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Dạng 1: thư thân mật (thân bài chia 2 đoạn)

How’s it going? How have the family been? Many thanks for your last letter. It was nice to hear from
you again. I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time. I hope you and your family are well.
1) GIVING NEWS: I thought you might be interested to know…
2) Apologize: I am writing to apologize for missing your party but I am afraid I am coming
down with flu.
3) Invitation:- I am having a graduation party to mark an important milestone in my life on …,
and I hope you will be able to come.
- Would you like to come and see… with me at the weekend?
- Thank you for asking me to.. but I am afraid I am coming down with flu.
4) Request: I would be really grateful if you could…
5) Making suggests: Do visit…/ Don’t forget to../ I am sure you will enjoy..
Kết bài: -Anyway, I must go and get on with my work. Give my love to your family. We must try and
meet up soon. Look forward to seeing you again. See you soon.
Best wishes,
-be thrilled to bits: happy
1. Work or studies Technoloy has…. Contemplate….
2. Hometown
3. Tradition
4. Computers
5. Meeting places
6. Trong tập trang giữa
7. Các biện pháp của writing
8. Advertisement
9. Boring things
10. Foreign food
11. A person + a place

Not only parents but also children are on edge when mentioning educational topics
.dùng “if”
The fact that… is inevitable
It is of N

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