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1.  How often do you go to the cinema?

2.  Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?
3.  What kind of films do you like?
4.  What kind of films don’t you like?
5.  Do you prefer old films or modern ones?
6.  Who are your favourite actors?
7.  Do you have a favourite producer?

8.  How do you decide what to watch?

9.  Do you buy films on DVD?
10. Do you download films from Internet?
11. Do your prefer watching a film alone or with somebody?
12. Can you remember being shocked by a film?
13. What film have you seen the most times?
14. What’s the funniest film you've ever seen?
15. What’s the scariest film you've ever seen?
16. Have you ever walked out of a cinema before the film finished?
17. Have you ever seen a film that had a big effect on your life?
18. How will the cinema change in the next 20 years?

1.  What kind of clothes do you like?

2.  What kind of clothes don’t you like?

3.  What’s your favourite piece of clothing?

4.  What do you never wear?

5.  What do you wear now that you never wore 10 years ago?

6.  What did you wear 10 years ago that you never wear now?

7.  How long does it take you to decide what to wear when you get dr

8.  Do you ever have any problems with clothes?

9.  Do you enjoy shopping for new clothes?

10. Where do you know from what fashionable is?

11. Have you ever bought something quite expensive, but never really worn?

12. Do you ever make your own clothes?

13. How important is it to be well-dressed?

14. Do people feel different in different clothes?

15. Can you judge someone by clothes?

16. Do the clothes reflect what is inside?

17. What’s the strangest fashion you've ever seen?

18. What will we wear in 20 years?

1.  Do you like your name?

2.  What does your name mean?

3.  How did your parents choose your name?

4.  Is it a good idea to name a baby after someone in the fam

5.  What do you think about naming a baby after a saint?

6.  How do you feel about naming a baby after a famous perso

7.  Is it a good idea to name a baby after one of the parents?

8.  What do you think about giving a foreign name to a baby?

9.  How do you feel about parents who invent names for their babies?

10. What’s the most unusual name you’ve ever heard?

11.  Is it better to have a common name or more unusual one?

12. If you could change your name, what would you choose?

13. Have you ever lied about your name?

14. Have you ever had any problems with your name?

15. Can you tell a funny story connected with your name?

16. Are you good at remembering names?

17. How do you feel about giving human names to pets?

18. Do names affect people’s lives?

1.  How often do you go shopping?

2.  Is shopping routine or pleasure for you?

3.  What do you like about shopping?

4.  What don’t you like about shopping?

5.  Do you prefer large storechains or small shops?

6.  Do you ever go to markets?

7.  Have you ever bought anything from a door-to-door sal

8.  Have you ever ordered anything by mail?

9.  Do you do any shopping online?

10. What’s more important to you: price, quality, brand or something else?

11. Do you usually plan your purchases?

12. Do you like to ‘shop around’ comparing prices?

13. Are you a bargain-hunter?

14. Do you usually bargain with the seller, if it’s possible?

15. Do you sometimes buy things you don’t really need?

16. Have you ever bought something on impulse and then regretted?

17. How have shops changed over the last 50 years?

18. How will shops change over the next 50 years?

1.  What’s your favourite animal?

2.  Have you got a pet?

3.  What are the advantages of having a pet?

4.  What are the disadvantages of having a pet?

5.  Are any pets pests?

6.  What can children learn by having a pet?

7.  Should people spend a lot of money on pets instead o

     helping people in need?

8.  Do you like visiting zoos?

9.  Is keeping animals in zoos cruel?

10. What do you think about using animals in circuses?

11. How do you feel about hunting?

12. What do you think about blood sports?

13. How do you feel about using animals for medical researches?

14. Are you afraid of stray dogs?

15. In what cases an animal should be put down?

16. Do animals have souls?

17. Do animals have a sense of past and future?

18. What’s the biggest difference between people and animals?

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