine. Many of them had shitty relationships with their fathers and
men in their lives. They are subconsciously seeking it by trying to become more masculine.

zed65 • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 04:11 AM

Even conservative women believe women should have special protections, traditionally female priveleges and
the right to vote.

SKRedPill[S] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 07:25 AM

This is not the point of this post.

zed65 • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 10:12 AM

I was resonating with the point you made that says all women are only exceptional to a point, they're both
red pill and blue pill at the same time. I've noticed a trend where a lot of women who claim to be
conservatives and or libertarian are often times not much different than progressive liberals. They claim
to be so but when it comes down to it they still have an inherent collectivist mentality, the herd mentality.
That's the point that stuck out to me. Honestly I think progressive liberal women are just more honest that
the "libertarian /conservative" women.

The_Junto • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 06:00 AM

Refreshing to see this on TRP. I've been away from the sub for a long time because of the decline in quality.
Haven't read something this well written in a long time. More of this please.

Krelious • 5 points • 21 November, 2019 07:06 PM

I would say and i think you know this that the media, social engineers corporations all know this and use it to
warp and twist women into a point of being in constant contention with men and acting in ways that infuriate us.
Its also hilarious to exist in a culture which thrives on "gender equality" which really means mentally castrating
men into function in a feminine world because women are easy to control. If you lower testosterone levels by
adding endocrine disrupting chemicals into literally everything we buy and then expose men to an education
system that caters to women and then shames men for toxic masculinity it becomes a no brainer that western
civilization is fucked beyond repair and there's no sense trying to live within its framework because trying to act
like a man will get you blacklisted socially and opposing the government agenda the normies will think you are
disruptive or bigoted.
I would say from a very young age i was a creative free thinker and kids at school bullied me because I refused Page 19 of 22
to adapt to their slave programming. What i see is a world that thrives on abusing people into comformaty from a
young age. What i see now as a man who has struggled is that even as a small boy i was always the man I am
now I just never understood it. I would also add that I am not a mutt living in Canada and I am over 90%
Serbian. I would say this is an important distinction because i think genetics play a large role in our psychology
with a massive role in our potential like the marble you use to chisel a statue. This is why I think race mixing
even amongst Europeans can prove disastrous in producing a breed of human beings who are easy to control like
the orks in mordor.
When you look at the redpill of understanding the world you see how everything is interconnected and there is a
war on consciousness going on.

Jonasena • 3 points • 21 November, 2019 06:44 PM

Be careful not alienating women entirely. In many ways, women are like men, and men like women. Men are not
excempt from your so called "herd", they are in fact a big part of it.

danielle2339 • 1 point • 21 November, 2019 09:01 PM

The exception proves the rule.

[deleted] 21 November, 2019 09:18 PM


wawakaka • 1 point • 21 November, 2019 10:00 PM

there are definitely two world

JensenMse • 1 point • 21 November, 2019 11:11 PM

What doesn't change is the body. That hasn't really changed at all, therefore at least in matters of sexual
attraction, women have not really changed, although it can lead to some real cognitive dissonance in them -
the more the mind and body go in two different directions, the greater is this pain of confusion. But if you
can get them out of their head for a while, you'll see that hasn't changed. If anything it's reemerging in it's
original form now.

This is why appealing to her body instead of her mind works when you want to get a woman for yourself.
Society and the herd may have changed how she thinks, but nothing can ever change how natural instinct that
the body is wired with. The more one looks to what a woman does, the more truth he will get out of her over
listening to her words (that actually come out of her brain via her mouth.)

[deleted] • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 12:23 AM

if all her friends are sluts..... it's safe to assume.

Chitlinsandgravy • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 01:23 AM

Of you want to know "who" she is, look at her friends.

dasCooDawg • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 02:23 AM

So I would generalize this more... a feminine person (man or woman) will follow the herd and all what you’ve
outlined. Page 20 of 22
actuallybrazilian • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 07:50 AM

indeed, the herd not being all the women, but her '' peers ''
it s one of the reasons '' expectations '' about money spending can rise so much with women in a relationship. if
she adapts to a new herd mentality that expects to travel all the time, have a maid, etc she'll grow to resent the
men if she does not provide what the rest of the herd gets
reading this post made me remember a conversation with a depressed friend that got divorce raped and how he
talked about how much she '' changed '' and even when he offered more to her than at the start of the relationship
it was not enough for her. thing is they changed the place they lived to a high class area and so did her friends, to
SAM's of men far richer than him
it s one more really important lesson about dealing with women/relationships that society does not teach men

SKRedPill[S] • 2 points • 22 November, 2019 08:37 AM

He failed to realize it was not how much he loved her, but how much she loved him that mattered, and that
didn't exist. When people get into a relationship because they like how much someone loves them, they are
only loving themselves. Once a woman enters this dynamic, there is no more relationship or attraction. A
man who respected her was never enough for her because what she wanted was a man she could be attracted
to and respect.
Next time when they say they'll marry someone who ties their shoelaces, find out if they're willing to tie
YOUR shoelaces voluntarily. Beware of any woman who tells you that they like the way you treat them.
And send your friend to mrp.

JamesSkepp • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 12:27 PM

The rest of her individual personality is mostly inborn and wired in.

What characteristics do you consider inborn, wired in? Or do you mean stuff like "i like ponies b/c my granma
had one"?
Also, do you consider the "herd mentality" as a form of relinquishing control and/or submission or do you think
these are 2 totally different, not connected at all things?

SKRedPill[S] • 1 point • 23 November, 2019 08:44 AM*

I will give you my own extended family's case in point. My mum for example is by nature ultra disciplined.
She's also on the harsher side and when triggered can be a bit like a viper - no sense of humor. Phenomenally
stubborn. My eldest aunt is an all work, really smart, high IQ, works in a big bank, loves to talk on and on,
but very volatile, a volcano waiting to burst, but fond of jokes. Another aunt is really sweet at first, but really
Machiavelian in every damn thing - and really scared of heights. A cousin of mine has always been a softy
who can cry on demand (no this is exceptional) but also has a good sense of humor. Another aunt on my
father's side is very particular about having her own space and schedule, always. Another female cousin for
whatever reason is intrinsically lazy and hates discomfort in any form, dreadful with babies. Another is
always a bubbly case who loves babies. Another always wants to be the center of control and she took care to
marry a beta husband specifically for that reason. My first niece always keeps asking kids versions of shit
test questions, and she's unique in that, big confident talker. A second niece only ever cries when hungry.
Another cousin is an introvert. One loves cats, the other loves puppies. Some are really patient, others are
highly strung. Some are really fond of old school traditions, others just run at the mere mention. One is a
book lover, the other is allergic to books. Some need the nightlamp on, others need complete darkness to
sleep in. Page 21 of 22
Some cannot be made to drive, ever. Some can. We tried.
All of them learnt their stuff from the same parents and grandparents. Everyone cooks differently.
My ex, oh god, no!!! She and her cousins often had completely different food and clothing preferences.
My grandparents when they were alive claimed that no one would believe their children or grandchildren are
related. They told me these characteristics have been around since they were kids and only grew more
pronounced as teenagers. I don't want to get to the neighbours or school or college. How do you explain all
that? Outside influences can't explain these differences, especially when they've been around since
Nevertheless despite all these differences, they're all women. At any family gathering for example, they'll all
dress similarly. The fundamentals never change. None of them are men. And to me their relationships are
Machiavelian, always in flux between alliances and enemies. They're all love-hate relationships. Me and my
buddies, well, we can meet each other after months and not at all bother that we haven't spoken in months.
But if anything happens to our friendship, it's broken. It might not be the same again. We just can't do that
love hate thing.

Kratom_Dumper • 1 point • 22 November, 2019 10:17 PM

This is some good shit.

And this is why it is so important that you find a woman that comes from a "good girl" culture (which means
NOT the west) and not bringing her back to a feminist society.

INNASKILLZ2K18 • 1 point • 24 November, 2019 12:09 AM

Thanks for the shout-out. I wrote that post about women not having a frame.
It made sense to me. Women follow other's frames. Family, societal, social Media's and men's.
Be strong in YOUR frame, not the type you would think she'd like, and she'll follow.
It's like the guys who are obsessed with the fact women like dark triad. 'Oh they love dark triad types, how how
how do I become dark triad'?
LIVE IN YOUR FRAME. A frame which doesn't involve putting women on pedestals, involves some higher
purpose and as you say 'vertical' focus, will always do well.

TricksterOfFate • 1 point • 24 November, 2019 06:43 PM

Women are drones programmed by the culture created by the oligarchy elites of their society. That why it will be
better for men to be with female robots programmed for their individual interest than be slave to the herd.
Curse be nature and its chains. Science is and will alway be the only ally of men.

PlebsFelix • 0 points • 22 November, 2019 04:28 AM

Don't overthink female nature. There isn't much there to be honest. She's just a goofy chick, you're just a horny
man, and that's all that needs to be true for you to get some ass Page 22 of 22

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