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Questions for habitat destruction article

1. What are some examples of habitat destruction in Korea (or your

country if you are not from Korea)?

2. Why do you think that people don’t take habitat destruction very
seriously? Do you think they (a) don’t care or (b) don’t know, or some
combination of both?

3. What can we do to stop habitat destruction, or do you think it is just an

inevitable part of modernization?

4. What role, if any, do you think education plays in fighting against

habitat destruction?


Students will submit their work digitally (I-Class) on the first day of week 15, June 6th. Please

use 12 pt., English Times New Roman and double space. You must align your copy to the

left margin. Maximum entry is two pages. You must also not exceed 675 words. You

cannot exceed the limit. No late documents will be accepted. If you submit late documents

or do not follow the format, points will be deducted. Only use Microsoft Word and do not

use HWP. This will count as part of your final grade.

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