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Daffodil International University

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Midterm Examination, Fall 2021 @ DIU Blended Learning Center
Course Code: CSE421 (Day), Course Title: Computer Graphics
Level: 4 Term: 2 Section: ALL Modality: Open Book Exam
Date: Monday 15th November , 2021 Time: 01:30pm-4:00pm
Two and half hours (2:30), Marks: 25

Answer All Questions:

a. Would you prefer to use an LCD over LED while installing a big screen
in an outdoor environment? Explain your answer with appropriate facts
and considerations along with pros and cons. 3
b. “Computer graphics deals with creation, manipulation and storage of
different types of images and objects”- Justify your answer according
to its application. 2
2. You have been assigned to develop a tool that will be used by graphics designers to create exciting logos,
banners and other graphics objects. As part of your task, you are required for implementation that draws
a circle based on a given radius. You are skilled enough to implement the task by applying a circle drawing
algorithm but your team member doesn’t know how to do so and asked you for help. So, help him to
understand by drawing a circle with radius 15 unit and center is at (-5, last digit of your id) using ‘Midpoint
Circle Drawing Algorithm’. [please determine the points of the 1st quadrant of the circle only. Thereafter,
use the calculated points to draw a portion of the desired circle in a graph] 5
3. Determine the new points, plot and draw the new positions/shapes.
Given a shape S with corner coordinates A (x, 3), B (x+3, 1), C (x+1, -3) and D (x-4, -2).
a. Rotate the shape S by 60 degrees anti clockwise.
b. Consider the shape from above question (3.a) and Perform y axis reflection.
[ x is the 2nd last digit of your student id]. 5
4. In the following figure b, the triangle is not smooth to visualize in
the computer graphics purpose. In your opinion which effect
occurs in this figure? How can you solve the problem? 5

5. Liton and Soumya are lost in a jungle. The coordinate of Liton’s

position is (20, 24) and Soumya’s position is (32, 30). The easiest
way for them to find each other is to travel through a straight line.
Now use improvement of DDA line drawing Algorithm which will provide full accuracy to find the easiest
path from Liton’s position to Soumya’s position. Please draw the line with the help of graphs and
coordinates. 5

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