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Daffodil International University

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Faculty of Science & Information Technology
Midterm Examination, Summer 2020 @ DIU Blended Learning Center
Course Code: CSE421 (Day), Course Title: Computer Graphics
Level: 4 Term: 2 Section: O-2, O-3 & O-4
Instructor: NNM Modality: Open Book Exam
Date: Tuesday 7 July, 2020 Time: 09:00-01:00pm
Four hours (4:00) to support online open/case study based assessment Marks: 25
 Students need to go through the CASE STUDY shown in this exam paper.
 Analyze and answer specific section based on your own thinking and work.
 Do not share as this will be treated as plagiarism by Blended Learning Center.

Answer ALL Questions

1. a) In Computer Graphics, image, or bitmap is dot matrix data structure representing a

generally rectangular grid of pixels or point of color. On the other hand, to [3]
represent images in the computer graphics uses geometrical primitives such as
points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon, which are all based on mathematical
expressions. Now, write down the differences between the two approaches to
display the image on the output device.

b) Do you think Bresenham Line drawing algorithm is more efficient than DDA Line [2]
drawing algorithm? If Yes or No write the reason.

2. Illustrate a line with two endpoints (25, 35) & (35, 41) where the line depends on either dy [5]
or dx.
3. Draw a circle by using Mid-Point circle algorithm where the diameter is 26 and the center [5]
is (5, -7).
4. a) For the following picture, what transformation process should you follow to transform [2]
the rectangle A to B? Justify your answer.
b) In the above figure the object is named ‘B’ rotate in 30 degree and reflects in respect of
y axis, compute the new points.

5. In the following figure the text ‘a’ is not smooth to visualize in the computer graphics [5]
purpose. In your opinion which effect occurs in the above ‘a’? How can you solve the

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