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1) Provide ONE example of informational appeal communication in the real world.

An informational appeal elaborates on product or service attributes or benefits.

Problem-solution advertising, product demonstration advertising, product comparison
advertising, and testimonials from unknown or celebrity endorses are example in
advertising. Informational appeals assume very sensible processing of the communication
on the part of the consumer. Using an informational appeal is a functional way to explain
your product to a viewer or customer to be. It gives you the opportunity to highlight the
features of the product and the benefits a consumer will receive when using the product.
But, informative ads also can come across as dull. If a consumer is not at all interested in
hearing how a product works, it will undoubtedly bore them, and they will find no reason
to continue listening to the benefits of the product. As an example, Garnier a skincare
product always come out with advertisement telling the benefit of their product. They
aimed and called to all woman out there who has a skin problem and come out with a
solution by using their product. The Garnier product has natural ingredient which good
for all skin type which are gives you super-hydrated and healthy looks skin. They
targeted a people who has a dull skin and dark spot and invited a successful testimony in
the advertising. They only only present the advantages of taking an action and fail to
mention any possible disadvantages of their product.Garnier product did not mention any
disadvantages or any side-effects if their consumer’s skin does not suitable with that
skincare product.

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